新春伊始,又有哪些佳片要上映呢?罗伯特·帕丁森主演的《新蝙蝠侠》、迪士尼和皮克斯倾力打造的动画电影《青春变形记》,还有杨紫琼的科幻新作《瞬息全宇宙》,每一部都值得一看。(Credit: Alamy)《新蝙蝠侠》The Batman这个世界不缺蝙蝠侠电影,但是马特·里夫斯(曾执导过《科洛弗档案》和《猩球崛起:黎明之战》)导演的这部《新蝙蝠侠》的邋遢和粗犷足以让它独树一帜。在新片中,装了假体的科林·法瑞尔饰演黑帮的“企鹅”,佐伊·克拉维茨饰演做毒品交易的猫女,保罗·达诺饰演谜语人,一个以黄道十二宫杀手为原型的变态施虐狂。最重要的是,罗伯特·帕丁森饰演蝙蝠侠本人,一个极度神经质的黑暗骑士。The world isn't exactly short of Batman films, but this one, directed by Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), is grungy and gritty enough to distinguish it from the others. The Batman introduces a prosthetics-covered Colin Farrell as a gangland Penguin, Zoë Kravitz as a drug-dealing Catwoman, and Paul Dano as the Riddler, a sadistic psycho modelled on the Zodiac-Killer. Most importantly, Robert Pattinson is in the title role, playing a seriously screwed-up Dark Knight.该片将于3月4日在全球上映。Released internationally on 4 March(Credit: Disney/Pixar)《青春变形记》Turning Red《青春变形记》是第一部由女性独立执导、第一部以加拿大为故事背景、也是第一部女主角来自亚洲家庭的皮克斯动画电影。女主角名叫李美(姜晋安配音),只要一紧张就会变成一只身型巨大、毛发蓬乱的红色小熊猫。《青春变形记》和此前的皮克斯电影在视觉风格上也大不相同。导演石之予的灵感来自她在21世纪初看的日本动画片,那时候她和李美的年纪差不多。石之予告诉《The
Wrap》杂志说:“13岁的李美是一个生活在加拿大的亚洲孩子,活泼、自信但也挺呆的。她是什么样子?她的世界又是什么样?我们从《美少女战士》和《乱马1/2》这两部动画片中汲取了大量素材,这些动画的色调缤纷柔和,最能反映出小美的心境。我们真心希望观众能感受到小美的内心世界。”Turning Red is the first Pixar animation to be directed solely by a woman, the first to be set in Canada, and the first to revolve around a heroine from an Asian family: the heroine in question is Mei Lee (Rosalie Chiang), who turns into a huge, shaggy red panda whenever she is stressed. Another thing that sets Turning Red apart from previous Pixar films is its visual style. The director, Domee Shi, was inspired by the Japanese cartoons she watched when she was Mei's age in the early 2000s. "Mei Lee is this bubbly, confident but super-dorky 13-year-old Asian kid in Canada," Shi told The Wrap, "and what does that look like? What does her world look like? We drew a lot from anime – Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2 – and the super colourful soft pastels of those shows, and really feeling like that captures the spirit of Mei. We really wanted the audience to feel what Mei's feeling."该片将于3月11日在Disney+平台上映。On Disney + from 11 March(Credit: A24)《瞬息全宇宙》Everything Everywhere All At Once多元宇宙是当下很流行的题材。《瞬息全宇宙》由丹·关和丹尼尔·施纳特担任编剧和导演,杨紫琼在该片中饰演女主角伊芙琳,据宣传稿介绍,伊芙琳是“一名似乎怎么也交不完税款的精疲力竭的华裔美国女性”。然后她发现自己面临着更大的问题。她可以访问来自各个不同宇宙的无数个伊芙琳的记忆和技能,她必须用这种超能力来拯救所有平行宇宙免于被邪恶的力量摧毁。Multiverses feel like the flavour of the season. Written and directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, Everything Everywhere All At Once stars Michelle Yeoh as Evelyn, "an exhausted Chinese American woman who can't seem to finish her taxes," according to the promotional write-up. She then discovers that she has bigger problems. She can access the memories and skills of an infinite number of Evelyns from infinite different universes – and she must use that power to save all of those universes from the forces of evil.该片将于3月24日在美国和加拿大上映。Released on 24 March in the US and Canada