美国全国城市联盟10月12日发布《年度城市财政状况报告》称,由于担心经济衰退迫在眉睫,美国城镇和村庄2022财年的财政支出预计将较上一财年下降近3%。与上一年相比,31%的市政府表示2023财年的财政需求更加难以满足,这一比例较2021年增加了近两倍。 A teller counts and arranges dollar notes at an Agricultural Bank of China branch in Qionghai, Hainan province. [Photo/China Daily] 10月12日,美国全国城市联盟发布《年度城市财政状况报告》称,由于担心经济衰退迫在眉睫,美国城镇和村庄2022财年的财政支出预计将较上一财年下降近3%。Cities, towns and villages are expecting spending to decline by nearly 3% for fiscal 2022 compared with the year before, in anticipation of an economic slowdown in the near future, according to the National League of Cities’ annual City Fiscal Conditions report. 根据这份报告,在扣除通胀因素后,各市2022财年的财政收入预计将下降4%。Municipalities are expecting a 4% decline in revenues for fiscal 2022 after adjusting for inflation, according to the report, which was released Wednesday. 飙升的通货膨胀率几乎抵消了各级政府2021财年的税收收入。Abnormally high inflation rates have nearly canceled out the tax revenues these governments gained in 2021. 现在,由于美联储多次加息导致房市放缓,预计2022财年的房地产税收入将下降超过4%。销售税收入预计将下滑2.5%。预计个人所得税收入几乎不会增长。Now property tax receipts are expected to decline by more than 4% in fiscal 2022 due to the housing market slowdown triggered by multiple interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. Sales tax receipts are expected to slide 2.5%. And nearly no income tax revenue growth is expected. 与前一年相比,31%的市政府表示2023财年的财政需求更加难以满足,这一比例较2021年几乎增加了两倍。The share of cities that say they will be less able to meet their fiscal needs in 2023 is nearly tripling to 31% compared with the prior year. 与此同时,在扣除通胀因素后,各州也在加紧应对税收放缓的问题。据美国城市研究所统计,6月和7月的总税收同比只增长0.3%。Meanwhile, states are also battling with a slowdown in tax revenue, after adjusting for inflation. In June and July, total tax revenues increased only 0.3% compared with the same period a year prior, according to the Urban Institute. 个人所得税在这两个月内下降了近5%,而销售税收入下降了3.3%。Personal income taxes fell nearly 5% over the two months, while sales tax revenue declined 3.3%.