

美华 图解美国 2021-03-29

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2021年3月21日, 在美国首都华盛顿麦弗森广场举行的反仇恨亚裔集会上,马里兰大学美国研究博士候选人,美国华人联合会“文化与遗产委员会”创始成员/主席邱新倩女士作为唯一的非英语母语发言者,发表了精彩的演讲。




翻译:Jing Liu




各位下午好! 我叫邱新倩,英文名字是Allison。我和我的丈夫有两个小孩,我们住在华盛顿特区。 作为一个华裔女性和两个华裔孩子的妈妈,在亚特兰大发生枪击事件之后,我度过了“非常糟糕的一天”。当我充满恐惧、悲伤和愤怒,躲在我小小的安全空间里哭泣时,我发现我不知道怎样跟孩子谈起这件事。我无法向他们解释一个“日子过得不开心”的家伙,怎么会拿枪去三个亚裔开的水疗中心,杀死了8个人,其中6位是辛苦工作的亚裔妇女,他声称是为了“治愈他的性瘾” 。”我无法告诉他们,当我想像对亚裔有恋物癖的人会怎样毁坏我的女儿、我自己以及我们AAPI社区中的其他女孩、女士、妈妈和奶奶时,我有多么恐惧。我无法告诉他们,当我看到过去一年来我们群体遭受的不断加剧的痛苦和恐惧时,我有多害怕。可悲的事实是——这种情形仍然在恶化! 自从新冠疫情爆发以来,除了担心致命的新冠病毒之外,排外主义、种族主义,性别歧视犹如病毒,对我的家人和社区构成了更大的威胁。诸如“功夫流感”,“中国病毒”之类的种族诽谤以及令人震惊的对与我们拥有相同肤色的人们的仇恨犯罪,让我们感到极不安全。我的一些亚裔女性朋友和我有相同的感觉,就是我们每次出门买东西或走在街上时,总是处于高度警戒状态。恐惧和不安全感已经剥夺了我们最基本的享有安全保障的权利!亚裔美国人的妇女,坦率地说也是美国的每一个人,不管什么时候,去到哪里,都不应该陷入这种高度警惕的压力之中! 我们必须采取行动,改变这样的局面!  我在社交媒体上跟朋友、同事和孩子学校的家长们分享了我的想法,来自我们非常多元化的群体的近百条反馈冲击了我。他们的爱心、支持和共情不仅减轻了我的悲伤,也使我对我们共同的人性充满信心。因此,我决定在公共场合大声疾呼,以便让更多的人得到治愈、鼓励和力量! 拜托,每一位听到我演讲的人,请伸出援手! 
 1. 您可以与遭受痛苦和悲伤的亚太裔朋友联系,提供帮助和支持,哪怕是发个短信或电子邮件,告诉他们,他们是美国的一部分,受到他人的爱戴和珍视。是的,任何一点爱和同情心都会有帮助! 2. 您可以参加集会、游行、烛光守夜活动,或任何可以在公共场合表达您的感受的活动。为今天前来的所有人鼓掌,你们都是无名英雄! 3. 您可以给“停止对亚太裔仇恨”(Stop AAPI Hate),“亚美国公义促进中心” (Asian Americans Advancing Justice)和其他草根倡导组织捐款,这样他们就可以继续为我们而战! 4. 您可以让自己和周围的人接受教育,一起学习有关过去150年来针对亚太裔社区的立法和系统种族主义的历史知识,从亚太裔先驱们那里汲取力量,获得无畏地与其他族群团结起来进行反击的能力。  5. 您可以跟所在学区、城市、郡县、州里的民选官员沟通,发邮件、打电话、安排会议,告诉他们你和你的群体遭受了什么! 为亚太裔社区争取更多的资源!这其中可能包括女性自卫课程,以及为老年人提供的行走安全项目。  要求更改中小学课程,加入有关针对歧视关亚太裔社区的歧视的内容,重新评估书籍、视频剪辑、漫画、卡通,以从学校图书馆中删除所有含有潜在的仇恨犯罪的资料。这样才能消除歧视的根源!  6.最重要的信息是,始终如一地向因系统性不公而遭受压迫的人们表达同情和支持! 我们必须与亚太裔、非裔、拉美裔,原著民、犹太裔等其他遭受白人至上主义侵害的边缘化群体的姐妹兄弟,以及愿意和我们站在一起的白人同盟携起手来,并肩战斗!  如果我们站在一起,我们必将更强大! 
我们必须站起来,我们必须讲话,我们必须竭尽全力并奋力反击,所以当我们变老时,当我们的孙子孙女问他们将如何度过残酷的历史时期,我们可以自豪地告诉他们,我们来过,抗争过,我们赢了!!!  太感谢你们了!

Xinqian“ Allison” 邱新倩





Xinqian“ Allison” 邱新倩

McPherson Square Rally Speech

Washington DC 3/21/2021


Good afternoon everyone,


my name is Allison, 我叫邱新倩, I live in Washington D.C. with my husband and two young kids. 


As a Chinese American woman and mom of two Chinese American children, After the shooting in Atlanta happened, I had a "really bad day". While I cried in my little safe space with fear, sadness, and anger, I found myself having trouble talking to my kids. I could not explain to them how a random guy who "had a bad day" could just carry a gun and went to three Asian SPAs to kill 8 people, among which 6 were Asian American working-class women, to "cure his sex addiction." I could not tell them how fearful I was to imagine how Asian Fetishism could destroy my daughter, myself, and other girls, ladies, moms, and grandmoms in my AAPI community. I could not tell them how frightened I was when I saw the surging pain and fear our community had suffered in the past year, and the sad truth is that the situation is getting worse!


Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, despite worrying about the fatal coronavirus, the virus of Xephonobia, Racism, Sexism has been even more of a threat to my family and my community. Racial slurs such as "Kung Flu", "China Virus", and the horrifying hate crimes towards people who share the same skin color as us, made us feel unsafe. Some of my Asian American female friends had shared the same feeling as I had, that we were always on high-alert mode whenever we went out for grocery shopping or walking on the streets. That fear and insecurity have already deprived our fundamental right of feeling safe and secured! Asian American women, and frankly, EACH AND EVERYONE in this country, should NOT be in this high-alert stress, whenever and where ever we go outside of our house!


We gotta DO something to STOP it! 


I shared my thoughts on social media with my friends and colleagues and parents in my kid's school, I was FLOODED by almost a hundred pieces of feedback from our truly diverse communities. Their love, support, and compassion had not only cured my sorrow but also made me believe in our shared humanity. So I decided to speak up in public, so more people can be cured, encouraged and empowered!


Please, everyone who is listening to this speech, please do something to help out! 


1. You can reach out to your AAPI friends who are in pain and sorrow, to offer help, support, or simply a text/email, to tell them they are loved and valued as a part of this country. Yes, any love and compassion would help!


2. You can participate in a rally, a march, a candlelight vigil, or anything that can express your feelings in public. Applaud to everyone who joined us today, you guys are all Unsung heroes!


3. You can donate to organizations like Stop AAPI Hate, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, and many other grassroots advocacies, so they can continue to fight for us!


4. You can educate yourself and the people around you, on the legislative and systemic racism towards the AAPI communities over the past 150 years, and get empowered by how the AAPI pioneers fearlessly fought back in solidarity with other groups. 


5. You can talk to the elected officials in your school district, city, county, state, your congressional representatives, write emails, make phone calls, schedule meetings, tell them how much you and your community had suffered! 


Ask for more resources to the AAPI communities! this may include women's self-defense courses; or safe walking projects for the elders. 


Demand a change in the K-12 curriculum that contains discriminative narratives on the AAPI communities, reevaluate books, video clips, comics, cartoons, to remove all potential hate crime embeded materials from school library. so the root cause of the discrimination can be eradicated! 


6. And the most important message is, ALWAYS show your compassion and support to the people that are suffering oppression due to the institutional injustice!


We must STAND IN SOLIDARITY with our sisters and brothers who are Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Latino Americans, Indigenous Americans, Jewish Americans, other marginalized groups who had been the victims of white supremacy, alongside our white American allies who are willing to fight the battle with us! 




We must STAND UP, we must SPEAK UP, we must FIGHT BACK, with our full energy and efforts, so when we get older, when our grandchildren asked how they would survive this brutal history, we can tell them in pride, that WE CAME, WE FOUGHT, and WE WON!!! 


Thank you so much!


Xinqian “Allison” Qiu邱新倩

Ph.D. Candidate, American Studies, University of Maryland

Founding Member / Chair of the Culture and Heritage Committee, United Chinese Americans美国华人联合会









【攻略】H-1B 工作签证的几个核心要素分析














