
成都是时尚之都吗?以色列女郎这样说 | An Israeli Stylist's Look at Chengdu

成都发布 2020-08-23


The 2018 Chengdu International Fashion Week, yet another gala for citizens of the Sichuan capital, is opening. Within its span of six days, the city's trendsetters and general populace alike will be treated to showcases of top-line brands, exhibitions of original designs and an eponymous fashion industry chain forum.



How is Chengdu's "fashion genes" manifested?


Let me show you a set of data:


The latest data as of this month indicate that,


In Chengdu, there are 155 international top-level brands,


with 200 stores,


And third-most international premium brands in China!

数据直观,故事也许更动人,小布抛出话题,这次与住在成都的以色列时尚女郎Maayan Levy聊了聊。

Numbers are clear-cut but perhaps it is the story that hits the spot. With regards to Chengdu's "fashion genes," I had a chat with the lovely Ms. Maayan Levy, an Israeli fashionista currently living in this fashionable city.

Maayan Levy,中文名“马漾”。来自以色列,毕业于申卡尔设计与工程学院时尚设计专业,是以色利某美肤品牌创始人及CEO,同时,也是Chengdu Women in Business Network社群联合创始人。

Maayan Levy has a Chinese name, Ma Yang. She hails from Israel and is a graduate of Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. She is the founder and CEO of an Israeli skincare brand, and co-founder of Chengdu Women in Business Network.



24 Hours at the Workplace


At 7:30 am, Maayan wakes up in her apartment on Kehua Road North. Still bleary-eyed, the first thing she does is make a cup of strong coffee. She's not in a hurry to go out, as one of her offices is just downstairs. Usually, she meditates on the couch for a while, the length of which depends on the recent stress she's been feeling in recent days. A busy day must start with emptiness.


Once the work button is activated, Maayan begins to rev up her brain. Her office is downstairs, where she first communicates with an assistant about their schedules, then processes emails and advances her business tasks. Communication and resource integration takes up most of her morning. Earlier this year, Maayan sold the company she had operated for more than three years and took over a new brand to open up the China market. Around lunchtime, she needs to go to her store and office at the Global Center. The day's work does not come to an end until the natural light from her window is gone.


In Maayan's personal workbook, there's no such a thing as overtime. Super-long working hours is the norm for startups and managers. Interestingly, although multiple programs run in the background of the mind, over time, these programs are transformed into a kind of network of habits. If managed in an orderly way, it doesn't require much extra energy. Naturally, anyone can experience burnout periodically. As does Maayan. But she always gives herself a reminder, "girl, this is what you choose for yourself."


Maayan might be out dancing with her friends somewhere while Chengdu's streets become warmed by yellow lights and filled with people who are working late. Dancing is another way for her to release stress and reinvigorate herself. Maayan has a beautiful figure, about which she quips, "this was a contribution from the Turkish gene of my grandfather."


In the fairy tale, Cinderella would run away from the ball at midnight, dropping a crystal shoe on her way out. But women in Chengdu such as Maayan will remain sober enough to not lose their valuables and calmly return home. While wearing her bedtime mask, her brain's background tasks will silently sort items completed in the day or to be done. The light goes out, and a set of new challenges await her tomorrow.



Career Change in Five Years

2013年,她首次来成都探视这个城市的发展机遇,此行也与爱情有关。但是在两人在来蓉之前便和平分手,朋友的情分依旧,Maayan按原计划来了成都。来到成都,她告诉身边人自己的事业畅想,不止一个人告诉她:“一般外国女生在成都‘熬’不过两周。” 然而事实上,她在一年后开了自己的公司。如今,她已经在这个城市待了5年。

In 2013, she took a trip to Chengdu for checking out the opportunities, but it involved decisions about her romantic relationship. The couple had parted peacefully before she arrived in Chengdu, but they remained friends. Maayan still came to Chengdu as planned. When she arrived in Chengdu and shared her career ambition, not only one person told her that foreign girls always wouldn't survive in Chengdu more than two weeks. In fact, Maayan started her own business one year later. And so far, she has stayed in this city for more than five years already. 


The Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu was officially opened in November 2014. But even before that, the small number of Israelis living in Chengdu had already had a close-knit community related to aspects of life and work. When Maayan came to Chengdu in 2013, she found that she was not alone. Her fellow Hebrew-speaking people provided her with quick access to getting to know the city.


Maayan's design on a catwalk in Israel


Israel is the country where military service is mandatory. Maayan first completed hers. After a year of traveling in South America, she started her university study at the age of 23 for five years. She was 28 when she graduated from university, becoming an "old leftover girl," according to the Chinese standard.


But to Maayan, experiencing life in such an order is luck. "18 to 22 is a period of rapid mental growth for a person. It's a time of constant exploration and adjustment. At the age of 23, I knew better what I wanted," she recalls. Military service equipped her with self-discipline, while her trip to South America kept her eagerness for exploration into the curiosity of the world.


"It takes years for some trees to bloom, especially when the soil is not fertile." Maayan put aside her dream as a fashion designer. Instead, she started to run a Dead Sea-related beauty care brand with her Israeli partners in Chengdu. Though she is familiar with the beauty care sector, the Chengdu market is new to her; she has to step forward and explore.


Editor's Pick

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外国摄影师镜头中的成都模样 | Chengdu through Lenses of Foreigners

摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Selected from HELLO Chengdu magazine


By Lenore Liu


Edited by J. Tarkovsky

