
Erik D'haese:什么是自给自足?|《独立之道》前言

Erik D'haese 家园计划












6年多来我一直生活在龙谷脉(Longo Mai),欧洲最令人信服的自给自足和自主性实验之一。自1973以来,在5个欧洲国家的10个合作社中,来自不同国家和文化的人们一直在生产他们自己的食物,建造他们自己的房子,亲自制作参与从工具和药品到艺术和集体管理的过程。这是一段令人难忘的经历,它的特殊并不在于那里的生活总是融洽,而是因为它所提供的生活方式让我发现了一种比我想象中更为人性化,更真切且有意义的生活可能性。






2017年2月, 法国利芒



The book you are holding in your hands is about self-sufficiency. But what is self-sufficiency?

Self-sufficiency means to be able to provide in your own basic needs. In the past, before the age of large scale industrial production and distribution, self-sufficiency used to be everywhere, on a personal level and most of all on a community level. In their immediate surroundings, people would have access to everything they needed for a healthy life. Food would be produced locally, houses built using traditional know-how and local materials and tools would be made and repaired by people themselves or by others they knew personally. Not only would this allow people to provide for themselves, this would also naturally create tight relationships between people based on mutual interest and cooperation. This awareness of interdependence was the basis for a respectful attitude towards others and the natural world surrounding us.

All of this has changed now. Modern life and capitalist society have introduced a completely different way of production and consumption. Many new technologies are able to produce things more efficiently, but most of them are not being used primarily to meet the needs of those who use those things. Instead they are set up to make profit for those who produce. Things have essentially become ways to turn money into more money instead of ways to relate to others and provide us all with the things we really need. The effects of this change on the ways people used to relate to each other are devastating. In a time where age-old systems of autonomy are being wiped away by modern life and the promises of technology, self-sufficiency and the ability of self-determination have become nothing more than distant dreams to most people.

In 16th-17th century England, the first generations of capitalist entrepreneurs enclosed the common lands villagers used to gather firewood and herd their cattle on, thereby taking away the basis of self-sufficiency for millions of peasants, effectively forcing them to move to cities and sell their time and labor force in exchange for money which was their only way of meeting their basic needs. This way human life became a commodity to be sold and bought on the labor market.

Chinese society has undergone tremendous changes in the last 30 years. Those same changes have happened in different parts of the world at different moments and are still happening in most countries today. Traditional, sustainable ways of living are being dismantled by the pressures of a globalized capitalist system which forces people to go to cities and work for money. Most of them give up their traditions, give up their land and along with these they give up their autonomy. Many of their children will grow up never learning so many simple and meaningful ways of sustaining themselves and their communities.

For some of these children it has become very clear that with the loss of their autonomy has come the loss of a social life worth living, a sense of community which is very hard to find in urban contexts where every individual has to make their own living and pay their own house, car, refrigerator and TV. This forced separation of people is created by a blind force, which we cannot blame anyone for and one which it is impossible to escape from, at least as an individual. The only way to really start something different is by finding others who are on the same wavelength.

The techniques in this book were born from the meeting between century old traditions and creative curiosity, inspiring each other in a quest for a new form of sustainable life, a life which is meaningful to humans and not just from an economic point of view. This book is part of the growing awareness that something has to replace this world of pollution, illness, social isolation, obsession with money, selfishness, war and many other kinds of structural violence. Because all these diseases are related, the only way to deal with them is to learn from the past and come up with new ways of living together.

The fast-paced growth of cities has meant that so many people have left the countryside for the cities. What’s started to happen now is the opposite. Some strong and independent minds are returning to the countryside and regaining autonomy. And they didn't wait for anyone to tell them what to do. On the contrary, their initiative reveals a great sense of responsibility for the future of everyone. By "strong and independent minds" I don't mean leaders who decide for others, I mean people who are determined to respect themselves and have the same respect for others. People who have the courage to go against what is senseless and turn back in this dead-end street. People who recognize others on their way and learn how to be strong together.

In a time when families are ripped apart by the need to make money, choosing money over social well-being and meaningful interpersonal relations, the people of Nanbu Shenghuo, together with many others, are trying something different. Capitalism divides people, and a happy future is to those who understood that people matter more than money. Autonomy can be lived in many ways and so many techniques helping people not to depend on jobs are also helping to bring people together, thus serving as a real antidote against the atomization of individuals and so many ripped up communities. Real friendship will never be bought with money.

For more than 6 years now I’ve been living in Longo Maï, one of Europe’s most convincing experiments in self-sufficiency and autonomy. Since 1973, in 10 cooperatives in 5 different European countries people from many countries and cultures have been producing their own food, building their own houses and making anything from tools and medicine to art and collective management processes. It has been an amazing experience to be part of – not because it was always easy, but because this lifestyle has allowed me to discover a lifestyle that is more humane, intense and meaningful than I had imagined possible.

Learning Mandarin language and spending 8 months of my life in China has allowed me to get a deeper understanding of the implications of its recent transformation. It has also allowed me to meet many young and older people who choose not to undergo these changes but are full of creative ideas to build alternative ways of living. Nanbu Shenghuo may well have been the place I’ve felt most at home in China. The constant feeling that creativity, critical attitude and friendship are what matter, the feeling that anything can happen just because it’s our dream so we make it happen, is something invaluable and worth living for. But it is also something which needs our full implication.

Tang Guanhua has been on the same quest in China. When he first started to look for something different, for new ways of responsible freedom, he realized that people are all too easily distracted by social pressures and the lures of materialism. He profoundly understands that meaningful social relations are what it’s all about. He also understands that there is a great complexity to self- sufficiency. For many of us who were born in an urban setting, it basically seems like you have to reinvent everything. While this can be discouraging or too big a task to tackle, the only real solution is getting hands-on, learning and discovering little by little as you go and meet others. That is why books like this one are invaluable sources of know-how and, maybe even more so, of inspiration, helping us not only to really do get hands on, using simple techniques with great results, but also linking this to why it is in the first place we feel the need to start experimenting with alternatives. It’s easy to get lost in an obsession with technology – innumerable zombies are sitting in front of their desks in awe of the miracles of modern science at this very moment. I sincerely hope the techniques and words in this book will actually get you closer to what really brings sense to life: meaningful relationships with other people.

I encourage each and every one of you to not just read the book and try the techniques, but to actually go out there and meet people who have similar mindsets. They might not be your neighbors, they might not even live on your block, in your neighborhood or even in your city or province, but many of us are having exactly the same ideas as you. Just trying the techniques in this book will probably not take you very far. It’s approaching them together, finding solutions together with other people which is going to make us strong and confident and motivate us to go way beyond what we had ever imagined possible.

Erik D'haese, February 2017, Limans, France 

本文为Erik D'haese为唐冠华的新书《独立之道》撰写的序言。










“家园计划AnotherLand”是一个涉及生态环保和人道主义的民间公益行动. 该计划致力于对科技、经济、文化、教育领域进行反思,并为因次衍生的贫富差距等问题展开实际行动



