
NEW English Version of Mandatory Registration Forms for Shenzhen

ShekouDaily 2020-02-19

Many residential complexes are scrambling to get residents signed up to the new mandatory residential registration requirement announced last Sunday. Not surprisingly, we're seeing varying ways that complexes are dealing with the situation.

In addition to the new registration required to enter the city, the new personnel pass certification management measures, which have an implementation deadline of five days from the original announcement last Sunday, are designed to keep track of people's whereabouts in order to help reduce the spread of the new coronavirus. 

For the time being, only those registered living in the building will be able to enter. Non registered guests or vehicles; including delivery people, will not be able to enter. 

Some communities; such as the management of Shangsha Village in Futian District are relatively strict, and residents cannot exit if they don't provide proof that their employer has received their "resumption of work" certificate. 

Residents in the Mingzhi Village Community in Bao'an District are provided two different types of passes depending on their reason for leaving. There's a work pass (green) and life pass (blue). The work pass is limited to use from Monday to Friday. In principle, you can go out once a day, but it will ultimately depend on the circumstances. Residents holding the life pass are allowed to go out once every two days, and each household is limited to one.


Those that register successfully via the online application system will have access to a QR Code that they can show to their building guards upon entry and exit. The QR Code has the resident's personal information and helps to keep track of their recent whereabouts.

Those that are unable to or prefer not to register online, can do so offline by filling out a form and giving it to their building management office. The elderly, children, and other people who are not familiar with online operations or have no terminal devices such as smartphones, can also use the offline form. Click here for the offline form (found at the end of the article). 

Given the situation, a variety of passes are now being issued by residential complexes.

Source: 深圳各小区这么“流行”的通行证,你拥有了吗?

New Forms in English are Now Available!

To help foreigners complete the new residence registration requirements, a couple of days ago, we shared an article with English translations of the online form, provided by the friendly staff at NSIC. Despite the translation help, some foreigners still found the form to be a bit difficult to fill out. Luckily, the city has now provided two new forms, both in English, to register your residence and to register their travel!

Scan this QR Code to Begin

To begin filling out either of the above two forms, scan the QR Code below. Unfortunately, the options to select which district, and sub-district you live in are still in Chinese so you may want to have your address in Chinese handy to reference, or check with your building management/security guard.

If you prefer to do this offline, click here to find and print out the form found at the end of the article, fill it out, and give it to your building management office. The elderly, children, and other people who are not familiar with online operations or have no terminal devices such as smartphones, can also use the offline form.

If you need any assistance you can always contact the staff at NSIC here. The center is also now open again and providing limited services for those who wish to visit in person.

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