
备考必读 | 托福综合写作TPO 48阅读分析

王哲 藤门海外 2021-03-12


In recent years, many frog species around the world have declined in numbers or even gone extinct due to changes in their environment. These population declinesand extinctions have serious consequences for the ecosystems in which frogslive; for example, frogs help play a role in protecting humans by eating disease-carrying insects. Several methods have been proposed to solve the problem of declining frog populations.





First,frogs are being harmed by pesticides, which are chemicals used to prevent insects from damaging farm crops such as corn and sugarcane. Pesticides often spread from farmland into neighboring frog habitats. Once pesticides enter a frog’s body, they attack the nervous system, leading to severe breathing problems. If laws prohibited the farmers from using harmful pesticides near sensitive frog populations, it would significantly reduce the harm pesticides cause to frogs.


pesticides是frog数量下降的原因—会从farmland传播到frog habitats,影响其神经系统;



1.这种方法不可行— 执行起来有难度,因为只涉及农民,所以可以说farmer不会使用(毕竟人家要产量的);

2.禁用有不好影响— 阅读的关键词较少,不好影响也只能是对farmland(农场只要是植物,不让使用杀虫剂自然会减少农作物产量);




Asecond major factor in frog population decline is a fungus that has spread around the world with deadly effect. The fungus causes thickening of the skin, and since frogs use their skin to absorb water,infected frogs die of dehydration. Recently, researchers have discovered several ways to treat or prevent infection, including antifungal medication and treatments that kill the fungus with heat. Thosetreatments, if applied on a large scale, would protect sensitive frog populations from infection.



fungus是frog数量下降的原因— 会影响skin;

针对这个问题,可以采用antifungal medication and treatments that kill the fungus with heat;



1.这种方法不可行 实施起来有难度--具体实施难度就要考听力了(if applied on a large scale,可能是大规模的推广有问题);

2.这种方法有不好的影响— 可能影响当地的生态;


Third,in a great many cases, frog populations are in decline simply because their natural habitats are threatened. Since most frog species lay their eggs in water, they are dependent on water and wetland habitats. Many such habitats are threatened by human activities, including excessive water use or the draining of wetlands to make them suitable for development.If key water habitats such as lakes and marshes were better protected from excessive water use and development, many frog species would recover.



naturalhabitats are threatened—lay eggs in water— water会被人为破坏;

针对这个问题,可以protected from excessivewater use and development;



1.这种方法不可行 实施起来有难度 — 不可能限制人们对水的使用,或者不可能改变受到影响的naturalhabitats;




Noneof the methods proposed in the reading offers a practical solution for slowingdown the decline on frog population. There are problems with each of themethods you read about.


First,seriously reducing pesticides in agricultural areas with threatened frogpopulation is not _______ _______or _______. Farmers rely in pesticides to _______  _______  _______ and stay _______ in the market. If farmers in areas that areclose to endangered frog population have to _______ _______ _______ regarding pesticide use, then those farmerswould be at a severe disadvantage compared to farmers in other areas, Theywould likely _______more crops and have a _______ _______than competing farms.


Second,the new treatment against the skin fungus you read about? Let me explain acouple of problems with this plan. The treatments most be applied_______ to _______ _______. And so using them on a _______ _______is extremely _______. It requires capturing and treating each individual frogin a population. Moreover, the treatments do not prevent the frogs from _______the fungus onto their _______. So the treatment would have to be applied againand again to each new generation of frogs. So applying these treatments wouldbe incredibly _______and _______. 


Third,while it is a good idea to protect lakes and marshes from excessive water useand development that will not save frog populations. You see, _______  _______and _______ are not the biggest threats to water andwetland habits. The real threat is _______  _______. In recent decades global warming hascontributed to the _______of many waters and wetland habits, causing entire species to go to extinct.Prohibiting humans from using water or building near frog habitats is unlikelyto prevent the ongoing _______ _______ caused by global warming.  





干货分享 | 那些年,被ETS坑过的题之-细节题

托福口语 | 任性大法巧破独立口语三选一

作者:藤门学院教学中心上海教学部 -王哲老师


