
中债评论 | 贯彻落实新发展理念 推动债券市场进而有为(附英文版)

钟言 债券杂志 2022-12-13








 ◇ 本文原载《债券》2022年11月刊

 ◇ 作者:钟言

 ◇ 编辑:涂晓枫 印颖

To Implement New Development Philosophy and Support Bond Market Development in a Progressive and Profound Manner


The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee established the new development philosophy which is based on innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. The Report to the 20th CPC National Congress emphasized that implementing the new development philosophy is the path China must take to grow stronger in the new era. As an important national financial infrastructure, CCDC will continue to put the new development philosophy into practice, give full play to the role of financial support to the real economy, and strive to make new contributions to the development of China's bond market.

First, to implement the innovation philosophy. CCDC will support the financing of tech companies, explore the innovative mechanism for intermediary selection in the tech bond market, which will allow intermediaries to be paid by the issuer while selected by the investors, so as to address the possible intertwined interests and ensure the objectivity and neutrality of intermediary opinions. It will also try to put the digital strategic deployment into practice by promoting the implementation of the national blockchain innovative application pilot project and exploring the application of extensible business reporting language (XBRL) technology in the digitalization of information disclosure in the bond market. Moreover, CCDC will explore the application of models to optimize the term structure management of local government debt so as to manage the financing costs better.

Second, to implement the coordination philosophy. CCDC will continue to implement the ChinaBond Solutions, promote direct connectivity between the front and back offices, and realize cross-market straight-through processing (STP). It will also innovate the bank counter-based business mode, enable “real-time data and real-time settlement”, and practice the safer and more efficient DVP settlement. It will consolidate the “one product, one account” model which keeps a separate bond account with the CSD for each asset management product, thus facilitating look-through supervision and investor protection. In addition, CCDC will focus on the coordination between business and technology, and promote information disclosure and sharing.

Third, to implement the green philosophy. By working with market participants, CCDC will gradually promote the upgrading of the ChinaBond Green Indicator System to an industry standard, a national standard and even an international standard. It will also explore extended use of the Indicator System, support the issuance of green bonds that meet the information disclosure standards, support such bonds to use their proceeds in green credit, green financial leasing and other fields, and effectively prevent “greenwashing” behaviors. CCDC will improve its environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) evaluation system, incorporate environmental impact indicators into the evaluation of “E”, and support index funds that track ESG or green bond indices. It will also promote the in-depth application of the environmental impact indicators, try to expand their application to transitional finance and sustainable finance, explore to incorporate them into the local green financial standards of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and enhance China's international influence in green finance.

Fourth, to implement the open philosophy. CCDC will coordinate the development of onshore and offshore business, consolidate the mainstream market access channel, improve the CIBM Direct mode, and facilitate market entry by small and medium-sized foreign investors. It will explore a safe and controllable offshore bond market in the FTZ, support offshore transactions and cross-border settlement by domestic and foreign institutions, and make it more convenient for domestic enterprises to raise funds through multiple channels. Moreover, it will conduct research and promote foreign institutional investors that enters the market directly to participate in bond repo transactions and futures transactions for the purpose of hedging, so as to attract more foreign capital inflows.

Fifth, to implement the sharing philosophy. CCDC will promote the internationalization of the bond market standard system and give full play to the leading role of standards. It will promote the ChinaBond Government Bond Yield to become the benchmark of the loan market, and facilitate the market-oriented reform of commercial banks. Drawing on the third-party review and inquiry mechanism in the bank counter-based bond market, it will try to promote the mechanism in wealth management, deposit and other businesses to prevent the risks of fraud and misappropriation of funds. CCDC will insist on look-through to the underlying assets of asset management products, and prevent funds from flowing to high-risk projects in violation of regulations.

Venturing in the midstream, only those who row hard make headway. CCDC will follow the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and implement the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. It will work hard to become a world-class financial market infrastructure, contribute to the high-quality financial development, and to help build a modern socialist country in all respects.

This article was first published on Bond Monthly (Nov.2022).Please indicate the source clearly when citing this article. The English version is for reference only, and the original Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency.

 ◇ Editors:TU Xiaofeng, YIN Ying



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