
新书推荐 | “什么是”研究方法系列——引领您进入社会科学研究方法学术园地

思飞学术 思飞学术 2021-05-03















What is Social Network Analysis?



作者:[英] 约翰·司各特(John Scott) 著


This book introduces the non-specialist reader to the principal ideas, nature and purpose of social network analysis. Social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals achieve their goals. Social network theory maps these relationships between individual actors. Though relatively new on the scene it has become hugely influential across the social sciences.


Assuming no prior knowledge of quantitative sociology, this book presents the key ideas in context through examples and illustrations. Using a structured approach to understanding work in this area, John Scott signposts further reading and online sources so readers can develop their knowledge and skills to become practitioners of this research method. A series of Frequently Asked Questions takes the reader through the main objections raised against social network analysis and answers the various queries that will come up once the reader has worked his/ her way through the book.


What is Online Research?



作者:[英] 特罗斯特拉·胡利(Tristram Hooley)等 著


The massive expansion of the internet into every aspect of our lives creates a challenge for social researchers can they simply transfer their traditional methods and techniques online or do they need to reinvent research methods for the new environment?As online research becomes increasingly prevalent it becomes more important for researchers to have an answer to these questions and an approach to conducting research online. This book is a straightforward, accessible introduction to social research online.


It covers the key issues and concerns for social scientists: online surveys, focus groups, interviews, ethnographies and experiments, as well as discussing the implications of social media, and of online research ethics. It provides a detailed, up-to-date glossary and  bibliography for those new to the area. Short, clear case studies throughout allow students to see examples of the research in practice. Wide-ranging and interdisciplinary, What is Online Research?shows social scientists of all levels — from undergraduates to established researchers — how to engage in the online environment in appropriate ways, and points the way forward for future research.


What is Discourse Analysis?



作者:[英] 斯蒂芬妮·泰勒 (Stephanie Taylor) 著


What is Discourse Analysis? is an accessible  introductory guide to a popular and widely-used qualitative research approach.


Discourse analysts in the social sciences work with many forms of language data, including talk, documents, online material and news media. They investigate interactions and social practices, meaning-making and larger meaning systems and contests and conflicts around collective identities, social norms and subjectification.


This book offers a coherent and wide-ranging introduction to different theoretical and practical traditions of discourse analysis. Discussions of published studies illustrate how social scientists have used discourse analysis in research on a range of important topics, including nationalism, racism, gender, organizations and leadership and health.

The book introduces the premises underlying different traditions of discourse analysis. It sets out the processes through which discourse analytic researchers produce findings which become evidence for new academic arguments. It provides clear practical guidance on conducting discourse analytic research, including data collection, selection and management and transcription. It also answers some common criticisms of discourse analysis and discusses its challenges. The book concludes with a helpful glossary of key terms.


What is Discourse Analysis? has been written for all social science researchers interested in working with language data. It is particularly suitable for new researchers planning to conduct discourse analytic research and for students on research methods courses.


What is Diary Method?



作者:[英] 露丝·巴特利特 (Ruth Bartlett) ,[英]克里斯蒂娜·米利根 (Christine Milligan) 著


What is Diary Method?provides an up-to-date, concise and engaging introduction to solicited diary method, aimed at researchers and students who want to employ this methodology in their own research. Its primary focus is on solicited diary method in the context of social and health-related research, offering useful practical guidance on using his method in research.


Ruth Bartlett and Christine Milligan draw on both their own experiences of using diary method, as well as published research studies conducted using this method. The book opens with an overview of the development of diary techniques and a discussion of the value of the method, proceeding with an outline of the different ways of collecting and using diary data and offering techniques for analysing it, Ethical issues are sensitively discussed and a chapter on the use of technology includes a discussion of how email exchanges, social media such as Facebook, weblogs and micro-blogging such as Twitter, all have the potential to change the meaning and nature of solicited diary method. A variety of visuals, including a tabulated summary of the main strengths and limitations of using diary method and strategies for mitigating limitations, are included throughout to enhance understanding of this rich research methodology.


What is Qualitative Research?



作者:[英] 马丁·哈默斯利 (Martyn Hammersley) 著


This book invites readers to explore the nature of qualitative research, and to recognise the varied and conflicting forms it can take. It examines how these contrast with quantitative work, as well as how they differ from journalism and imaginative literature. The book describes various methodological philosophies that have shaped qualitative work, as well as different types of orientation to be found within it today. It offers clear definitions of key terms and concepts, and also a detailed exploration of recent disputes among qualitative researchers, with a view to showing how differences in practice relate to underlying commitments. This book will be a vital resource for both new and experienced researchers.


What is Qualitative Interviewing?



作者:[英] 罗莎琳德·爱德华兹 (Rosalind Edwards),[英] 珍妮特·霍兰德 (Janet Holland) 著


What is Qualitative Interviewing? is an accessible and comprehensive ‘what is' and 'how to' methods book. It is distinctive in emphasizing the importance of good practice in understanding and undertaking qualitative interviews within the framework of a clear philosophical position. Rosalind Edwards and Janet Holland provide clear and succinct explanations of relevant philosophies and theories of how to know about the social world, and a thorough discussion of how to go about researching it using interviews. A series of short chapters explain a range of interview types and practices. Drawing on their own and colleagues' experiences Edwards and Holland provide real research examples as informative illustrations of qualitative interviewing in practice and the use of creative interview tools. They discuss the use of new technologies as well as tackling enduring issues around asking and listening, and power dynamics in research.   Written in a clear and accessible style the book concludes with a useful annotated bibliography of key texts and journals in the field. What is Qualitative Interview? provides a vital resource for both new an experienced researchers across the social science disciplines.


What are Qualitative Research Ethics?



作者:[英]罗丝·怀尔丝 (Rose Wiles) 著


There has been an increasing interest in research ethics over the last decade given the increasing ethical regulation of social research. 'Ethical literacy' encourages researchers to understand and engage with the ethical issues that emerge in the process of research. This book provides a short, succinct and accessible overview of the field, highlighting the key issues and everyday ethical dilemmas that researchers are likely to face in different contexts. Covering a range of methods, the book provides clear guidance for researchers on how to identify an approach that fits with their moral and intellectual framework. It explores ethical issues relating to traditional research methods as well as to new and emerging methods and approaches — particularly visual and online methods.


Illustrated throughout with real-world examples, this book also includes an annotated bibliography of key texts and other helpful resources. What are Qualitative Research Ethics? will be a vital resource for social science researchers across a range of disciplines.


What is Quantitative Longitudinal Data Analysis?



作者:弗农·盖尔(Vernon Gayle),保罗·兰伯特(Paul Lambert) 著


Across the social sciences, there is widespread agreement that quantitative longitudinal research provides powerful scientific data resources. Many texts on analysing longitudinal social surveys have been written from a statistical, rather than a social science, data analysis perspective and they lack adequate coverage of common practical challenges associated with social science data analyses.


This book provides a practical and up-to-date introduction to influential approaches to quantitative longitudinal data analysis in the social sciences, defining key terms and explaining the relative attractions of longitudinal design and techniques of analysis.








研究方法| 如何突破写作障碍?

专著推荐:刘正光 李雨晨:《认知语言学十讲》

黄国文 赵蕊华:什么是生态语言学

新书推荐 | 翻译研究经典著述汉译丛书:翻译模因论——翻译理论中的观点传播(修订版)

专著推荐 | 刘辉:学术期刊论文方法部分文本建构研究

丛书精选 | 语言学国际学术期刊论文选(5种)






