
新书推荐 | Ryuko Kubota: 《二语教育的批判性方法》

Ryuko Kubota 思飞学术 2022-06-09




作者:Ryuko Kubota (久保田竜子)著

定价:95.00元(优惠价:66.50 元)

丛书主编:Yilin Sun



本书收集了Kubota 博士的十余篇论文,展现了她近三十年来在英语语言教学领域研究志趣的变化和发展。本书收集的论文共分为四个部分:二语写作中的文化、文化与语言教学新思、二语教育中的人类多样性以及全球化、新自由主义与伦理。本书从实际教学出发,反思作者本人作为教师和研究者的经历,探讨了语言与文化的关系。


Ryuko Kubota (久保田竜子),现为加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学语言及语言素养教育系教授。她曾长期任教于日本、美国及加拿大,其研究关注多元文化视角以及非母语者的英语学习,研究领域包括英语语言教育、批判性教学方法和语言教育中的文化问题等。




Chapter 1     A Personal Trajectory of Scholarly Development

Part 1   Culture in Second Language Writing

Chapter 2     An Investigation of L1–L2 Transfer in Writing among Japanese University Students: Implications for Contrastive Rhetoric 

Chapter 3     An Investigation of Japanese and English L1 Essay Organization: Differences and Similarities 

Chapter 4    Toward Critical Contrastive Rhetoric 

Chapter 5    Cross-cultural Perspectives on Writing: Contrastive Rhetoric

Chapter 6    Instruction and Reading Samples for Opinion Writing in L1 Junior High School Textbooks in China and Japan 

Chapter 7    Unf inished Knowledge: The Story of Barbara 

Part 2   Rethinking Culture and Language Teaching

Chapter 8      Japanese Culture Constructed by Discourses: Implications for Applied Linguistics Research and ELT 

Chapter 9      Discursive Construction of the Images of U.S. Classrooms

Chapter 10    The Politics of Cultural Difference in Second Language Education

Chapter 11    Critical Multiculturalism and Second Language Education 

Part 3   Human Diversity in Second Language Education 

Chapter 12    The Author Responds: (Un)Raveling Racism in a Nice Field Like TESOL

Chapter 13    Race, Culture, and Identities in Second Language Education Introduction to Research and Practice 

Chapter 14    New Approaches to Gender, Class, and Race in Second Language Writing

Part 4   Globalization, Neoliberalism, and Ethics

Chapter 15    Learning a Foreign Language as Leisure and Consumption: Enjoyment, Desire, and the Business of eikaiwa 

Chapter 16    Questioning Linguistic Instrumentalism: English, Neoliberalism, and Language Tests in Japan

Chapter 17    “Language Is Only a Tool”: Japanese Expatriates Working in China and Implications for Language Teaching 

Chapter 18    The Multi/plural Turn, Postcolonial Theory, and Neoliberal Multiculturalism: Complicities and Implications for Applied Linguistics 


Chapter 19    Continual Engagement with Reflexivity

Chapter 1 


Globalization, neoliberalism, and ethics

In 2007 while I was still at UNC-CH, I received a research fellowship from the Japan Foundation and conducted fieldwork in a mid-sized city in rural Japan to investigate the views and experiences of Japanese adults learning English as a foreign language in informal settings. 

Since the 1980s, the Japanese government had been trying to bolster English language education with the view that English is an important language for international communication. Although this emphasis is largely concerned with primary, secondary, and higher education, English is learned widely in non-formal settings, such as private language institutes and community groups. I was interested in finding out how the ideologies of English as an international language as well as whiteness associated with native speakerism might influence Japanese adult learners of English

Of many themes that emerged from my interviews and participant observation, two issues stood out. First, despite the common understanding that learning English leads to gaining cultural, economic, and social forms of capital (Bourdieu, 1991), my data indicated a sense of sheer enjoyment and fulfillment attached to learning English. This led me to propose the view of language learning as a leisure activity as presented in Chapter 15. Second, despite the government’s promotion of English language education based on the assumption that language proficiency promotes economic competitiveness, the actual experiences of Japanese workers who were learning English and local employers’ views on English for transnational work contradicted this neoliberal assumption

While the public discourse on learning English becomes more focused on economic-oriented rationale, the ethical dimension of language learning tends to be overlooked. Chapter 18 points out the contradiction between the growing scholarly advocacy for linguistic pluralism (e.g., multilingualism, plurilingualism, translanguaging) and the real-world demand for conventional language use in academic and other formal genres. It cautions against scholarly complicity with the neoliberal dictum of “the more the merrier” (Hardt & Negri, 2000, p. 150) when it comes to producing trendy theories.

As a language educator committed to critical pedagogy and critical scholarship, I hope this volume will provide alternative perspectives of language teaching and learning in relation to culture, race, and ideologies. 

                                                                     (选自 Kubota, 2021: P7-8)



“世界知名TESOL专家论丛”集萃了国际知名英语教育和学术机构——世界英语教师协会(TESOL International Association)的多位资深专家在教师教育发展领域的研究精华。丛书既有丰富的理论知识,又有鲜活的课堂实例,旨在为国内外教师教育与发展提供切实有效的理论指导和实践借鉴。 



新书推荐 | 黄国文、陈瑜敏:《系统功能语言学十讲》


外教社重点学术图书目录 | 202111


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一秒入冬,秋即逝 | 语言学联合书单202110


新书推荐 | 杨雪燕:《系统功能语言学理论与实践》






