

三影堂厦门 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2022-08-31

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展期|2022年7月16日 - 9月11日

开幕|2022年7月16日 15:30




Translucent Universe series


Translucent Universe series



Translucent Universe series



Translucent Universe series

注:1. 诸神黄昏,挪威语Ragnarök,引用自北欧神话末日之战的预言。


 · 关于艺术家 · 



神思远近期个展包括,2018年上海复星艺术中心“Fifty, Fifty”;2020年三影堂摄影艺术中心“荒糖”。他的作品被广泛展出于许多艺术空间和实验项目,如2016年“日常·遇见”中外青年摄影师展,中华世纪坛,北京;2020年“重聚”三周年特别联展,白场,北京;2020年“三影万象”联合策展计划,厦门万象城。自2022年起,神思远开启并投入到个人全新的影像创作项目——“澄清宇宙”。

 Jin Shien’s Solo Exhibition 

 Translucent Universe 

Curator: Xiao Ruiyun

Art Director: Teng Qingyun

Organizer: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre

Co-Presenter: Three Shadows +3 Gallery

Duration: Jul 16, 2022 - Sep 11, 2022

Opening: Jul 16, 2022 16:00

Venue: 3rd Floor of Building 2, Xinglinwan Business Center, Jimei District, Xiamen

Jin Shien's works are embedded in the surreal realm of "Ragnarök."1 In Norse mythology, the surviving gods and humans build a new world after going through a series of disasters and revolutionary upheavals. In this visual universe created by Shien, his works are mostly artificial creations made of images, evoking bizarre tales in the fantastic realm using reconstructed materials. They transcend Shien's immediate experience and feelings, as gods and ghosts take on different guises and walk with humans in both the wilderness and the urban landscape.

Translucent Universe series

The first half of the exhibition resembles the beginning of the universe, where everything is expanding, and then explodes and reforms in an instant in infinite space-time. All things in heaven and on earth are merged as the blazingsun sinks into the horizon and the burning trees take on the form of man. Concrete beings like humans or frogs are vividly displayed in the limited space. They are interconnected and create a pluralistic order.

Translucent Universe series

In another area of the exhibition, numerous spirits manifest in semi-invisible forms in the dark, making subtle connections and extending themselves in the unseen. We see the mountain spirit accompanied by electric waves, the flowing water juxtaposed with coins that stand in for human traces, and other images that all seem to point toward a guiding force that is beyond actual time and space. We also see the sunken head of a beast on the island and a warship suspended above a desolate land, all interrelated on the horizon of the universe. The energy of God is secretly in charge, directing the infinite wheel of life. The symbolic subjects in these works are sometimes revealed and sometimes blurred, creating a rather illusory world.

Translucent Universe series

Shien inserts various symbolic subjects in an effort to make sense of his worldview and to make sense of the chaos in his self-consciousness. His bizarre and fantastic world blurs the line between physical and virtual space, illuminating the existence of individual experience and the imagination of multiple dimensions amid the chaos. This creative process is a constant struggle between the self and the outside world and thus fosters new perspectives on the past from a personal timeline. These cumulative energies create a mystical and spiritual metaphor that leads viewers through various contexts and sheds light on the odd connections between the universe and the human mind.

Translucent Universe series

Note:1. Ragnarok, or Ragnarök in Norwegian, is a reference to the prophecy of the Battle of Armageddon in Norse mythology.

——Text/Xiao Ruiyun

 · Artist Biography · 

Jin Shien, Born 1983 and currently living and working in Beijing, Jin Shien is an independent photographer and film director who adopts photography with video, graphic work and literature as the major medium for artistic creation. Shien was the director of photography for For Him Magazine before completing his transition from a fashion photographer to photographic artist in 2016. In the same year, he created Flatland, a media subscription platform that has enjoyed growing popularity among the public. By 2020, Shien has published two photo books, namely Wild & Girls and Baby Flower, which provide a clear idea about the artist’s unique perception derived from an alternative vision to understand the world, illustrated by the metaphoric and seemingly absurd photographs taken by him.

Shien’s recent solo exhibitions include ‘Fifty, Fifty’ at Fosun Foundation, Shanghai in 2018 and ‘Love · Nonsense’ at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing & Xiamen in 2020. His works have also been exhibited in a number of art spaces and projects, such as ‘Wild Chronicles’, Beijing World Art Museum, 2016; ‘Reunion’, White Field, Beijing, 2020; ‘An Abundant Image World’, Mixc+Art, Xiamen, 2021. Since 2022, Shien has embarked on his latest project of video art, entitled ’Translucent Universe’.






