
卡特三农学术论坛之170期暨READTALKS第二讲通告 主讲人:余泳泽、李郑涛

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2021-06-01


2020年11月27日(周五)13:30 – 16:30





报告人:余泳泽 教授


    余泳泽,教授,经济学博士,博士生导师,校学科领军人才。主要研究方向为区域创新与产业转型升级、服务经济。先后入选教育部学术新人、江苏省“333高层次人才”第三层次培养对象,江苏高校“青蓝工程”中青年学科带头人、南开大学十大杰出青年(南开十杰)等荣誉和称号。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、国家社科基金项目,教育人文社会科学基金一般项目等10余项。以第一作者和通讯作者在《China Economic Review》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Economic Modelling》、《Housing Studies》、《Pacific Economic Review》、《经济研究》(2篇)、《管理世界》(3篇)、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》(3篇)、《中国工业经济》(5篇)、《金融研究》(3篇)、《数量经济技术经济研究》(4篇)、《财贸经济》等核心期刊发表论文70余篇。著有《创新驱动战略下中国技术进步的路径选择研究》,论文被新华文摘转载5篇,人大复印资料转载15篇。


Climate change, adaptation and inequality: the case of China 

报告人:李郑涛 副教授


    李郑涛博士,浙江财经大学经济学院副教授,荷兰格罗宁根大学博士。主要研究方向为环境经济学,行为经济学。 在《Ecological Economics》,《Economic & Human Biology》等杂志发表文章, 长期担任《Ecological Economics》,《Energy Economics》等杂志的匿名审稿人。


    This paper offers a unifying framework for understanding the relationships among climate change, adaptation and inequality by using a nationally representative, longitudinal survey on Chinese subjective well-being (SWB) from 2010 to 2017. Both effects of long run average temperature trend and short run temperature fluctuation within a county across years on Chinese people’s SWB were simultaneously examined. We found the short run high temperature (above 30°C) negatively and significantly impacts Chinese people’s SWB. Furthermore, the short run temperature fluctuation is a more important driver of the effect of climate variation on Chinese people’s SWB than the long run average temperature trend, and Chinese people’s adaptation to high temperature (above 30°C) is very limited. In addition, we found low income people are more likely to lose a flow of subjective well-being relative to rich people due to the short run high temperature fluctuation, and preexisting inequality in China is significantly exacerbated by climate change.



报告人:王文亭 博士生




Good Bye Farming: How does Adult Children Migration Affect Land Rental Decision of Parents Left-behind? Evidence from Rural China

报告人:张丽婧 博士生


    Over past forty years, China has undergone an accelerated economic development since a series of market-oriented reforms. Combined with urban-prioritized policies, the rapid economic growth in urban areas attracted large amounts of rural labor to migrate and work off-farm. In fact, adult children are the primary group of people migrating out to urban cities for higher income job opportunities and elderly parents being left behind. Facing the fact increase of youth labor out-migrate from rural to urban and simultaneous of aging trend of agricultural labor, elderly parents who are left behind are facing the tradeoff whether participate in land tenancy market after their children migrate. This study develops a theoretical framework from intergenerational transmission to explain how adult children affect land market participation decision of parents and analyze finance intermediary role of remittances in framework. We investigate the impact of adult children migration on land rental participation decision of parents left-behind using two rounds data from Chinese Family Data Base. We find positive adult children migration effects on land renting-out decision of older parents (average age ≧55 years) left-behind. While, it is insignificant for younger parents (average age <55 years) left behind. Furthermore, no effects of adult children migration are found on left-behind parents whether younger parents or elderly parents left-behind in this study. This research provides a novel, intergenerational perspective to understand land-rental behaviors of left-behind parents especially for senior left-behind parents, which can offer further information and speculation on reallocation of land resources along with labor migration flow and aging trend for agricultural labor.


    浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(卡特)高度重视青年人才的引育工作。2016年以来,浙大农经相继引进龚斌磊、陈帅、鄢贞、汪笑溪、史新杰、林雯六位“百人计划”研究员和钱振澜、胡伟斌两位博士。与此同时,青年教师不断成长,茅锐、梁巧和季晨分别晋升教授、副教授,龚斌磊和陈帅也先后获得浙江大学长聘制教职。青年人才的引进和培育为浙大农经学科的持续发展与繁荣提供坚实的保障。浙大农经学科坚决落实科技部、教育部等部门“破四唯”专项行动的精神,推行代表作评价制度、突出标志性成果的重要性。近年来,在Journal of Development Economics、American Journal of Agricultural Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics、《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》等国内外顶尖期刊发表了一批标志性成果,大大提升了学科在国内外的学术影响力。


黄祖辉 | 以“两山”理念引领乡村生态振兴





