成果|汪笑溪团队在Sustainability Science发文探讨中国化肥政策改革对减污增效的协同效应
近期,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院汪笑溪研究员团队与波茨坦气候影响研究所(PIK)、中科院遗传所、农业农村部经济研究中心、中国农业大学、柏林洪堡大学、食物系统经济委员会(FSEC)等相关团队合作的论文“Reforming China’s fertilizer policies: implications for nitrogen pollution reduction and food security”在Sustainability Science在线发表。Sustainability Science 是SCI一区期刊,5年影响因子为7.934。
本研究基于汪笑溪团队开发的MAgPIE-China模型,与计量经济模型进行耦合,评估了中国化肥政策改革(包括化肥零增长政策、取消化肥生产补贴政策以及更具雄心的氮税和碳税措施)对化肥施用量、氮污染排放以及粮食安全的影响。本研究也是目前运用MAgPIE(Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment)综合评估模型,研究与分析中国问题的首篇文章。
◇ 文章概要:
图1 主情景(a)和子情景(b)下的中国氮肥施用量
图2 a. 2000-2060年主情景下的中国氮素损失;b. 2060年主情景和对应子情景相较于基准情景的中国氮污染(N2O, NH3–N, NO3 −N和NO2–N)的累积减排量
◇ 英文摘要:
Reactive nitrogen (N) is a requisite nutrient for agricultural production, but results in greenhouse gas and air and water pollution. The environmental and economic impacts of N fertilizer use in China are particularly relevant, as China consumes the largest amount of N fertilizer in the world to meet its soaring food demand. Here, we use an agro-economic land system model (MAgPIE) in combination with a difference-in-differences econometric model to provide a forward-looking assessment of China’s fertilizer policies in terms of removing fertilizer manufacturing subsidies and implementing measures to improve agricultural nutrient management efficiency. Our model results indicate that enhancing soil N uptake efficiency and manure recycled to soil alongside fertilizer subsidy removal can largely reduce N fertilizer use and N losses and abate N pollution in the short and long term, while food security remains largely unaffected. Enhancing soil N uptake efficiency appears to be decisive to achieving China’s national strategic target of zero growth in N fertilizer use. This study also finds that improving agricultural nutrient management efficiency contributes to higher land productivity and less cropland expansion, with substantial benefits for the environment and food security.
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