联盟成立近两年来,在联盟常设秘书处单位——西北工业大学的精心策划、组织以及各成员单位的积极支持和参与下,先后开展了青年学者研讨会、首届中国微小卫星大会、各类学生创新竞赛、多次学生夏令营活动、冬令营活动、联盟工作机制研讨会、联盟首届理事会等一系列活动,有效促进了联盟成员单位之间的相互了解, 提升了联盟的国际影响力,更为联盟成员单位搭建了多边交流与合作的平台,推动了航天领域的学术交流、科研合作。西北工业大学将通过“一带一路”航天创新联盟与国际组织开展更多合作,共同探索空间科学发展,推进空间技术应用,为和平利用太空做出更大贡献。
BRI Aerospace Innovation Alliance promotes cooperation in technology and talents cultivation
24-Apr-2019 By Liu Yang, Zhao Jing
In 2017, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) and Chinese Society of Astronautics initiated The Belt and Road Aerospace Innovation Alliance, with the focus to promote cooperation among alliance members in talent cultivation, scientific research, technology development and applications, etc.
The alliance has 51 members from 14 countries including China, Pakistan, Egypt, Russia, United Kingdom, U.S., Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Egypt, France, Italy, Pakistan, Spain, and Ukraine.
NPU has long been engaged in the joint research and development of micro-satellites with universities of countries participated in the B&R, and joint participation in discipline competitions, joint monitoring and control, including some EU aerospace projects.
"The university has been actively cooperated and helped B&R participating countries in research. At present, we want to work together with the University of Munich in Germany to jointly develop a satellite. We hope that in the future, this satellite will be assembled in orbit and released by astronauts in orbit. Their school also provided funding to support students studying in NPU," said Huang He, Associate professor of the school of Astronautics.
NPU is located in the historic city of Xi'an, the cradle of Chinese civilization and terminus of the ancient Silk Road, it is the only multidisciplinary and research-oriented in China that is simultaneously developing education and research programs in the fields of aeronautics, astronautics, and marine technology engineering.
It is now affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC), NPU has always been one of the nation's key universities. The university has been recognized as a "National Unit of Civilization" and awarded the National Labor Medal.
Vice President of Northwestern Polytechnical University Zhang Weihong said "throughout the years, we also got to know more partners, like Ukraine National University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, who are very well known in the world in aerospace. We have established a close research alliance. We also carried out a winter camp in Cairo, Egypt, which was highly valued by the Egyptian Military Academy."
Zhang added after the alliance formed, a series of events had been held, such as "Young Scholars Workshop" and "The 9th Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization International Symposium" and many more.
When we met Felipe Coelho, who is from Brazil, we did not know much of his story. But after a day of filming him in class, in the lab, and talking to him about his experiences pursuing his astronautic dreams, we were all inspired by this humble young man. In his mind, no matter how hard the work or the journey might be, the goal must be accomplished.
Here is his story.
In 2017, when he interned for a CubeSat project in Germany, Coelho met his current adviser, Huang He. It was through this relationship that he learned about NPU and how it could help him pursue his dreams in aerospace engineering.
A year later, he joined a master's program in aerospace engineering at NPU with a full scholarship. He said with the fast development of China's space technology and many joint international research opportunities such as "Solar Sail" that he could participate, he is sure he is on the right track.
The Solar Sail program that he mentioned was a joint program between NPU and Technical University of Munich of Germany. The two universities came together to discover solar sail to be launched in deep space towards Mars. This project is enabling new technologies for space exploration.
As China is continuing to enlarge the scale of its space program, many students from BRI countries started to enroll in universities in China in such majors to get more access to scholarship as well as participation in international research. In total, 30 students from countries that have participated in the BRI joined the astronautic program.
Felipe said he has always wanted to be an astronaut, and work for NASA. Since the beginning he wanted to move forward into something that he really wanted to accomplish at the beginning.
Unearthed cultural relics 1,000-plus years old help retracing Silk Road cultural exchanges
15-Apr-2019 By Liu Yang, Zhao Jing
Some elegant cultural relics dating back almost 1,200 years were unearthed last year in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.
Those cultural relics are valuable to the study of the in-depth connection between China and other countries along the ancient Silk Road, even beyond.
The ancient Silk Road, which began where it is now known as Xi'an, Shaanxi's provincial capital, witnessed the exchange of goods and ideas among the civilizations it connected.
And some of those connections have been recovered by Chinese and foreign archaeologists in central Asia.
Now countries along Belt and Road routes are working together to better preserve the relics with advanced technologies.
The Research Center of Materials Science and Archaeology of China's Northwestern Polytechnical University signed a laboratory agreement last year with Kazakhstan's National Museum.
A headwear excavated in northwest China's Shaanxi Province in 2018 is a treasure of ancient art dating back to the late Sui Dynasty (581-618) or early Tang Dynasty (618-907), April 11, 2019.
"Our university has the advantage of researching cultural relic protection, we have a strong academic team in materials science and other related majors," said Professor Yang Junchang from Northwestern Polytechnical University.
"We mainly focus on materials and ancient technology research, material degradation mechanism research, and cultural protection material selection for the future," he added.
There is substantial evidence that gold used in ancient China as early as 1600 BC during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046). Gilt technology was carried forward and widely used in the Han and Tang Dynasties.
The latest researches have found similarities in the designs of the relics found in China with those from their own countries, suggesting the integration of different cultures during ancient times.
Researchers from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Iraq said they are amazed how familiar these cultural relics are in terms of the shape, design, and meaning behind it.
At the Shaanxi Academy of Archeology, many relics show the emergence of rich cultures in the Mediterranean and Asia. For example, many of them reflect aesthetic elements from the cultures of Sogdia, Sassanian Persia, and India.
A headwear excavated in northwest China's Shaanxi Province in 2018 is a treasure of ancient art dating back to the late Sui Dynasty (581-618) or early Tang Dynasty (618-907), April 11, 2019.
Experts say technology is key in unveiling those connections.
To enhance scientific and technological cooperation in archaeological conservation and talent cultivation, Northwestern Polytechnical University has welcomed nearly 80 leading international universities and museums to form the Belt and Road Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sci-Tech Innovation Alliance.
The alliance will focus on cultural heritage and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of cultural undertakings with innovative research on cultural heritage protection.
The goal is to adopt a research method that uses interdisciplinary integration to carry out scientific protection, talent training and skill training of cultural heritage in the fields of cultural relic restoration, cultural relic protection, cultural relic information processing, and cultural relic display.
The alliance upholds the spirit of openness and inclusiveness and promotes people-to-people exchanges, and it is made up of government departments, institutions of higher learning, cultural heritage research institutions and business units in several countries along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) routes.
中国国际电视台(英文简称CGTN,别称中国环球电视网)是中国中央电视台新国际传播机构,成立于2016年12月31日。该机构包括6个电视频道、3个海外分台、1个视频通讯社和新媒体集群 ,以丰富的内容和专业的品质为全球受众提供良好的服务。
学校成立了中国西北地区首个中外合作办学机构——西北工业大学伦敦玛丽女王大学工程学院,2017年开始招生,为中国学生提供了“不出国就留学”的教育新选择。 | |
学校与来自18个国家和地区的40多所高校代表共同签署了旨在推动高校国际教育合作的《西安宣言》,为中外高校共建“一带一路”教育共同体提供了新的方式。 | |
西北工业大学“一带一路”跨文化研究所揭牌成立,通过加强对“一带一路”沿线地区国别和区域文化研究,促进学科交叉融合,密切关注国内外人文与社会科学新动态,为国家“一带一路”倡议提供理论参考和智力支撑。 |
学校与丝绸之路国际总商会签署了“一带一路”留学生教育合作备忘录。该项目由丝路商会向学校教育基金会捐赠,首期共同招收工商管理专业本科生共12名,分别来自吉尔吉斯斯坦、俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴嫩、阿塞拜疆等6个国家。 学校作为阿里巴巴全球跨境电商教育联盟(简称GET联盟)首批加盟成员高校,针对来华留学生,推出电子商务专业(跨境电子商务方向)本科学位项目。目前,共有来自4个国家的53名国际学生在读。 | |
在国际联合研究机构及校际合作方面,学校已与俄罗斯、乌克兰、德国、荷兰、韩国、泰国、印度、土耳其等众多“一带一路”沿线国家的大学或研究机构建立了共计近20个国际联合研究机构或签署校际协议。 |
正在跨境电子商务方向就读的俄罗斯三胞胎鲍里斯(Boris Shevelev)、亚历山大(Alexander Shevelev)和格里沙(Grisha Shevelev)因李小龙和成龙的电影与中国结缘,也通过电影感受到了中国人的谦逊、低调的处世哲学,在他们看来,这是非常珍贵的品质。于是高中毕业时,他们一致选择了中国作为进一步深造的地点。在三兄弟看来,如今中俄之间的贸易日益频繁,这为他们提供了很多机会。
来源丨新华社 国际教育学院
视频丨司哲 李尘宇 任磊 郭友军
责编 | 吴闻川 刘建平