

移民部Carol Joymay加乐美出国 2023-08-19









而在加拿大的所有省份里,当前曼省留学转移民还是首选,因为,曼省移民配额较多,移民政策较宽松,曼省有一个专门为留学设置的International Education Stream,而且曼省留学生还可以在毕业后工作6-12个月通过Skilled Worker in Manitoba通道申请移民,成功移民加拿大。



PEQ 是法语 Programme de l'expérience Québécoise 的缩写,即“魁北克经验类移民”。该项目于 2010 年 2 月 14 日生效,主要有两个通道,面向两类人群。第一类:符合条件的魁北克毕业生,第二类:符合条件的魁北克外国技工。





申请人毕业之后即可马上申请CSQ,无需 job offer,CSQ通过之后即可提交联邦移民申请, 所以属于“命运可以掌握在自己手中”的一个项目,所以备受申请人青睐。



Canada has always been an immigration country favored by applicants, but with more and more applicants, immigration policies are becoming more and more demanding. If the applicant does not have a high IELTS score, high education and work experience in Canada, etc. The conditions for migrating directly through skilled immigration are very difficult.Of course, the Canadian government has also launched a number of employ-based projects that focus on addressing the issues of aging and the severe shortage of labor markets in some regions. For example, AIPP and RNIP projects in pilot areas. It brings hope to many applicants. These projects not only have low application requirements, but also fast application speeds. The only thing is that the costs are relatively high.What are the options for applicants who are not qualified enough for skilled immigration, and the funds is not sufficient?The answer is ---- applicants can choose to study abroad and transfer citizens!Today, I will mainly popularize two popular programs of immigration and immigration policy ----the Program International Education Stream in Manitoba and PEQ in Quebec.Migrants from ManitobaAmong all immigrant countries, the current Canadian policy on international student immigration is the most lenient. Compared to the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, only Canadian international students graduated to find jobs that are not very advanced, do not require a particularly high language, and can directly apply for immigration without working for many years .Among all the provinces in Canada, the current transfer of students to study in Manitoba is still the first choice because of the larger immigration quotas and looser immigration policies in Manitoba. There is an International Education Stream specifically set up for studying abroad. After working for 6-12 months after graduation, apply for immigration through the Skilled Worker in Manitoba channel and successfully immigrate to Canada.


Requirements for studying in Manitoba:

ü No age restriction;

ü High school education or above;

ü Class A IELTS at least 5.5;

ü Good health and no criminal record.


The requirements for applying to study in Manitoba are not complicated. The main ways to apply for immigration after reading the book can be divided into the following categories:1. Foreign students whose language can reach CLB7Master and PhD graduates, complete internships in qualified industries and research companies in the province of Manitoba, and can apply for immigration without an employer offer;Apply for immigration (20 places per year) if you are operating a business in Manitoba and meet the business performance agreement;Study at least one year in a designated higher education institution in Manitoba, hold a job offer for a short-term occupation in an employer in Manchester, and have a contract period of at least one year related to your profession. You can apply for immigration.2. International students whose language does not reach CLB7After graduating from the Province of Manitoba, you can apply for immigration after 6 months of in-demand occupation or 12 months of non-in-demand occupation.3. Spouses of international studentsSpouses of international students can apply for a spouse open work permit to work in Manitoba for 12 months or to work in a short-term occupation in Manitoba for 6 months.The overall process of studying in Manchester: (for older applicants with inverted academic offer and poor language)Apply for travel visa (3 months);Enroll in short-term language classes (4-5 months);Apply for a student visa (1 month);Enroll in dual-admission language courses or professional courses (at least one year);Work after graduation (at least 6 months);Apply for provincial nomination (4-6 months);Submit a federal immigration application (16-18 months).


PEQ immigration experience in Quebec(Programme de l'expérience québécoise)

Application conditions:

ü Applicant is over 18 years old and willing to live and work in Quebec;

ü A degree or diploma from an educational institution accredited by the Québec Education Bureau and a qualification accredited by the Quebec PEQ;

ü Have intermediate or advanced French speaking level (B2), or complete a French course approved by the Quebec Education Bureau;

ü Complete the Quebec Values Test.


PEQ is the abbreviation of French Programme de l'expérience Québécoise, which is "Québec experiential immigration". The project came into effect on February 14, 2010. It has two main channels and is targeted at two groups of people. The first category: qualified Quebec graduates, and the second category: qualified Quebec foreign skilled worker.The introduction of this project stems from the serious shortage of vocational and technical talents caused by the aging population in Quebec. In order to retain talents more effectively, Quebec decided to resolve the immigration issue to make vocational and technical staff stay more down to earth in Quebec Work and live, thereby promoting local development.


PEQ recognized qualifications:



Master's degree


Technical Diploma or Secondary Vocational Diploma;

1800 hours of vocational course certificate or completion of continuing education in a designated industry (preferred).


Project Benefits:

No age restriction;

No IELTS requirements;

No scoring and high sorting required;

No shortage of occupational restrictions (you do not need to find a job offer to graduate directly to apply for immigration);

No need to grab quota.


Application process (for older applicants with inverted academic offer and poor language):

Applying for a Canadian Tourist Visa Entry (3 months)

Enroll in a short-term language course and apply for CAQ (1 month)

Apply for a visa (4-6 weeks)

Admission to dual admission language course or professional course (18-20 months)

Submit PEQ application after graduation

Get CSQ (about 2 months)

Submit a federal immigration application (around 14 months)


If the applicant is studying in Canada for the purpose of immigration, it must be to choose the most cost-effective 1800 hours of vocational training courses. The first is that the duration of study is short, about one to one and a half years; the second is that the practical skills course is also very helpful for the applicant's employment in the future.The 1800-hour vocational training courses are taught in English and French. The difference is that after graduation, French-speaking vocational training courses do not need to provide a French transcript of listening and speaking in French. For those who do not have a basic knowledge of French, they can first study French training courses in China or in Quebec. After meeting the language requirements of the training course, they can take vocational training courses. If the applicant chooses a course taught in English, it must first meet the language requirements of IELTS 6-6.5, and secondly study French in addition to the vocational courses, which is stressful for the applicant. Therefore, for applicants with average English scores that cannot make a qualitative leap in the short term, it is better to choose French courses directly.Applicants can apply for CSQ immediately after graduation. No job offer is required, and a federal immigration application can be submitted after the CSQ is passed. Therefore, it is a project whose fate can be in its own hands.The difficulty of the study abroad transfer program is the application for student visas. If the applicant is older, English is normal, and the academic qualifications are inverted, we will recommend applying for a student visa through a travel visa. The success rate is higher!If you are interested in studying in Canada, please scan for free evaluation and consultation!



【Canadian immigrants】加拿大自雇移民指南及完整岗位清单,自由职业者一步到位获得枫叶卡!


【Canadian immigrants】安省免雅思雇主担保真的靠谱吗?加乐美用真实成功案例给您答案!

【Canadian immigrants】学好法语,妈妈就再也不用担心我的加拿大移民申请了!


【Canadian immigrants】加拿大萨省半技术移民成功案例&BC省最新岗位招聘信息


加拿大全新移民项目RNIP 安省Sault Ste. Marie  &曼省Altona / Rhineland  社区打分细则

【加拿大曼省 技术移民新政】那些你不了解的法语类移民项目



主营业务Main business

移民 Immigrant

留学 海外教育 Studing  overseas  education

安家服务 After-emmigration services

全球投资 Global invest









