
Science 论文投稿成功 Cover Letter 示范

2015-10-30 陈炜提供 知社学术圈




华中科技大学武汉光电国家实验室陈炜副教授在访问日本国立物质与材料研究院(NIMS)期间,在钙钛矿薄膜太阳能电池研究领域取得重要进展,相关论文今日在 Science 同步上线发表。阅读知社今日头条,可以了解更多深度信息。

经陈炜博士授权,知识学术圈发布Science论文投稿的Cover Letter如下,供大家参考。文末可以扫描加入知社论文讨论群


Dr. XX, Deputy Editor-in-Chief ,Science

Dear Dr. XX,

Attached please find our article entitled: Scaling–up of Efficient and StablePerovskite Solar Cells Using Highly Doped Inorganic Charge Extraction Layers, which we would like to submit for publication in Science.

Metal halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are presently attracting immense research interest on the global level due to the meteoric rise of their solar toelectric power conversion efficiency (PCE) from 3 % to 20 % within a period of only a few years. However, these high PCE values have so far been reached only with very small devices having an illuminated area of typically less than 0.1 cm2. Alarmingly, such top-performing cells exhibit in general poor stability. This raises the crucial question whether the reported impressive conversion efficiencies can be maintained upon scaling up to large area cells, while simultaneously achieving long–term stability. Our study addresses these critical issues. We introduce for the first time highly doped inorganic contact layers for the selective extraction of photo–generated chargecarriers in planar CH3NH3PbI3–PCBM based PSCs. This allowed for first time the fabrication of PSCs with an aperture area > 1 cm2 exhibiting an unprecedented PCE of over 15%, which was certified by an accredited photovoltaic calibration laboratory. The introduction of these highly dopedcharge extraction layers eliminates the notorious hysteresis in the current voltage curve of the device and their robust inorganic nature renders the PSCs very stable. They maintain > 90% of the initial PCE after 1000 hours light soaking in full sunlight. Our results are of great importance for future deployment of stable and highly efficient large area perovskite photovoltaics. Hence they will be of great interest to the readership of Science.

More specifically the key points from our study are:

1. The first demonstration of a large perovskite solar cell (PSC) with a planar inverted structure having a size of > 1 cm2, whose conversion efficiency exceeds 15%.

2. First certification of such a large PSC by an accredited PV calibration laboratory rendering it the first perovskite solar to be recorded in the official photovoltaic efficiency table published by public test centers (NREL, AIST,etc.) regularly in “Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications”.

3. First use of highly doped inorganic electron and hole extraction layers, i.e. lithium doped Ni(1-x)MgxO and niobium doped TiOx as hole and electron-specific contact enabling hysteresis-free J-V curves and very high fill factor values of 0.83.

4. The n and p doping increases greatly the conductivity of the films allowing to increase their thickness. In this way pinholes are avoided even over larger areas makes facilitating the scale up of the device.

5. Simple low temperature solution processing methods are used to make the cells which forebodes well for low cost production scale up.

6. First demonstration of a perovskite solar cell with > 15 % efficiency maintaining> 90% of the initial PCE after 1000 hours light soaking in fullsimulated AM 1.5 sunlight under short–circuit condition.






