
Student Wellbeing a Priority During Distance Learning

Migrating to distance learning and temporarily being  locked down can be stressful for some. Putting wellbeing as a priority, our counselling team has continued to provide career, academic and social emotional support to assist students and their parents in adjusting to DLP.

Look at some of the ways our counsellors have provided support to the SSIS community:

The pastoral care curriculum continues to be delivered online, with additional instructional content posted.

Daily support for either individual student or parents conducted through a video call or over the phone.

Weekly follow-up and engagement with students and their families requiring additional support before school closure. This serves as preventative and early interventional support.

Fortnightly distribution of the Student Wellness Survey in order to receive self-reported feedback of how students feel they are doing.

Their positive and negative emotions 

Length of screen time, physical activity, sleep the students get on a daily basis

Reliable people that they can reach out to if needed

If they would like the school counsellor to talk to them

This can be extremely helpful for early identification and response to student distress.

The latest round of wellness surveys showed students are happy, focused and on track with their studies. They feel safe and comfortable at home during distance learning and they are continuing to make the effort to maintain their relationships with their peers through digital means. They also have continued to experience kindness and support from parents, classmates and teachers.

Posting videos and resources with encouraging parental strategies and recommendations on how to support children during the school closure. 

Continued collaboration with subject teachers to support students who may be struggling in various areas - academically, socially, emotionally, physically.  

Extension of counselling service to support the mental health and wellbeing of the teachers.


Mr Daniel Gould

University Counsellor

SSIS prides itself on developing Future Global Leaders. One of those attributes is resilience. SSIS students have demonstrated much resilience during this time of distance learning. We encourage students to continue to socialise and continue to establish and strengthen their connections. 

If you or your child need any additional support, don’t hesitate to contact the school counsellors at counselling@ssis.asia. They are happy to discuss strategies you can use to manage your and your child’s emotional and mental state. 

 To know more: 

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Making a Difference Through CAS

Embark on your child's 

educational journey with us!







301 Zhujian Road, Minhang District, 

Shanghai City

