在反馈意见中,欧盟中国商会认为企业在建设可持续发展的经济和社会中发挥关键作用。意见表示:“我们认识到在全球贸易和供应链中促进可持续和负责任企业行为的总体重要性,因此在尊重人权和保护环境方面,我们支持所有国际和多边倡议。” 在广泛征求商会会员和在欧中国企业对此项立法提案的观点和建议基础上,欧盟中国商会强调欧委会该项提案将广泛引发企业界担忧。商会反馈意见说,“从本质上看,CSDD规则可能给包括欧盟中国商会会员在内所有企业带来不平衡、不合理和不明确的义务,并最终影响欧委会为欧盟企业创造更多法律确定性和公平竞争环境的目标。”商会因此呼吁欧委会听取业界关切,相应改进提案。欧盟中国商会会长徐海峰表示:“欧盟应协调成员国对该指令的执行,采取相应措施限制不同成员国法律体系间存在的潜在分歧……因为这种分歧可能给位于不同欧盟国家的企业带来不平等竞争的劣势,不利于营造公平竞争市场和营商环境。”欧盟中国商会还对提案中有关企业行政负担过重、企业责任不成比例及没有足够过渡期适应转换后尽职调查规则等表达严重关切。商会认为,对企业而言,CSDD提案要求受影响企业在其整个价值链过程中,直接或间接开展尽职调查,这超出企业控制范围和能力水平。欧盟中国商会向欧委会提交上述立法反馈意见,具体阐述在欧中企关切的与CSDD立法提案有关的问题;代表会员企业参加欧盟立法进程,发出在欧中企声音,助力欧盟机构制定更合理、全面的供应链尽职调查立法政策,积极为在欧中企争取公平公正的营商环境。据欧委会网站,此次超280家商协会、企业和机构提交了对该草案的反馈意见。
CCCEU submits feedback to draft proposal for EU’s new due diligence rules
On May 23, 2022, the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) submitted its feedback to the European Commission’s draft proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD), thereby presenting the views of the Chinese business community in Europe.The CCCEU and its members share the view that companies play a key role in building a sustainable economy and society. We recognise the overall importance of promoting sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global trade and supply chains. As such, we are supportive of all international and multilateral initiatives when it comes to the respect for human rights and environmental protection.However, after carefully listening to the voices of our members and of other Chinese companies active in the EU, we provided our feedback to the Commission while highlighting that the proposal, as it stands now, raises a number of concerns. In essence, the proposed CSDD rules are likely to create unbalanced, disproportionate and ambiguous obligations for all business operators, including the CCCEU members, and to eventually impede the Commission’s goal of creating more legal certainty and a level playing field for all businesses in the EU. Therefore, we invited to the Commission to reconsider these aspects and to improve the proposal accordingly.“Our members stressed the need to harmonise the enforcement of the Directive in the EU Member States, limiting the potential fragmentation across different legal systems,” said Mr. Xu Haifeng, Chairman of the CCCEU. “In fact, this fragmentation could lead to competitive advantages or disadvantages for companies located in the different EU countries, to the detriment of fair competition and of the level-playing field.”The CCCEU members also voiced serious concerns about excessive administrative burdens and disproportionate liabilities on companies, as well as the insufficient transition period for businesses to adapt to the transposed due diligence rules. For the companies, the most problematic aspect of the CSDD Proposal lies in the fact that it requires subject companies to exercise due diligence along their entire value chains, both directly and indirectly, at a level which goes beyond their control and capabilities.Our full and detailed position, in which we elaborate on all the issues at stake with regard to the CSDD proposal, is publicly available on the relevant page of the European Commission’s website. We hope that these views can be beneficial for the discussion on the due diligence of supply chains, and for sound and considerate policymaking on the side of the EU institutions.
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