
宝洁说 | 石拓培:引领改变,需建设性颠覆

宝洁中国 2022-06-16

The following article is from 曾巧 Author 曾巧

文 | Ivy Zeng


“消费者已经意识到个人健康和地球健康两者是紧密相联的,因为人类离不开地球。所以可持续性发展、平等、包容这样的话题,对于未来的市场营销和品牌建设将来越来越重要” ——宝洁全球护肤与个护品类董事长兼总裁石拓培先生(Markus Strobel)如是说。



基于此,宝洁全球美尚事业部从企业社会责任、产品对于自然的可持续性发展层面,做出了改变,他们设立了一系列全新的标准,打造绿色工厂,进行包装创新、产品创新和健康教育。正如Markus Strobel所说 “我们正在充分把握契机,将我们对于科学技术的深刻理解与对于自然环境的最佳理解相结合,造福人类和地球”。


近期,Morketing 创始人兼主编曾巧与宝洁全球护肤与个护品类董事长兼总裁石拓培先生(Markus Strobel)进行了一次对话,希望透过作为超大型企业的宝洁应对不断变化市场的经验与方法,为读者带来更多的启发。





宝洁Markus: 很明显,过去的六个月、七个月里所发生的变化比过去六七年里发生的变化还要多。在市场营销方面,主要有几个变化,并且全世界都是如此。

其中一个变化就是,媒体和市场格局发生了变化,一切都变得彻底数字化了,一切都开始远程了,世界各地都在建立新的营销模式。在中国,本来媒体就已经非常发达了,但我们又看到了直播带货的兴起。当然,以前也有直播带货 ,但现在直播带货明显占据了主导地位。直播带货在某些品类中的销售占比,已经达到50%-60%,这是我们都要面对的新现象,我们都需要接受并利用这个新的现象,而且我们需要从中做出创新,这一点很重要!总结来说,就是媒体的格局发了改变。




Changes in the post pandemic period I think they have, obviously, in the last six months, seven months, more changes than sometimes happen in six or seven years. So I think in the marketing community, there are a couple of them. And this is all around the world.

One of it is the whole media and go to market landscape has changed, where everything has become fully digital, everything has become remote. And there has been new marketing models being built all around the world. In China the media was already very evolved. What you see now is the whole emergence of live streaming. I mean live streaming was there before. But now live streaming is dominant. It makes in some categories, makes up 50% to 60% of the growth of the category. So this is the new phenomenon that we are all dealing with, that we all need to work with and where we need to innovate in. So that's an important one. Media landscape has changed.

What has also changed is what people expect from their product. I think the bar is going up. People during the pandemic, they really want their products they trust and products that work. So the quality of the products, the performance of the products, the need for that has gone up dramatically. So I think you've got to invest more and more in quality and in performance and making your products better and better. This is extremely important.

And finally, I think what consumers have realized there is a connection between their individual health and the health of the planet. So I think topics like sustainability, equality, inclusion are going to be more and more important for the marketing, for the branding of the future.

So these are the three big trends that I'm seeing coming out of this.





Yes, the growth of P&G, that's kind of we just had a quarterly earnings call two days ago. So you've seen that we had a very strong starting for the year. So I think we will have overall a good year. There are challenges. But I think what's become more and more important for people in the pandemic and after are health and hygiene products, health products, hygiene products, cleaning products, because it's really important for people to keep themselves clean, keep their houses clean. So that standard on hygiene has gone up. And since we provide quite a lot of products in that space, I think we will be doing well, we have the right portfolio for this stage.

And I also think in our skin care business is off to a good start. We have been doing well, especially in China. Because we also believe that what we're seeing in skin care is that the need for premium products is going up and up. If you look at our portfolio or brand like SK-II has always been premium, very highly priced, then SK-II is really on a good development. Olay, in the last five to six years, we have turned this from a more mass brand into an entry prestige brand. We've been up, up, up in terms of for new products, product innovations. So I think we're going to be fine there too. And we have a lot of exciting new brands First Aid Beauty, Snowberry that we're bringing to China now. So I'm optimistic about skin care.






You mentioned there is a lot going on in the market. The China market has recovered very well. And there are a lot of brands in the market. In China, in skin care, today you have 5000+ brands out there. So that's a highly competitive situation. And there are new brands every day, however, I personally never think in the dimension of new brand, old brand. And I don't think the dimension of small brand, big brand; the one dimension or the two dimensions, I think about a brand who understands the consumer and the brand who does not understand their consumer; a brand that has a purpose, a brand that has not has a purpose.

So if you take these criteria, you're going to find out that as big brands, we have to act like small brands. You have to be very very close to our consumers to really understand what our consumers want, what inspires them, really understand their life also outside of the specific product category. Because if we do that, we're going to understand our consumers just as well, or even better than the smaller brand and the newer brands.

That is kind of what we do. And this is kind of what gives us then the ground for innovation that we got to drive. So that's, I think, the secret of the success. And the main insight is to really be close to the consumer and understand the consumer on the human level. Really what makes them tick and then drive innovation to go faster where the consumer wants to go.





Insights in the face of changes, I think the best advice I would have is to be the one driving the change and not be the one resisting changing. If you see a change going on in the market, you've got to drive it. And you've got to get ahead of this change.

I give you one example, and I call this usually a constructive disruption. And I have been running the SK-II brand personally for many years. And basically, the principle on which the brand is run is very simple. There are three things that we don't change. One is the hero product that is the facial treatment essence. The second one is the ingredient PITERA, the magical, onerous ingredient. And the 3rd one is our target group. And it's what we call young executives, young people. These three stay the same. Everything else can change dramatically every year. So the brand is in a continuous state of re-invention and disruption because the people working on brand have freedom to change that and disruptive as long as they stay to the three things.

What I see in a lot of existing brands, they put too many limitations on themselves. They say, look, this is part of my brand. This is part of my brand, and this. And then it always stays the same. You've got to have some part stay the same. But you've got to define them very sharply. And the rest you got to disrupt. And disruptions are happening faster and faster. It's the whole mind-set and attitude how you look at brand building.






I think I have two thoughts on that. But number one, as a company, we have done a lot of organizational changes and interventions in the last couple of years; how to become much more agile and work much closer to the consumer and give the decision making power to the people that are closest to the consumer.

 I think that's very, very important. In my business, I don't feel much pressure. Nobody telling me what to do. They say you know your business. You can deliver your objective to do it. And then we can do whatever is right. I think this comes especially when it comes to China in the last couple of years.  We're not trying to run China very much centrally. But we've put the right people into China. We put more resources into China. We have a lot of research in development. People now sitting in China and not somewhere in America. And we have to empower the local organizations, to really create the products that they need to keep the consumer happy, run with the marketing programs.

Because if you think about it, there's one thing which is so unique about China. That's the China's speed. The famous China's speed, things happen just so much faster. So you got to empower the people on the ground to make the right decisions to drive the business within the framework. And I think this is the key enabler of making a big company drive change.



And the second one if you allow me that one is big. It is not bad in that sense. Because if you are big, you have a lot of resources, and you can bring these resources and drive change much faster. If I'm a small company, often I don't know how to finance my operations for the next week. But if I'm a big company, I have all these resources. We have been doing a lot of interventions at the moment on our sustainability programs, on our inclusion programs. And we have in our beauty care division; we have thousands of scientists. We have hundreds of PhDs. We have all this knowledge, so we can drive that change if we want, if we empower the people to do it.


Morketing 曾巧:您在前面的问题中强调,宝洁有3点不变,其中第三点“目标群体-年轻人”,那么,宝洁如何让品牌保持年轻?能否分享一个具体案例?



I think we have lots of cool products. If you just look and Rene can even show that to you, I guess. If you look at our new premium hair care products in China, they look really amazing. And they're really cool. We had probably the most remarkable transformation on a brand we have done in the last five years or so on Olay. Olay perceived 45 years ago as a bit of a mother's brand, and not a prestigious brand. Now today we have just launched an Olay product that sells for 400 RMB, which is very high for Olay, which is called Olay Pureset. And it's an amazing product with amazing packaging. And we also have changed the advertising and the target group.

Before that we said, this is a product that takes away your wrinkles.  Now we talk about the fearless Olay woman, fearless of age. At any age, you're going to be your personal best and you're going to do amazing things. And you bring this together with the innovation. You're offset a brand if you look at the brand few years ago. If you look at the brand, now you're going to say, wow, this is almost like a different brand. The only thing that's still constant is it's still called Olay. And it still does amazing things to your skin. And I can be there at the testimonial of that.







Yeah, I think I have to say this is something that's a big challenge for many brands. It's also big challenge for us, because on the one hand, you have what you call the performance marketing brands, who are really good at putting every contact into conversion cost per contact, conversion sales. That's the language. But they're often not very good in brand building, in long-term brand building.

And then you have other brands that are very good in long-term brand building, but are not yet good in turning their brand building into concrete sales and conversion.

So there are very few examples of brands that are equally good in both of these spaces. And this is something that we are working on with a high sense of urgency to really combine the brand building and the conversion part of it; if you can make every conversion point, a brand building point, I think that's something that could be extremely helpful for us.

For example, if we do some of our own live streams, and we are experimenting with them. And in some countries where we then have one of our scientists will live stream and explain the product. And they explain what the product does and what ingredients we put in there and the care we put in there. So we're building the equity of the brand with our own scientists while at the same time driving conversion. So that's an experiment that we're doing.

We're doing a lot of experiments to bring this together. But I think it's going to be one of the key challenges in the future to be able to do that. Because I believe even in a conversion led model, brand building will never go out of style. And if you look really at the research and the literature, you will always see long term, a very clear correlation between your brand equity, the value of your brand, and sales. Short term that can change, promotions and conversion, long term it's always the strength and the desirability of the brand that drives the long-term success of the brand. And I may be old fashioned. But that's what I still believe.






I think the major thing in terms of responsibility is to create something, create a framework that is long lasting and that can drive your actions everyday because responsibility, sustainability, that's not something you do on a Friday afternoon. When you have a busy work week on a Friday afternoon, you have some time and you do CSR, that's not how this is going to work. CSR needs to drive your total business. So what we have done on beauty, we have created a framework that we call Responsible Beauty. How can we be a responsible manufacturer? It not only has one aspect, it has 5 aspects.

Quality. The safety of our products. That's of paramount importance. Sustainability, obviously, the sustainability of our supply chain, the ingredients we put into our products, the sourcing of our ingredients, how we produce all these things. Transparency, because if I can tell you about one thing about younger people, the famous generation, is that what they demand is transparent, they don't want to have any secrets from brands. So we want to be completely transparent. And the 5th one is equality and inclusion. I think it's absolutely important that the equality and inclusion is not only how we deal with the employees. It's how we deal with the suppliers; our suppliers, would they practice equality and inclusion. That's really important.

So we have this whole framework that guide our actions. So if you wake somebody up in P&G beauty in the middle of the night, they will be able to tell you quality performance, safety, sustainability, transparency, equality and inclusion. And that guides everybody's actions everyday. So that's how we think we can make this a long-term play for us versus short-term activism.








There's one thing, which is good, I have a very deep sleep. When there's a thunderstorm at night and it's very loud. And my wife asked me the next morning, have you heard that? I said, I have not heard anything.

But now, seriously, what would keep me up if I were sleepless is I just believe that the whole practice of running a business, of marketing and everything like this follows very few fundamental principles, that you always need to reinterpret, but it's not that dramatically complicated.

And what I see today and I also made some remarks in my presentation when we talked about the brand division, because there's so much jargon out there, brand purpose, brand mission, brand vision, brand this, brand that, that sometimes you don't see the forest because of the trees.

And even today, like technology is wonderful. We have AI and block chain and neurological networks and everything. And very often that does not make us see what it's all about. And this is the individual consumer as a person that we need to understand at the human level. Very often we are not doing this well enough because we're getting distracted by everything else, like not to be distracted to focus on what matters is important.

I spoke last year in Shanghai at the digital marketing conference in December, which is still alive, which was good. My topic was is digital human. We have all the digital tools. We can measure anything. We can analyse everything. But are we focused on humans? And especially now, I think even after the pandemic, the human connection is more important than ever. And if marketing people understand that and can leverage it, I think they will succeed.





I think in a lot of aspects, in a lot of aspects, Chinese marketing is leading the world, especially when it comes to digital ecosystem, when it comes to this need of doing something new. I tell a lot of my people in North America at the moment, look for China's doing. Right? You should be inspired about what China's doing. I think it's all about the inspiration of what China is doing.

But I think what would make the China brand building even stronger is the same inspiration than from other countries. But if you and China, can be inspired from for marketing that's done in North America, the marketing done in Europe, and bring this together with the focus on data, with the focus on the digital, with the China’s speed, I think you could really lead the world in everything.

So we're trying to get inspired by China, other parts of our business. But I think China can also be inspired by a lot of things that are happening outside to make the advertising, the brand building even stronger there. So I think it's a mutual symbiosis there.


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- 活动推荐 -

2020年11月26日-27日,由Morketing举办的“Morketing Summit 2020·灵眸大赏”,将在北京·中国大饭店正式举办。本届峰会,共设有2大主会场,以及新消费场、游戏场、大娱乐场、全球化场、数字化场和电商场6大分会场,覆盖品牌、电商、文娱、游戏、出海等领域。


