IF AUDIO STUDIO,致力于全电子音频的艺术设计研究。关于IF具有“无限可能”的含义,之所以取名David Ape, MR.DAVYUAN,是因为“大卫”是意大利雕塑家米开朗基罗·博纳罗蒂于1501年至1504年间创作的大理石雕塑,现收藏于意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院。“大卫”体现了人体的神圣之美,以及大卫即将散发出的巨大热情,从而成为西方艺术史上值得夸耀的男性裸体雕像之一。
Consistent with the position as a leading brand, Purple’s Design has advanced through 3 stages of interior design – boutique hotels, high-end residential, commercial design and consulting. Started from initiating the unique decoration service and operating model in China in the 90’s, Purple’s Design has developed into the international company with 150 design specialists domestic and abroad, and has always been committing to provide customers with exclusive service and product.