
抗击疫情 我们在行动 | 我们在神仙湖畔等你

Harmonia 香港中文大学深圳 2022-05-28













February 2, 2020

Dear Students and Parents,

The alarming new coronavirus outbreak has caught international attention while the rapidly rising number of the sick and departed is both concerning and heartbreaking. During this special period, Harmonia College’s staff has worked overtime during the Lunar New Year break. Along with the residential tutors, they created a “Hubei Heart-to-Heart” Wechat Group in order to send support and encourage our students in Hubei to stay strong in the face of uncertainty. Our four wardens have rushed back to the college to offer their timely support. The property management team is also working hard to maintain the hygiene of our college space by cleaning and disinfecting our facilities. I wish to thank our office staff members, our wardens and tutors, and our property management team for their devotion and dedication. It is your hard work that allows Harmonia to project the warmth of home during the midst of the cold winter. I also wish to thank the parents of our students. Your responsibility, cooperation, optimism, and composure demonstrated during this difficult time set the best models for your children. Please continue to practice preventative measures to make sure you and your family stay safe and healthy.

Even though this time has been exceptionally tough for our students, I hope you will follow President Xu’s advice and use this unexpectedly extended break as an opportunity to do things that you might not otherwise have time to do. In particular, I hope you will use this time to take care of your health and practice English. For example, you can memorize 50 new words a day to expand your vocabulary, read an English novel to improve reading comprehension, or stream English language TV or movies to improve listening skills. As long as you keep this up, I believe that your English proficiency will significantly improve, which will also benefit your coursework when you return to campus. You are also encouraged to participate in the upcoming Harmonia Collection Phase Ⅲ by recording your thoughts in the new year to share with others in our community. I believe that your experiences witnessing this unprecedented battle against this epidemic will help you become more mature; cherish life, family, and friendship; and further understand the importance of responsibility as well as the power of working together to overcome great hardships.

Let’s pray for each individual and each family. Let’s continue our efforts to overcome challenges. Let’s work through these hardships together—stay strong Harmonians!

Lixin Ye

Master, Harmonia College









文案:孙彦 (2019级祥波书院 经管学院)

排版:樊宗谕(2018级祥波书院 理工学院)

编辑:Vivian (祥波书院办公室)

