

CPRO 香港中文大学深圳 2022-05-28




*Click to Watch Nobel Laureate Paul Milgrom's Commencement Speech at CUHK-Shenzhen Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021

















1. 运气!来斯坦福读书之前,我根本不知道自己会遇到什么。

2. 他人的帮助--我的老师在重要的关头推动我,我对他感激不尽。

3. 果断--衡量了短短两天后,我便做出了改变人生的选择!




应现已倒闭的太平洋贝尔公司要求,我开始研究起这份报告。我心想:“反正他们也不知道该怎么办! 我也许无法做到最好,但我起码能比这糟糕的报告要好!”

我得到了太平洋贝尔公司的支持。但不久后,有人批评我的解决方案过于复杂,不切实际。于是,我决定要花自己的钱大力宣传一番。我聘请了一位研究助理帮我用Excel电子表格对拍卖规则进行编码,并将其带到华盛顿特区,说服FCC的工作人员这个方案是实际可行的。从此以后,我和威尔逊的设计(the Milgrom-Wilson design)成为了数以千亿美元计的频谱拍卖的基础。在不断研发新设计,不断为困惑的竞标者提供咨询服务的过程中,我闯出了一番收益颇丰的事业。


1. 有运气:没有经验的理论家抓住了意外的机会,为实际问题做出贡献。 

2. 有帮助:我的博士导师罗伯特·威尔逊,他和我一起工作,鼓励我把主要的想法开发出来。

3. 有决断:我们从无到有研发和推广了一个全新的拍卖设计;被最初的赞助商放弃时,我决定花自己的钱来推进,并最终说服了质疑者,开拓出新的市场设计领域,创建了我的公司Auctionomics。









Nobel Laureate Paul Milgrom delivers a keynote speech at CUHK-Shenzhen Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021

I am here today to celebrate you, the graduating class of 2021 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Congratulations on your achievement today of graduating from this fine University. Earning your undergraduate degree is an exciting milestone that takes hard work and dedication--more so than usual in a year during which you have had to learn remotely, without the in-person energy and dynamism that comes from being in a physical classroom with your peers. Like everyone, we miss sharing our joyous moments with friends and seeking comfort from them in sad moments. But as creative thinkers, there are other losses as well. Who will inspire you and offer suggestions to combine with your own ideas? Who do you ask when something is confusing?


An extra kudos to you all for graduating during such a difficult time.


So here I am, to talk to you all in a commencement speech--I am supposed to tell you how to be successful, how to be a good leader, how to be a well-rounded human being. Well, these are complicated questions, and the answers are different for every person. There is no “one size fits all” formula for success, being a great leader, or even being a happy person, but I have been asked here today because of what others see in me. My 2020 Nobel prize is one indicator of success in my career and of intellectual leadership. I have also led some extremely successful advisory teams in the public and private sectors, saving billions of dollars for my clients, and trained many very successful students. As for the last goal, I’ve found a large measure of happiness in my personal life. 


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I do not attribute my successes to any single factor. Luck and happenstance played a huge role for me; and so did the unwavering support I received from so many people. For me, as for most of you, that support begins with the parents and family who raised us and sent us to college. If parents are there in the audience, now would be a good time to applaud for them!

Our supports include our teachers and others who gave us chances to show what we can do. Some never get that chance, but all of you have. Don’t waste it!

Be aware that your own decisions can also play a decisive role. Today, I will mostly reflect on how my own decisions contributed to making me who I have become.  

If I can offer you any insights into how to be successful in life, the first one would be this: Be clear-minded, unafraid, and decisive -- ready to seize opportunities when they arise. In my own life, I have embraced some quite-unexpected opportunities for change and growth that seemed to fit who I am or want to be. Yes, I have been fortunate to have had a lot of good opportunities, but you guys are being given opportunities now, too, and this will not be the last time. Most of us stumble across chances for change and growth from time to time. Too often, we back off, feel stuck and fail to grasp what could be great opportunities. Be vigilant and ready to seize the opportunities that you encounter.

I will tell you three of my personal stories about big changes I made to grasp opportunities, including how I became an academic researcher, how I met my wife, and how I began designing real markets, which built my business and led to my Nobel prize.

Of course, this will be a highly selective account. There are other stories about gambles that failed and about opportunities I missed. The main lesson from the whole set is unchanged: chances for change and growth are neither common nor rare. Not so common that you can afford to ignore the good ones. Not so rare that you should give up hope. And failures need not be devastating; life goes on.

My first surprise story is about how I became a professor. You all see me that way now, but this was not at all a path that anyone expected for me in view of my family history. My father had dropped out of high school in the 1930s, during the Great Depression, to help support his family. My mother was a high-school graduate, but my older brother, like my father before him, had dropped out of high school. I was the first man in my family to graduate high school and I went on to get an undergraduate degree in mathematics. Apart from mathematics, I did not earn especially good grades nor did I earn any honors. I was hired by an insurance company to be an actuary, doing insurance and pension computations. It was boring as hell! To make it more interesting, I wrote two papers about ways to improve and gain insight into what we were doing. Both papers won awards from the actuarial society, but I was still bored. So, I enrolled in the Stanford MBA program, planning to pursue a broader business career.

My more technical MBA classes were boring, too, targeted at a lower level than suited a math student like me, so I began thinking about new ways to do or understand the computations. When I explained to one professor that the rate of convergence of a certain calculation depended on the subdominant eigenvalue of a Markov matrix, he told me: “You enrolled in the wrong program!” Stanford offered me a scholarship to switch from the MBA program into their research-oriented doctoral program. How strange! I had never applied to any doctoral program nor taken the requisite exams. If I switched, I would earn a lot less money. Would I even be good at this?

I thought about it and what my publications as an actuary said about who I was. At least I wouldn’t be bored! I might even have fun, study challenging issues that I picked for myself! Two days later, I switched. It turned out that research really was fun for me, so I continued and became a professor. Notice all the elements:

1. Luck! I had no idea what I would discover as a student at Stanford.

2. The essential nudge and encouragement from another person – my teacher – to whom I offer my undying gratitude.

3. My own decisive choice to change my life path, after just two days of reflection!

My second story is about how I began a high-stakes auction business, both designing new auction markets and advising bidders in auctions where the stakes were measured in billions of dollars. I did not search for this opportunity; I stumbled upon it in the course of living my regular life.

The story begins in 1993, when the US Congress decided to use auctions to sell radio spectrum rights to mobile phone companies. There were hundreds and later thousands of inter-related licenses to allocate to the competing companies, and nobody had a good idea of how to do that. Should the licenses be sold one at a time in sequence, as some smaller companies wanted? Or in large combinations, as some big companies then preferred?

The FCC issued a report in which it tried to mix those solutions in what was supposed to be a political compromise. It was ugly! Ugly! To justify its conclusions, the report cited various academic papers about auctions, including my own, as if my paper about how to sell a simple object like a painting could have something useful to say about a multi-product auction of this scale and complexity. I figured I knew next to nothing about this problem, but it nevertheless proved to be my big break.

At the request of a now-defunct telephone company – Pacific Bell, I read and reflected on the FCC report. I thought to myself, “They don’t know what to do either! I may not know what is best, but I can sure do better than that ugly mess!”

For awhile, I had Pacific Bell’s support, but when critics claimed that my solution was too complicated to be practical, I decided to spend my own money to advocate it more effectively. I hired a research assistant to code the rules to run in an Excel spreadsheet and carried that to Washington, DC, where it convinced the FCC staff that this was actually doable. In the years since, the Milgrom-Wilson design became the basis of auctions used for hundreds of billions of dollars of spectrum sales. By continuing to create new designs and to advise confused bidders, I was able to start a profitable business.

Again, this story has all the important elements.

1. There was luck: the unexpected opportunity for an inexperienced theorist to contribute to help solve a practical problem.

2. There was another person: my PhD adviser Robert Wilson who worked with me and encouraged the development of the main ideas.

3. There was also my own decisiveness. We created and advocated a completely new auction design and, when my initial sponsors abandoned me, I spent my own money to push ahead with my proposal, ultimately convincing the skeptics and helping to create what has become the new field of market design, and my company, Auctionomics.

My final story is the most fun one. It is about how I met and wooed my wife, Eva. It required both my heart and my brain to win the woman I wanted.

Neither Eva nor I were supposed to attend the event where we met, which was the 1996 Nobel prize dinner. When laureate William Vickrey died suddenly, I was asked to come to Stockholm to deliver the lecture on his behalf. Eva was not supposed to be there, either. Her ex-husband – the chairman of the Economics Nobel committee – had fought with his girlfriend and needed someone to accompany him to the dinner, so he invited his ex! How’s that for luck!

We had a lovely time talking at dinner with the King of Sweden in attendance and then dancing at the formal ball. But I lived in California and she lived in Stockholm. Surely, nothing could come of that. Still, when I got home, I had Eva on my mind. Could anything be done?

I worried that if I reached out, Eva’s friends would counsel her that nothing could come of such a relationship. I needed to do something bold enough to overcome her friend’s objections. So, I wrote her a letter, telling her how much fun I had with her that evening and saying this: “Since you live in Sweden and I live in California, I’ll send you a plane ticket and meet you anywhere in the world.” Pretty decisive, huh!!??

I used other important symbols, too, to show her how special she was for me. Then she moved to California, where we married in 2000.

So, my message to you is that if your lives are anything like mine, they will continue to present important growth opportunities that will require you to be bold. With help and encouragement from one another, you can seize those opportunities to make your lives happier and more successful and to fit better with your true selves.

At least a few among you have already seized an opportunity that will define the next years of your life. Most of you will have more chances to make big changes and grow into happier, more productive people. Don’t be afraid of change that moves you forward and fits who you are. Life can be a wonderful adventure!

Congratulations to all of you!



摄影、直播/ 陈鸣、尹一智、李晨、张凌康

排版/ Banyan

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