
2021毕业季 | 我们一路走来,未来可期





一同来听听港中大(深圳)六位2021届毕业生的声音,他们是俄罗斯国际生Anastasia Levina、巴基斯坦国际生Isra Ahmed、韩国国际生Hyewon Jang和Jake Lee。在本期专题,内地本科毕业生宁文涛和李溢豪也分享了在毕业时刻的体悟。


Anastasia Levina



Anastasia Levina

School of Management and Economics

Shaw College


I'm working as a Marketing Manager and a CEO assistant at a strategic data science and AI consultancy. 

I participate in all activities where my help is needed: from developing a company marketing strategy, product strategy to simple basic work like content creation. I also join the meetings with prospects and clients and prepare presentations and proposals for them. 

I'm very happy at the company. Our team is not large but every person complements each other, shares their knowledge and experience that helps us grow. Also, the projects we're working on are very interesting and exciting. We work with European and American large companies helping define data strategy for them. 

Isra Ahmed



Isra Ahmed

School of Management and Economics

Shaw College


Challenging, growth-inducing, and memorable are three keywords of my university life. When I came in the first year, everything was just all over the place, and I used to be so overwhelmed. After learning time management, I have two different calendars with different duties sorted out, sticky notes and everything.

The international experience that I've got through this university helps me broaden my horizon and nurtures my growth. However, all of my international friends are separated abroad, and they wouldn't be here for all these graduate ceremonies and get together for our farewells. So that's a pity. For the future, I won't have anything less than rewarding, and I expect it to be an upward climb.

I'm going back home and work on my startup. It's about infusion of 3D technology with the fashion industry.




Wentao Ning 

School of Management and Economics

Diligentia College


If to use one word to conclud my 5-year study in CUHK-Shenzhen, it would definitely be "diversity". As one of the members of the third undergraduate cohort, I along with many other fellows have been exposed to abundant and various kinds of resources in the campus of CUHK-Shenzhen. During my college life, I've got the chance to attend courses taught by a group of top-notch academians, start my own business of a traveling platform in the Center of Innovation, Design and Entrepreneur, and meet with friends from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities thanks to the inclusive and tolerant environment, which is rarely seen in many other universities. 

Thanks for the Mentor Program initiated by the Career Development Office and the help provided by many professors in SME, I was lucky to ascertain my career direction in Year 3 and started internships in well-known internet companies referred by my mentors. Thanks for the training and guidance of SME, I've received about 10 job offers from internet unicorn companies, FMCG companies and financial institutions before graduation. After graduation, I'll be working in a blockchain investment fund to better land blockchain technology into people's daily life.

Hyewon Jang



Hyewon Jang (张惠媛) 

School of Management and Economics 

Shaw College


I'll say learning, challenging, and experience are three keywords of my university life. The fact that I get to socialize with a lot of people from many different backgrounds, and maybe their future careers is my favorite part. I think maybe it’s a good opportunity to see a wide perspective of life.

To CUHK-Shenzhen, I want to say thank you for providing me all these experience and opportunities to socialize with other people. And to the International students, I want to say that, I really miss you all, and I really wish you guys could come to the graduation ceremony. But most of you guys are stuck at home because of the situation. I know that China is really safe now, but to the other countries, they are still struggling with the situation. And I hope this situation get better, and I can see you guys one day, again.

For those of the times that I cannot be in a particular family event, I think that’s the time that I really miss my parents and being at home. I just want them to know that they still take big portions of my life and everything. And I also want to say that, I’ll eventually live with you guys, just in couple of weeks, so just bear with me.

During these four years in China, I travelled a lot of cities in Mainland, but I really miss home and I hope I can travel with my friends and families back home when I go back. That’s the plan for my summer.




Yihao Li

School of Life and Health Sciences

Muse College


I am so proud and grateful of being a CUHK-Shenzhener. In CUHK-Shenzhen, I have learnt how to become a wise and brave man.

It is the chance the University gave me that makes me closer to my dream. I was so lucky to get into a biology lab as well as participate in a real research project when I was a sophomore student, where I find my interest and enthusiasm. The experience supported and solidified the foundation of my future graduate study, which I have attained a dream school offer in a neuroscience lab.

In addition to the science education, the University has also gave me a lot of general education: in dialogue with humanity and nature, the introduction to philosophy, philosophy of religion, etc. They led me to explore my inner-self, which I have gained more determinism of my future and supported me to get through the difficulties met in life.

Jake Lee



Jake Lee(李钟赫)

School of Data Science

Muse College


I always wanted to find a job or start a business that is meaningful and has a social impact. I always searched for different ways to make this society a better place, caring for the uncared and loving the unloved.

Together with 4 other friends, we have started a nonprofit organization aiming to solve social issues. We started with research and writing articles about the environment, refugees, urban regeneration, fashion, and social ecosystem.

For now, we also conduct interviews with social companies that are working to solve those social issues. We have actively participated in the Korea Hult prize competition as judges and mentors at Ewha Woman's University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang Women's University, and CUHK-Shenzhen. 





Turning my head, I see the dreary beaten track.

Let me go back!

Impervious to wind, rain or shine, I'll have my will.

До свидания 再见!

!毕业快乐 گریجویشن مبارک!미래를 기대할 수 있습니다 未来可



Brandon Honanta(2018级理工学院、学勤书院)





2021毕业季 | 港中大(深圳)的五月,青春不散场









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