

CPRO 香港中文大学深圳

This is us 我们







商业时代崛起,商业神话好似彩色泡沫,我们常常用 “幸福的”“成功的”来形容我们憧憬的生活状态,然后奔赴千万种路径。“生活的意义”是什么?我们为什么要探索“生活的意义”?我们通过哲学的、艺术的、生活实践的讨论,追问这个亘久常新的问题——“何为良好生活”。



2022年的春天,我们发出了一份关于“爱情”的问卷。在这个后工业时代和互联网虚拟社会中,人们既独立又孤独,“Why we love today? ”














 Swipe up for EN introduction on the video 

What kind of magazine are we trying to make?


Why are we making this magazine?


Notwithstanding how quickly media formats are changing nowadays,


we still feel that paper and ink may convey, witness, and preserve our idealism, that is, to keep a record of the thoughts of contemporary scholars and young people.


Record faithfully. Discuss livelily.


Standing by the Fairy Lake, we gaze upon people, society, and the entire world.


We are not just hovering on the sidelines, observing and watching.


With strong emotions and high hopes, we are standing in this time.


So, starting from here, we wish to document the era, modern China, the globe, and ourselves. 

In the glory of the age, what do we record and discuss?

In the Fairy Lake, we documented how university graduates in the year 2020, who were suddenly hit by the pandemic, "anchored their way above the waves of uncertainty".

In the future full of possibilities, the young generation starts the lifelong exploration. It is difficult to find clear answers. What we try to do is to record the uneasiness, anxiety and various efforts of this generation of young scholars under the turbulence of the times.

In the world of economic balloon, we often use "happy" and "successful" to describe the state of life that we are hankering for, and we forge our paths to the fulfillment.

But what is the meaning of life?

Why do we explore the meaning of life?

Through philosophical, art, and practical discussions, we crave answers for the everlasting question— what does it mean to live a good life?

On the occasion of Shenzhen's 40th birthday, we measured her 230-kilometer beautiful coastline step by step, only to get closer to her and to portray her. As an oceanside city lying across mountains, the natural scenery of Shenzhen always brings a gentle touch of comfort and healing. This is Shenzhen, based on which we record and tell the story of our time.

When coerced by "involution" and "pressure", some of the young generations tried to reshape the man-land relationship and inter-personal relationship by creating space atmospheres and co-constructing gardens, to establish an inclusive, innovative, and harmonious cultural community.

To process such exploration and practice of co-construction gardening in universities, we are indeed pioneers both domestically and abroad.

We record the young generation’s reflection and practices on the relationship between contemporary living space and people and exhibit their explorations of ideal living space. They engraved this era, just as we engraved them.

In the spring of 2022, we posted a questionnaire about "love". In the post-industrial and virtual reality age, people can live independently but feel lonely. In this case, we’d like to ask : why we love today?

Impulse, synchronization, romance, comprehension

Resonance, freedom, independence, equality

Carrying out the "contemporary discussion of love", we hope that people in this era can still forge profound and intimate connection with the world through "love”.

On the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, we chronicled the flourishing and vigorous development of the Greater Bay Area. Catch a glimpse from “The Stories of Spring" at the cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, we see the fiery hearts of developing China.

Walking across the Luohu Bridge, an array of scholars have filled the Fairy Lake with their wisdom and knowledge. They are participants, contributors, and witnesses of Shenzhen-Hong Kong integration.

We write down the changes of the times they experienced, depicting their stories of traveling back and forth between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

In the autumn of 2022, we set our sights on the "distance". Under the circumstances of rapid urbanization, the young generation who grow up in a relatively comfortable environment is confronted with increasingly fierce competition.

By stepping out of the ivory tower, integrating into society, and by practices and observations, one can understand China through a new perspective.

With such a perspective, one can perceive his or her existence within the society in a more in-depth way.

We are infinitely splitted into small dots in the increasingly detailed social division of labor. If each dot is a basic element, it is by connection and integration that a supportive society can be established.

We record the boundless distances and countless people because they are all correlated to "us".

We stand in the times. Record is the meaning, and discussion is the response.

Faithfully documented, passionately discussed...

This is us, this is The Fairy Lake Magazine.



出品人 Executive Producer


总策划 Associate Producer


脚本 Screenwriter


摄影 Director of Photography

陈鸣  张凌康 

灯光 Gaffer


摄影助理 Assistant Camera


视频剪辑 Editor


配乐 Sound Editor


统筹 Production Coordinator


视频审校 Video Proofreader


翻译 Translator

魏禾  高雅 

中文审校 Chinese Proofreader


英文审校 English Proofreader


执行制片 Production Manager



演职员 Performer

陈铖 肖毅然 王梓涵 周语璇 柯承宇 刘广悦 

金珠淇 丁奕杰 洪悦彰

张烨睿 肖涵希 高逸 周诗璟 李行健 蒲严博 

张诗悦 魏禾 杜可 匡子娴 董楚珮

吴一鸣 黄若瑶 叶润博 温诗玥 张艺骅 季伊忱 

李玮颀 裴嘉琨 张育玮 余尔

张馨元 崔畅 高雅 邓栩诺 臧元仪 戴一诺 文玄亦 崔语桐 唐诗怡 王焰


Student Team of The Fairylake magazine

戴一诺 学生记者 人文社科学院 思廷书院

李玮颀 美编设计 医学院 思廷书院   

陈铖 流程编辑 经管学院 学勤书院

董楚珮 学生记者 经管学院 学勤书院   

高逸 学生主编 经管学院 学勤书院

周凯怡 学生记者 医学院 学勤书院

金珠淇 执行社长 人文社科学院 学勤书院   

杜可 学生主编 经管学院 逸夫书院   

唐诗怡 学生记者 经管学院 学勤书院

周语璇 活动策划 经管学院 逸夫书院

王菁 学生记者 理工学院 学勤书院

匡子娴 学生主编 人文社科学院 思廷书院

张艺骅 栏目编辑 经管学院 学勤书院

蒲严博 执行副社长 经管学院 祥波书院

刘浩然 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院

魏禾 学生主编 人文社科学院 祥波书院

温诗玥 栏目编辑 经管学院 思廷书院

邓栩诺 学生记者 经管学院 道扬书院

文玄亦 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院

臧元仪 学生记者 人文社科学院 思廷书院

张诗悦 栏目编辑 经管学院 逸夫书院

谭芷韵 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院

林嘉译 学生记者 人文社科学院 逸夫书院

丁凯伦 学生记者 理工学院 思廷书院

王焰 学生记者 人文社科学院 思廷书院

洪悦彰 栏目编辑 数据科学学院 思廷书院   

高雅 活动策划 人文社科学院 学勤书院

张然 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院 

黄若瑶 栏目编辑 人文学院 逸夫书院

李一扬 美编设计 经管学院 道扬书院

唐可馨 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院

季伊忱 栏目编辑 人文社科学院 祥波书院 

柯承宇 流程编辑 金融工程 道扬书院

张馨元 活动策划 经管学院 祥波书院

肖毅然流程编辑 人文社科学院 道扬书院

王梓涵 学生记者 经管学院 思廷书院

罗雯静 栏目编辑 人文社科学院 思廷书院

裴嘉琨 美编设计 数据科学学院 学勤书院

叶润博 栏目编辑 经管学院 道扬书院   

杨涵文 活动策划 经管学院 思廷书院   

郝嘉琦 学生记者 人文社科学院 祥波书院

尹敏娜 学生记者 人文社科学院 道扬书院   

张恩禧 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院

冯子凌 栏目编辑 经管学院 道扬书院

惠诗雅 学生记者 人文社科学院 道扬书院

贾涵 学生记者 人文社科学院 道扬书院   

赵越 活动策划 人文社科学院 祥波书院   

Pawel Henryk Knabe 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院   

祝一寒 栏目编辑 经管学院 逸夫书院



乔曦皓 执行社长 理工学院 逸夫书院 

贾楚煊 学生主编 人文社科学院 思廷书院

韩翌灵 栏目编辑 经管学院 祥波书院   

高源远 活动策划 经管学院 学勤书院   

王诗雨 学生主编 理工学院 学勤书院

张致远 学生记者 经管学院 逸夫书院    

唐俊荣 美编设计 经管学院 逸夫书院 

苏乐涵  学生主编 经管学院 逸夫书院 

尹楚含 栏目编辑 经管学院 思廷书院

朱逸琤 栏目编辑 经管学院 思廷书院

邵子艺 学生主编  经管学院 学勤书院  

应苗苗 美编设计 经管学院 学勤书院

黄舒旎 栏目编辑 经管学院 祥波书院   

刘广悦 学生主编 人文社科学院 逸夫书院 

余尔 流程编辑 数据科学学院 学勤书院

刘玥彤 学生记者 经管学院 思廷书院

吴一鸣 学生主编 人文社科学院 思廷书院

李行健 栏目编辑 理工学院 逸夫书院

彭璇 学生记者 人文社科学院 逸夫书院

郭启璇 栏目编辑 人文社科学院 思廷书院

胡曦匀 学生记者 人文社科学院 逸夫书院 

沈子妍 流程编辑 经管学院 祥波书院

周诗璟 栏目编辑 理工学院 逸夫书院

崔畅 活动策划 经管学院 逸夫书院

唐如璟 流程编辑 经管学院 道扬书院

张育玮  美编设计 金融工程 思廷书院   

崔语桐  栏目编辑 人文社科学院 思廷书院




排版:沈愉涵 2022级 经管学院 道扬书院

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