Dragon Head-Raising Day
Starting of Spring
Today is celebrated as the "Dragon Head-Raising Day," which refers to the start of spring and farming. On this special day, we proudly unveil the 10th anniversary logo and slogan of the program, along with a series of celebration activities. This is not only a tribute to the program development over the past ten years, but also an aspiration for the future.
10th Anniversary
10th Anniversary
今年一月,我们面向全球校友发起了十周年Slogan征集活动,得到了校友们的广泛参与。在众多的参选作品中,GK项目十周年组委会投票选出: “Passion to Innovate, Power to Change / 敢想,勇为”。这一富有启发性的口号,由GK04班校友Vinnie YING提出,既体现了项目的创新精神,也彰显了校友们敢于梦想、勇于实践的决心与勇气。
In January this year, we initiated a global slogan campaign for the 10th anniversary, which has received widespread participation from our alumni worldwide. Among the numerous submissions, the GK 10th Anniversary Committee voted to select "Passion to Innovate, Power to Change" as the slogan for the 10th anniversary, which is also translated as "敢想,勇为" in Chinese. This inspiring slogan was proposed by our esteemed alumna, Vinnie YING from GK04.
“Passion to Innovate, Power to Change / 敢想,勇为” 这句口号不仅激励人心,也与光华“敢当”、Kellogg“High impact, Low ego”的精神内核相呼应,更是与光华管理学院“创造管理知识,培养商界领袖,推动社会进步”的使命紧密相连。“敢想”代表着挑战传统、勇于创新的勇气;“勇为”则强调将理念转化为行动的决心。变革的时代更加需要有世界格局,敢想、勇为的领导者。GK项目将继续惟实励新,肩负使命,培养敢当敢为、引领全球商业的未来商界领袖。
The slogan "Passion to Innovate, Power to Change / 敢想,勇为" is not only inspiring, but also echoes the core spirits of Guanghua's "Gan Dang" and Kellogg's "High impact, Low ego". It is seamlessly connecting with the Guanghua school's mission to "advance management knowledge, cultivate business leaders, and promote social progress." "Passion to Innovate" represents the courage to challenge traditions and embrace innovation, while "Power to Change" emphasizes the determination to turn ideas into actions. In this transformative era, the world calls for leaders with a global vision who embody the courage to lead and the determination to act. The GK program also remains steadfast in our commitment to fostering innovation grounded in reality, embracing our mission to cultivate business leaders who are ready to shape the future of global business.
10th Anniversary
As the GK program celebrates the 10th anniversary, we will organize a diverse of vibrant events to commemorate this significant moment that will span the entire year. We sincerely invite every member of our global community to join us in this series of celebrations that honor our past, celebrate our present, and look forward to our future. Stay tuned for our ongoing updates and announcements.
GK Alumni Talk Series
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the GK program in 2024, we reflect on the journey from GK01 to GK10, where our esteemed GKers have consistently made a significant impact with low ego, both in China and on the global stage. Taking this opportunity, we are going to interview 10 distinguished alumni representatives in a special GK Alumni Talk Series. The interview will delve into the enduring legacy of the GK program, management insight, industry foresight, challenges and successes, etc.
GK Salon
We will regularly hold webinars, panels and alumni reunions to engage with thought leaders on leadership, innovation, and global business trends. Welcome to connect with fellow alumni at gatherings, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.
Cultural and Sports Events
We will organize a variety of cultural and sports activities that reflect our program's global diversity and vatility.
Fun Campaigns
Welcome to participate in our social media interactions and connect with the global GK community by sharing your unique stories about the program. For instance, you can use hashtags such as #GK10thAnniversary and #GKConnects to share your GK experiences or demonstrate your GK pride.
Celebration Day
The 10th Anniversary Celebration of the GK program will take place on November 9, 2024 in Beijing. The event will feature a forum followed by a heartwarming reunion gala. We extend a warm invitation to all GKers to join us as we reunite and embark on a new decade together.
Community Support
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the GK program, we sincerely invite you to contribute and engage in our diverse commemorative events. Your involvement and support is a powerful endorsement to the enduring spirit of GK and a beacon for our future endeavors.
Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Program
Admissions for 2024 is open!
010 - 62747151
010 - 62747158
✦ 希望从全球化视角认知当今世界变化,帮助企业实现转型升级的企业家;
✦ 从事国际化业务,计划开拓全球海外市场的企业高级管理人员;
✦ 立足中国市场,期待以国际视野提升竞争力的跨国企业领导者或专业人士。
✦ 已取得教育部认证的本科学位;
✦ 具有8年以上核心管理层全职工作经验;
✦ 能充分适应英语学习环境。