报名 | 北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目Coffee Chat@上海
Coffee Chat
Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA
北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目自创办十载以来,已汇聚了一批跨越国界、背景多元的全球商业人才,特别在上海地区也拥有广泛的校友基础和活跃的同学社群。您是否正在考虑加入这个蓬勃发展、活力多元的精英群体?欢迎报名北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目上海Coffee Chat,与招生老师面对面交流,探索更多项目详情。
Over the past decade, the Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA program has welcomed a group of global business talents with diverse backgrounds across borders, particularly boasting an extensive alumni network in Shanghai. Are you also considering joining this thriving community? You are warmly invited to schedule a Coffee Chat with our admissions team to learn more about the program details.
1. 北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目的独特之处;
2. 本项目是否适合您的职业发展目标;
3. 关于招生和录取的疑问解答;
4. 协助进行申请并给予建议;
During the coffee chat, we will:
1. Offer insights on the unique values of the Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Program;
2. Help you determine if the program is the right fit for your professional goals;
3. Answer your questions about admissions and applications;
4. Give advice and guide you through the application process;
线下 Offline
You can make an appointment to have a coffee chat with the admissions team from September 24th to 26th in Shanghai.
线上 Online
Alternatively, you can schedule an online meeting with the admissions team.
立即报名 / Sign Up
Scan the QR code or Click "Read more" to sign up.The admissions team will contact you to confirm a time session.
010 - 62747151
010 - 62747158
点击“阅读原文”报名北大光华-凯洛格国际EMBA项目上海Coffee Chat。