

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24



一、     选出你所听到的单词,把序号填在括号里

   1. A. skirt     B. circle       C. shirt

   2. A. hurt     B. purse       C. burn

   3. A. driver    B. tiger       C.farmer

   4. A. cart      B. arm       C. bar

   5. A. port     B. horn        C. fort      

二、     根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图片,在括号里打钩


三、     听句子,选出正确的答句

   1. A No, I am not.     B: Yes, I do.

 (    )2. A: I often go to a drawing club. It’s fun.

         B: I like running. I also likebasketball.

(    )3. ASure. Hereyou are.     B: Yes, we do.

(    )4. A: I want to be a bus driver.

       B: Sorry. I’m using it.

(    )5. A: I usually go to school on foot.

       B: Please wait for the green light. It’ssafe.




   1.  A. short   B. worker    C. horn      D. sport

   2.  A. circle   B. curly     C. future     D. Thursday

   3.  A. summer  B. dancer   C. singer     D. teacher

   4.  A. hurry    B. card     C. far       D. March

   5.  A. first     B. dirt      C. fire       D. purple

五、     选择填空,把序号写在题号前的括号里

   1. Do you often ____________?

     A. climb a hill      B. picking fruit    C. jumping rope

   2. My grandfather likes ________.

     A. play basketball   B. go fishing      C. running

   3. Do you have erasers?    No,_________.

      A. We do         B. we don’t        C. Here you are.

   4. Be careful! Use the _________.

      A. sidewalk         B. ruler        C. crayon

   5. Don’t play with fire. It’s _____.

       A. safe            B. dangerous    C. danger

   6. ______ do you want to be in the future?

       A. Where          B. How        C. What

   7. I like eating delicious food. I want to be a_______.

       A. worker          B. farmer      C. cook

   8. Is she a police officer?    Yes, ________.

       A. I am         B. he is      C. she is

   9 The light is red. Please _______.

       A. stop         B. wait      C. go

   10.  How do youusually go to school?

       A. I usually go to the park by car.

       B. I often pick fruit on the weekend.

       C. I usually go to school by subway.


     My name is Alex. I want to be a policeofficer in the future. It’s a cool job. My little sister likes to eat. Shewants to a cook in the future. Then She can eat any time. My father likes treesand flowers. He is a farmer. My mother works in a hospital. She is a doctor. Ifyou have a cold, she can help you. What do you want to be in the future?

(    )1. Alex wants to be a policewoman in thefuture.

(    )2. My little sister wants to be cook inthe future.

(    )3. Alex’s mother works in a hospital. Sheis a nurse.

(    )4. Alex’s father is a farmer.


 go fishing,   jumping rope,  by bike,  interesting,  go to the cinema

 by train,   climb a hill,   bus drive,   doctor,   play computer games

   I am ________. I am from _______. I like____________. It’s interesting.I often_________________on the weekend. Iusually go to school ________. I want to be a ______________ in the future.What about you?


1. Can I use your scissors, please?

2. Be careful! Don’t climb on the window ledge.

3. What do you want to be in the future?

4. I usually go to the park by car.



(   )1.A. coin    B. toy    C. joy     D. train

(  ) 2. A. see      B. feet   C. head   D. meet    

(  ) 3. A. nurse    B. dirty  C. sir    D. write

(  ) 4. A. shop     B. hotel  C. post office D. go

(  ) 5. A. sorry    B. by     C. happy  D. party

(  ) 6. A. birthday B. stay   C.hockey  D. crayon

(  ) 7. A. double   B. card   C. trouble D. young     

(  ) 8. A. cloudy   B. boy     C. loud  D. sound

(  ) 9. A. draw     B. clown   C. flower D. cow

(  ) 10. A. burn    B. hurt    C. green D. thirsty


(   )1.A.He works in a hospital. B. He is a mailman.

    C. She is a hairdresser.

(  ) 2.A. Sure. Here you are.   B.Yes. I am.

    C. No, I don’t.

(  ) 3.A. I want be a teacher.  B. Ilike hockey.

    C. I want to be a policeman.

(  ) 4.A. No, I’m not.         B.Yes, I do.

    C. No, I am.

(   ) 5.A.I like to go to the movies.

   B.I often play tennis.

   C.I like to drive bumper car.


(   )1.A.downstairsB. crosswalk  C. uderpass

(   )2.A.salesclarkB. dentist    C. mailman

(   )3.A.concert    B. puzzle     C. weekend

(   )4.A.scissors   B. sometimes C. dangerous

(   )5.A.practice   B. sport     C. exciting


1.Do you havescissors?               I want to becook.

2.Can you passme the book?           I like to dopuzzles.

3.What do you want to be?              He is a dentist.

4.What do youdo for fun?              Yes, I do.

5.Is lily good at tennis?          I’m going to make an invitation.

6.What doesAndy’s father do?          She works in aschool.

7.Where doesJoy’s  sister work?      Sorry, I’m using it.

8. What are yougoing to do for the party?       No, sheisn’tⅤ.选择

(  )1.Ilike English. It’s _______.

A. boring   B. interesting    C. just so-so.      

(  )2.Canyou _____ me _____music?

A. help;in   B. use;a     C. help;with       

(  )3.Doyou often ________?

A. goes jogging   B. go jogging   C. plays tennis       

(  )4.Sheis a _______. She works in a ______.

A. salesclerk;store     B. teacher;hospital

     C. hairdresser;hotel

(  )5.Whatdoes lily like to do _____ fun?

A. at        B. for        C. in

(  )6.---Sorry.I don’t _____ one.

A. yes       B. have       C. hotel      

(  )7.Usethe sidewalk. It’s _____.

A. safe     B. bad       C. dangerous      

(  )8.What____ he do? He is a singer.

A. do       B. like      C. does       

(  )9.Doyou often ________?

A. go to concerts     B. go to the concerts      

C. go to concert      

(  )10.I’m _______ math.

A. happy    B. good at    C. like

(   ) 11.Can you _____ me your dictionary?

 A. watch       B. pass   C. climb

(   ) 12.Don’t climb over the fence. It’s_______.

 A. safe      B. good        C.dangerous

(   ) 13.I don’t like to do puzzles. Because It’s______.

A. interesting   B. exciting     C.bring 

(   )14.I like soccer. I _____like badminton.

A. also       B. often     C. usually

(   )15.--He likes to play chess.


--_____ it’s fun.

      A. can      B. Yes    C. Because

(   )16.What does Andy’s _____ do?

       She is a mailman.

A. uncle    B. grandfather    C. mother.


1.Whatare you going to do for the party?


2.Sheworks in a post office.


3.Whatdo you want to be?


4.canyou pass me the CD player


5.Doyou often go roller-skating?


6.Pleaseuse the crosswalk. It’s safe.


7.Can Iuse your ruler? Yes. Here you are.


8.Don’tplay with fire. It’s dangerous.


9.Whatdo you do for fun on weekends?


10.I don’t wantto be a cook. It’s boring.












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