

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10



Unit 1 Welcome to our school!

Unit 2 Can I help you?

Unit 3 We should obey the rules.

Fun time 1

Unit 4 What's wrong with you?

Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.

Unit 6 We're watching the games.

Fun time 2




Unit  1

library 图书馆

borrow  借

borrow  book借书

meeting room会议室

have a meeting 开会  

welcome 欢迎

meet 相遇,开会

our  我们的

science lab科学实验室   

language lab 语言试验室

English lesson英语课

we  我们

have  有

all  所有,全部

like  喜欢

very  much   非常,很

art club 美术俱乐部

paint a picture 绘画  

music club音乐俱乐部

play the piano 弹钢琴

many  许多

way  路,道路

please  请

also  也,同样

Unit  2

toy   train      玩具火车

toy   plane    玩具飞机

toy   ship      玩具轮船

toy   boat     玩具小船

can    能

help   帮助

want   想,想要

toy     玩具

train       火车                       

plane    飞机

ship      轮船                         

boat     小船

motorbike   摩托车               

jeep       吉普车

coach    长途旅游车   

buy   买          

bike     自行车

car      小汽车                       

bus      公共汽车

taxi     出租车

trousers      裤子,长裤

short  pants    短裤

try  试

coat      大衣

clothes      衣服

Unit  3

ask   问

answer   回答

eat   吃

make    制造 做

think   想

late   晚,迟到

class   班

school    学校

question   问题

actively   积极地

quiet    安静地

make noise  喧闹  

keep your room clean  保持房间整洁

do housework  做家务

read in bed   在床上看书

go home late   晚回家

go home  回家     

get up   起床   

go to bed  去睡觉

help old people  帮助老人

keep off the grass   不要进入草地

take good care of young children  照顾好小孩

play on the street  在街道上玩耍

pick flowers  摘花

litter  乱丢杂物

 wait  等待

take  拿,乘坐

young  年轻的

child  孩子

people  人们  

Unit  4

have a bad cold  重感冒   

have a fever  发烧   

have a headache  头痛

 have a  cough   咳嗽

dear   亲爱的

ill   有病的

bad   严重的 厉害的

afraid  害怕

worry   担心 着急

have a toothache  牙痛  

have a stomachache  胃痛

take some medicine  吃药     

take a good rest  好好休息     

wrong  错的

with   和......一起

head  头

face  脸

ear  耳朵

arm  胳膊

Chocolate  巧克力   

dragon fruit  火龙果  

bring  带来

feel  感觉  

get-well card  康复卡

here   这里  在这里

for  为了......,给......

Unit  5

make a call  打电话

write an email  写电子邮件

wash the clothes  洗衣服

clean the room  打扫房间

tell a story  讲故事

sing a song  唱歌

play the guitar  弹吉他

play the violin  拉小提琴

look at the picture  看图片

talk about  谈论

stand  站立

sit  坐;坐下

cousin  表(堂)兄弟;表(堂)姐妹

Unit  6

play football   踢足球

play volleyball   打排球

play basketball   打篮球

watch the games   观看比赛

watch   看

game  比赛;游戏

foot (feet)  脚(复数)

football  足球

basketball   篮球

playground  操场

play badminton  打羽毛球

play tennis   打网球  

play ping-pong   打乒乓球

play baseball   打棒球

Miss  小姐

Ms  女士

Mr  先生

Mrs  太太

favourite  最喜欢的

sport  运动

do the high jump  跳高

do the long jump  跳远

run fast  跑得快

run   跑;跑步

high jump   跳远


Unit 1 Welcome to our school! 


library 图书馆 borrow (向某人、从某人)借  

borrow books 借书 

meeting room 会议室  have a meeting 开会  

welcome 欢迎 

meet 相遇;开会   our 我们的  

science lab 科学实验室 

science lesson 科学课   

language lab 语言实验室 

English lesson 英语课  we 我们  

have 有  all 所有;全部 

like 喜欢 very much 非常;很 

art club 美术(艺术)俱乐部

paint a picture (用颜料)绘画  

music club 音乐俱乐部

play the piano 弹钢琴  

many 许多   music 音乐

way 路;道路   please 请    

also 也;同样


1. We\\\\\\\\\'ll show you around our school. 我们会带你参观我们学校。

2. Look! This is our library. 看!这是我们的图书馆。

3. —Do you often come to the library?


—Yes. We often borrow books from the library.


4. This way, please. This is our meeting room.


5. Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。

6. —How many science lessons do you have in a week?


—We have two. 两节。

7. —Do you like English? —Yes. We all like it.


8. —You speak English very well. —Thank you very much.


9. —Can you sing and dance for us? —Certainly!


10. —Who\\\\\\\\\'s this?— It\\\\\\\\\'s Monkey King.


11. —Would you like to dance? —No, thanks. We are tired!


Unit 2 Can I help you?


toy train 玩具火车  toy plane 玩具飞机    

toy ship 玩具轮船 

toy boat 玩具小船  can 能  help 帮助  

want 想;想要   toy 玩具  train 火车  

plane 飞机  ship 轮船  boat 小船  

motorbike摩托车  jeep 吉普车  

coach 长途旅游车  buy 买 

bike 自行车  car 小汽车  bus 公共汽车  

taxi 出租车 trousers 裤子;长裤  

short pants 短裤  try 试 

coat 大衣   clothes 衣服


1. —Dad, can I have a toy train? —Sure!


2. —Can I help you? —Yes. I want a toy train.


3. —Which one do you like? —I like the blue one.


4. —How much is it?— It\\\\\\\\\'s fifty-six yuan.


5. —We\\\\\\\\\'ll take it. —Here you are. —Thank you.


6. —Mum, can I have a motorbike? —OK. Choose one you like.


7. —What can I do for you? —I want to buy a motorbike.


8. —How about this one? —It looks nice. I like it.


9. —Can I try them on? —Sure.


10. —Would you please show me that pair of short pants?


—Sure. Here you are. 当然。给你。

11. —Can I help you? —Yes, please.


12. —Can I help you? —I would like a pair of black pants.


Unit 3 We should obey the rules. 


ask 问  answer 回答  eat 吃  make 制造;做   

think 想   late 晚;迟到   class 班   

school 学校   question 问题 

actively 积极地   quiet 安静的   

make noise 喧闹;制造噪音

keep your room clean 保持房间淸洁    

do housework 做家务

read in bed 在床上看书  go home late 晚回家  

go home 回家

get up 起床   go to bed 去睡觉   

help old people 帮助老人 

keep off the grass 不要进入草地  

take good care of young children 照看好儿童

play on the street 在街道上玩耍     

pick flowers 摘花

litter 乱丢杂物   wait 等待   take 拿;乘坐  

young 年轻的

child (children) 孩子(复数) 

people 人;人们


1. Don\\\\\\\\\'t be late for school. 不能迟到。

2. Don\\\\\\\\\'t make noise in class. 上课不能制造噪音。

3. Be quiet. 安静。

4. You should go to bed early. 你应该早些睡觉。

5. You shouldn\\\\\\\\\'t read in bed. 你不该在床上看书。

6. You mustn\\\\\\\\\'t cross the street now. 你现在不能过马路。

7. You must wait for the green light. 你必须等到绿灯。

Unit 4 What’s wrong with you?



have a bad cold重感冒   

have a fever发烧   

have a headache头疼  

 have a toothache牙疼  

have a stomachache 胃疼


take some medicine吃药  

take a good rest好好休息  

drink more water多喝水    

stay in bed卧床休息


chocolate巧克力   dragon fruit火龙果    

get-well card康复卡  flower花  kiwi fruit猕猴桃


1. Don’t worry about your lessons.  不要担心你的课程。

2. I’ll help you with your lessons. 我将帮你补习功课。

3. —Can I go to school tomorrow? 明天我能去学校吗?

—No,You should take a good rest. 不行,你应该好好休息。

4. —How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎样?

—I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。

5. I’m ill today. 我今天生病了。

6. I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。

7. —What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

— I have a headache. 我头疼。

8. Here’s a get-well card for you. 这有张康复卡给你。

Unit 5 I’m cleaning my room.


make a call打电话  

write an email写电子邮件  

wash the clothes 洗衣服 

clean the room打扫房间  

tell a story讲故事  

sing a song唱歌   

play the guitar弹吉他  

play the violin弹钢琴   

look at the picture看图片 

 talk about谈论


1. Dad is writing an email. 爸爸正在写电子邮件。

2. Mum is washing the clothes. 妈妈正在洗衣服。

3. —What’s Li Yan doing? 李艳正在做什么。

—She’s singing a song. 她正在唱歌。

4. —Is he looking at the moon? 他正在看月亮吗?

—No, he isn’t . He is looking at the sun. 不,他正在看太阳。

5. I’m cleaning the room. 我正在打扫房间。

6. —What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

—I’m telling a story. 我正在讲故事。

7. —Are you looking at this picture? 你正在看图片吗?

—Yes, I am.No, I am not. 是,是的。不,不是。

Unit 6 We’re watching the games.


play football踢足球  

play volleyball打排球  

play basketball打篮球  

watch the games看比赛   

play badminton打羽毛球  

play tennis打网球  

play ping-pong打乒乓球  

play baseball打棒球  

do the high jump跳高  

do the long jump跳远


play+球类  打......球       如:play football

play+ the +乐器  弹奏......乐器   如:play the guitar


1. The boys are playing football. 男孩们正在踢足球。

2. The girls are playing volleyball. 女孩们正在打排球。

3. The teachers are playing basketball.老师们正在打篮球。

4. —What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?

—They are playing tennis. 他们正在打网球。

5. —Are they doing the high jump? 他们正在跳高吗?

—No, they aren’t 不,不是。

6. We’re watching the games. 我们正在观看比赛。

7. —What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

—We are playing ping-pong.我们正在打乒乓球。

8. —Are you watching the high jump? 你们正在看跳高吗?

—Yes, we are. 是,是的。



