
沪教版四上英语Unit 6 I have a friend 朗读+微课+知识总结(上海牛津)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2023-02-12




Unit 6  单词朗读:

Unit 6  课文朗读:



I. Words 单词

1.bite  v. 咬

   [例句] Barking dogs seldom bite. 爱叫的狗不咬人。

2.blouse  n.女式衬衣

   [例句] She was wearing a skirt and blouse. 她穿着一条短裙和一件衬衫。

3.coat   n. 外套

   [例句] He slipped on his coat.他匆忙穿上外衣。

4.sharp  adj.锋利的

   [例句] The lion\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s teeth are very sharp.狮子的牙非常锋利。

   [反义词] blunt钝的

   [常见词组] a sharp sword锋利的剑  sharp eyes敏锐的目光  sharp ears灵敏的听觉

5.shorts  n. 短裤

   [例句] They\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re wearing short shorts today.他们今天都穿着超短裤。

6.skate  v. 滑冰

   [例句] She skates beautifully. 她滑冰动作优美。

   [记忆链接] ski滑雪

7.skirt  n. 短裙

   [例句] She has several beautiful skirts.她有儿条很漂亮的短裙。

8.jeans  n. 牛仔裤

   [例句] A woman in blue jeans walked into the store. 一个穿蓝色牛仔裤的妇女走进商店。

9.strong  adj. 强壮的

(1) 强壮的,有力的

   [例句] That big lion is very strong. 那头大狮子非常强壮。

   (2) 坚固的,结实的

   [例句] Our position was a strong one.我们的阵地很坚固。

   [反义词] weak虚弱的

   [常见词组] strong as a bull力大如牛  have strong nerves有胆量

10.tooth  n.牙齿

   [复数] teeth

   [例句] The small mouse has sharp teeth. 小老鼠有锋利的牙齿。

  [记忆链接] toothbrush牙刷  toothpaste牙膏

Ⅱ. Daily Expressions日常用语

    I have a friend.我有一个朋友。


    I have a white cat.我有一只白色的猫。

He has a yellow bicycle.他有一辆黄色的自行车。


1. 所有格的用法:

This is Eddie and Wendy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s ball.    These are Eddie\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s and Wendy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s balls.



左图中Eddie and Wendy’s ball表示球是Eddie和Wendy共同拥有的,要表示Eddie和Wendy各有一个球时,必须说: Eddie\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s and Wendy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s balls,(如右图所示)。

2. 所有格的辨析:

有些缩写形式也是’s,与所有格形式一样,要学会区分。His name’s (His name is) Mike. 他的名字叫迈克。There\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s (There is)a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。I like Mike\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s(的)bicycle. 我喜欢迈克的自行车。Eric\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s(的)friend\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s(friend is) Danny. 艾瑞克的朋友是丹尼。


3. ’s 所有格的构成:

①一般情况下在名词词尾加’s,例如:Jack\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s storybook杰克的故事书   My sister\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s dog我妹妹的狗

②若名词已有以-s或-es。结尾的复数词尾,直接在其后加’s,例如:my parents’ hope我父母的希望  these factories\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' workers这些工厂的工人们

③不以-s 结尾的复数名词直接在其后加’s,例如:men’s clothes男士服装   children\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s books儿童读物



br   cr  的发音    

bread  面包:                               ice  cream冰淇淋:


Bryan likes ice cream.   Bryan 喜欢冰淇淋

He likes bread too.      他也喜欢面包。

On the bread,            在面包上,

And eats the ice cream     然后再吃带有面包的

With the bread.冰淇淋。




1. My friend has a skirt. It’s pink.( 合一句)

  My friend __________  ________skirt.  

2.The rabbit’s eyes are red. ( 同义句)

  The rabbit_______  _______eyes.

3. My father can drive . (划线提问)

  What  _________ __________father______?

4. The firefighter has a strong body (一般疑问句并做肯定回答)

  ________the boys brave? Yes,_________  ________.



1. They_____ a cousin.He _____  a big apple.

2.Mary and Ben ______cards.They can play cards.

4. What do you______  ?I _____a pink scarf.

5.. The girl ______ two big eyes.



1.The woman over there is ______ mother.  

A. Julia and Shelley’s     B. Julia’s and Shelley’s    C. Julia and Shelley   D. Julia’s and Shelley

2.---Excuse me,where are _______ offices?---Over there.

A. teacher’s     B. teachers’     C. the teacher’s             D. the teachers’

3. Today is September 10th. It’s_____ Day. Let’s go and buy some flowers for our teachers.

A. Teacher      B. Teachers’      C. the Teachers’           D. Teacher’s

4.This is my dress. That one is ____.

A. Mary         B. Mary’s   C. sister            D. mother

5.The         is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.

A. bicycle’s shop      B. bicycle shop    C. bicycles shop     D. bicycles’ shop



  1.复数形式:apple _____________           mouse _____________

  2.反义词: afraid _____________           sharp _____________

 3.同类词: lion  _____________           your _____________

  4.形容词性物主代词:we_____________      they _____________

  5.与画线部分发音相同的单词flower _____________    blue _____________

【keys】l. apples , mice  2.brave, blunt  3. tiger, our/their/my/her/his/its/your  4.our,their  

5.fly, black




(        ) 1. My friend is a boy. _________has big eyes.

A. I               B. He                       C. She

(        ) 2. The mouse\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s tail. _______long and thin.

A. is              B. are                        C. has

(        ) 3. I _________cats.

A. not like        B. don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like              C. doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like

(        ) 4. —_________cat is this?


A. Who         B. Who\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s                C. Whose

(        ) 5. —What _________the lion like?


A. do           B. does                 C. is

(        ) 6. Jack and I _________a new friend.

A. have        B. has                   C. are

(        ) 7. Sam _________his chair.

A. like         B. don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like            C. doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like

(        ) 8. The lion can run and jump. It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s_________.

A. strong       B. afraid              C. happy

【keys】1.B  2.A  3.B   4.C  5.B  6.A  7.C  8.A



1. She has_________ hair.

2.  —_________bicycle is that?     —It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s_________ bicycle.

3.  The_________has two big_________.

4.  The_________ is on the_________.

5.  —_________is the bird?  —_________on the branch(树枝).

6.  The _________is_________.

【keys】l. long 2. Whose, Mary’s 3.mouse, ears 4. flower, slide 5.Where, It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s  6.lion, strong


1. The mouse\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s teeth are sharp. (改为一般疑问句)


2. The boy is on the slide. (划线提问)


3. Is this your kite?  (改成肯定句)


4. Peter has short hair, (改成一般疑问句)


5. My mother doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like pineapples. (改成肯定句)


6. Lucy is eleven. (划线提问)


【keys】1. Are the mouse\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s teeth sharp?  2. Where\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the boy? 3. This is my \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'kite.

4. Does Peter have short hair? 5. My mother likes pineapples. 6. How old is Lucy?


1.   teeth    and    sharp    Bobby\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s    small    are ( .)


2.   boy     girl    the      the      are      happy    and (. )


3.   has     two    eyes     red      rabbit    a (. )


4.   has     yellow    bicycle    John    a (. )


5.   call     me       Wang     Judy    can    you (. )


【keys】1. Bobby\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s teeth are sharp and small. 2. The boy and the girl are happy.

3.A rabbit has two red eyes. 4.John has a yellow bicycle. 5. You can call me Judy Wang.



A lion says that he is sick. He stays at home all day long. The animals in the forest hear about this. They all come to see the lion. But he is not sick at all. He eats them all. The fox also comes to see the lion. He comes to the door of the lion. Then he finds out one strange thing. All the footprints are towards the house. Soon he understands all things. He runs away quickly. The lion doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t see him.

(         ) 1. Is the lion sick?

A. Yes, he is.           B. No, he isn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t.                C. We don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t know.

(         ) 2. The lion _________the animals who come to see him.

A. eats                B. thanks                     C. doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t meet

(        ) 3. The fox is_________.

A. foolish(愚蠢的)       B. clever                      C. kind

【keys】1.B  2.A  3.B












