
沪教版五上册英语Unit 10 Water 朗读+微课+知识总结(上海牛津)

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Unit 10  单词朗读:

Unit 10  课文朗读:



I. Words and phrases 单词和短语

1. boil /bɔil/


 [例句]She doesn\\\\\'t know how to boil an egg. 她不知道怎样煮一个鸡蛋。


[例句]The water is boiling. 水开了。


2. pour /pɔ:(r)/ vt.倒,灌,注

[例句]She pours another cup of tea.她又倒了一杯茶。


She often pours her troubles to friends. 她经常向朋友们倾诉她的苦恼。


3. drink /driŋk/


[例句]A horse is drinking water in the river. 马正在河中饮水。

You shouldn\\\\\'t drink and drive. 你不应该喝酒开车。


[例句]They sell soft drinks only. 他们只卖软饮料。

Drinking too much soft drinks is bad for your health. 喝太多软饮料对你的身体有害。


4. tea /ti:/ n.茶  红茶 black tea.   绿茶 green tea。

 [例句]Would you like a cup of tea? 你想要一杯茶吗?               

I like drinking tea. 我喜欢喝茶。


5. make some tea 泡茶                              

6.drink the tea 喝茶 

7.It tastes great.尝起来很棒                       

8.in the mountains 在山上      

9.in the west of China 在中国的西部                  

10.be part of …是…的一部分 

11.rise up to the sky 上升到天空                     

12. fall down 落下 


II. Daily expressions 日常表达

1. Would you like some? 你想要一些吗?

2. What are you doing, Grandma? 奶奶,你正在做什么?

3. What\\\\\'s next? 接下来做什么?

4. It tastes great! 它尝起来味道好极了!


III. Sentences 句子

1. Would you like some? 你想来点茶吗?

本句中的 Would you like+ sth/to do sth? 表示建议。

[例句]Would you like some drinks? 你想要一些饮料吗?

I would like to drink some water. 我想喝一些水。


2. Mmm, it tastes great! 嗯嗯,好喝极了。 taste在本句中是系动词,意为“尝起来”。 

[例句]The dish tastes very good. 这道菜好吃极了。

[拓展延伸]具有类似用法的词还有:smell, look, hear, feel等。     

[例句]The flower smells sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。

It looks like a cat. 它看起来像一只猫。


3. The students are giving a report about the Yangtze River. 学生们正在就长江问题作报告

the Yangtze River中必须加定冠词the。我们要注意the的用法。


the Huanghe River 黄河,the Great Wall 长城,the Summer Palace 顾和园


[例句] I have a book. The book is about an emperor.



[例句]The horse is our friend. 马是我们的朋友。


4. He rises up to the sky. 他升到天空中。

rise 上升,升起”的意思,是不及物动词,反义词为set。

[例句]The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。

     The price of the vegetables is rising up. 蔬菜的价格正在上涨。


5. First, get a glass of water and a piece of white paper. 首先,拿来一杯水和一张白纸。

—些不可数名词变复数需借助一些量词,如本句中的a glass of water和a piece of paper, 要表达复数概念,须在量词上体现,如:two glasses of water, three pieces of paper。

 [例句]I drink two cups of tea. 我喝了两杯茶。                   

He has three pieces of bread. 他吃了三片面包


IV. Grammar 语法





第一人称单数I + am +现在分词形式

第一人称复数We + are +现在分词形式

第二人称单(复)数You + are +现在分词形式

第三人称单数He(She,It) + is+现在分词形式

第三人称复数They + are +现在分词形式

肯定句:主语+ be(is/am/are) +现在分词

否定句:主语+ be(is/am/are) + not +现在分词

一般疑问句:Be(Is/Am/Are) +主语+现在分词?



①直接+ing(例:sleep+ing sleeping)


③重读闭音节,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing(例:sit+ t+ing sitting)

④特殊变化:die—dying, lie—lying, tie—tying



[例句]We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。


[例句]Mr Green is writing another novel. 格林先生在写另一部小说。


[例句]She is learning piano from Mr Smith. 她正在向史密斯先生学钢琴。

2. Adverbs of sequence:first, next, then, finally


[例句](比如我在煮鸡蛋时)First, we should wash the eggs. Next, put the eggs in the cold water. Then boil the water for 10 minutes. Finally take out the eggs.


3. Adverb of frequency:twice

twice意为“两次”,一次用once,三次及三次以上用times, three times, four times等等

[例句] We should brush our teeth twice a day. 我们应该一天刷两次牙。

I visit my grandparents once a week. 我一周去看望一次爷爷奶奶。




1.The Yangtze River runs ________ the mountains.            


2.The coffee ________ great.            


3.—Would you like some tea?


A.OK.B.Yes, please.C.No, I don\\\\\'t like.

4.Huangpu River is ________ of the Yangtze River.            


5.Can I have ________ water?            


6.I can take the water and the paper ________ the window ________ the sun light.            

A.in; toB.near; intoC.on; under

7.Shanghai is in the east ________ China.            


8.What do we need for making some tea?            

A.Hot waterB.Cold waterC.Warm water

9.________, the Yangtze River runs into the sea.            


10.I\\\\\'m making some tea. First, I ________ the water.            




    The Wangs are talking         1        their holiday. They want to visit Hainan Island. It is in the         2        of China. There are         3        interesting places on Hainan Island. They can see the blue         4       . They can play on the         5       , too. They are         6        by plane. It is         7        but fast to go by plane. It is their first time to         8        a plane. They are so         9       . They are sure to have         10        good time.

1. A. with

B. to

C. about

2. A. north

B. south

C. west

3. A. any

B. many

C. some

4. A. first

B. sea

C. pond

5. A. sea

B. path

C. beach

6. A. going there

B. go there

C. go to there

7. A. dear

B. cheap

C. nice

8. A. by

B. have

C. take

9. A. sad

B. worry

C. excited

10. A. a

B. an

C. /



During the holidays, Amy and Tim want to do some cooking at home. They love chocolate cake very much.

Amy: Let\\\\\'s make a chocolate cake!

Tim: Good idea. Then what do we need?

Amy: We need a lot of chocolate, some milk, and flour, and…

Tim: Well, well, let\\\\\'s start! Can I heat the oven (烤箱) first?

Amy: Yes, please. Do we need a big bowl?

Tim: Of course. Here you are.

Amy: I want to put three eggs, some sugar, some chocolate, much flour and cream into the bowl.

Tim: Can I mix them?

Amy: OK. But don\\\\\'t play with the flour.

Tim: I know. Now I want to put the batter (面糊) into a pan (平底锅). Is the oven hot?

Amy: Oh, very hot.

Tim: Well, let\\\\\'s put the pan into the oven, and bake it.

Amy: OK.

(1)A. Amy and Tim want to ________ during the holidays.            

A.do some washingB.make a cakeC.make some chocolate

(2)They don\\\\\'t need ________ for making a chocolate cake.            


(3)What do they do first?            

A.Mix the foodB.Take a bowlC.Heat the oven

(4)Do they put the salt into the bowl?            

A.No, they don\\\\\'t.B.They put some sugar.C.Yes, they do.

(5)What can\\\\\'t Tim do?            

A.Put the pan into the oven.B.Play with the flour.C.Bake it.


    The Wangs are talking about their holiday. They want to visit Hainan Island. It is in the south of China. There are many interesting places on Hainan Island. They can see the blue sea. They can play on the beach, too. They are going there by plane. It is dear but fast to go by plane. It is their first time to take a plane. They are so excited. They are sure to have a good time.

(1)Where are the Wangs going?    

(2)Can they see the sea in Hainan?    

(3)How do they go there?    

(4)How do they feel?    

(5)Did they take a plane before?    


14.Little Water Drop lives in the sea. (根据划线部分提问)    

15.You should brush your teeth twice a day. (根据划线部分提问)    

16.Kitty pours the tea into the cup. (根据划线部分提问)    

17.I brush my teeth twice every day. (根据划线部分提问)    

18.The dolphins are jumping and swimming in the pool. (改成can句型)













