
沪教版六上英语Unit 7 Rules round us 朗读+微课+知识总结(上海牛津)

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Unit 7  单词课文朗读:



1. rules and signs         规则和标记      rules round us=rules around us

 have rules in the classroom      在教室里有规则     have rules in the park

 have rules on the road        在马路上有规则     have rules in the library

2. must do   必须做       must keep quiet      必须保持安静 

must not do sth.= mustn’t do sth.      不准;禁止做      mustn’t leave rubbish

We must not walk on the grass. =  Don’t walk on the grass.

We must not play basketball. =   Don’t play basketball.

3. wait for    等候    wait for the green man       man---men

4. walk on the grass      走在草地上

5. listen to the teachers   听老师 

6. run across the road        跑过马路  run across the road=cross the road

7.  in the shopping center8. enter the centre       进入中心 

enter=go into=come into,    entrance,   at the entrance

8. climb the trees       爬树

9.talk loudly       大声交谈    mustn’t talk loudly t = must keep quiet

10.turn left/right      向左/右转

11.a lift  一部电梯     an escalator   一部自动扶

12.on the left   在左边     on the right在右边      the one on the left/right    在左边的/右边的一个         the one in the middle     在中间的一个 

12. go upstairs 上楼  come upstairs,  go downstairs下楼  come downstairs

13. an exit   一个出口 

14. chase each other     互相追逐    chase each other=run after each other,

15. keep class rules    遵守班级规则  break class rules  违反班级规则   

16.  look at the photo of my father and me    photo—photos,

17.a friend of mine=one of my friends



After this period, students are going to:

1. Interpret signs;

2. Use modal verbs to express obligation and prohibition;

3. Use imperatives to express prohibition;

4. Be aware of the importance of signs;

5. Assess and comment:


Key points:

1. Use \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'we must (not)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' to obligation and prohibition;

2. Be aware of the importance of signs;



 Assess and comment;



Students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' activity

Teacher\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s activity












8 minutes



















8 minutes

1. Free talk.
























1. Show students a sign. Have students talk about signs freely.

Q: What are these?

  What do signs mean?

  Where can you find signs?

  Where can you find this sign?

  Do you think these three signs tell the same thing as these three signs?

  What do these three signs tell us?

T: These three signs give us instructions, and they tell us where to go, where we can find something. So they are instruction signs.

Q: Do you know what do a instruction sign mean?

T: And these three signs tell us something thing we must not do. They are forbidden signs.

Q: Do you know what do a forbidden sign mean?

T: Today we will just focus on the forbidden signs.


2. Help students understand the relationship between signs and rules by giving illustrations.

T: So we have known that these are signs, and sometimes there are some words under the signs. What do we call these words? Can you use one word to conclude them?

Q: What do rules mean?

  So what do we use signs for? To do what?

T: Yes. We use signs to tell about rules.

3. Show two more signs. Teach the pattern \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'No V.ing\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'

T: I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll show you more signs. What does this sign mean?

T: We can use \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'No\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' plus verb ING form to show forbidden meaning.







To lead in the topic: Signs and rules.





















To lead in the meaning of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'rule\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'






To teach the forbidden pattern: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'No+ V.ing\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'



















20 minutes

































20 minutes

1. Do a quiz. Look at some signs and choose their meanings.





2. Practise the key sentence pattern \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'we must\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'.[来源:学.科.网]







3. Read after the audio.







4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the meanings of the signs and the places to find them.





5. Do the dialogue in the class.

5. Look at the picture and say where they can find rules.









7. Think and practise. Put rules in different places.









8. Check the answer together.





9. Read aloud together.[来源:Zxxk.Com]






10. Work in groups and write more rules for one place.






11. Listen carefully and give feedbacks.

1. Give students a little quiz.

T: Here are eight more forbidden signs. Do you know the meaning of them? Now I will send you a little quiz. Please choose the meanings of those signs. You can take out your pad and finish the quiz


2. Check the answer. Teach the key sentence structure: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'We must not\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'.

T: Please put down your pad and look at the screen.

Q: What does this sign mean?

T: Yes. We can also say \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'We must not turn left.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'


3. Play the audio. Let students listen and answer questions.

Q: What does Miss Guo ask?

T: Yes. She asks the meaning of this sign and where WE CAN find the sign.

  Now let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s read it together.


4. Have students ask and answer questions about signs.

T: Do you know how to ask questions about signs? Ask about meaning and place. Now work in pairs, ask questions and answer. Start!



5. Check the pair work. Give feedback and correct mistakes.

6. Have students tell where they can find rules according to the picture.

T: Since signs are everywhere right? And signs tell us about rules. So rules are round us, do you agree?

Q: Where do we have rules then? Now look at the picture and tell me like this: We can find rules in the .../on the ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'

T: Do you understand? Now start. Where do we have rules?


7. Have students put rules in different places.

T: Now we have known that we can find rules in the library, in the classroom, on the road and in the park. Here is a little exercise. I want you to put these rules in different places that you think you can find them. I will send you the little exercise. Now you can take out your pad.


8. Project one student\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s answer and check the answer.

T: I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve just put xxx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s answer on the screen.

Let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s check the answer together.


9. Have student read aloud the rules in different places.

T: We have talked about rules in different place. Now please read them aloud like this: We must not play basketball in the library. Ok? Ready go!


10.Have students work in groups and write more rules for one place.

T: Can you think of more rules for these places? Each group has got a working sheet. Please work in group and think of two more rules for this place. Group leader, please write down your rules. Now start!

11. Check the group work.

T: Time\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s up. Group one. Tell us your rules like this: We must....in the/ on the...

T: The other five groups please listen carefully and see if they are correct.[来源:学科网]

T: Excellent! You have done a good job!


To let students learn the sentence pattern \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t do\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' by choice exercise as well as to let students know the meanings of some signs.



To transit to the key sentence pattern: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'We must not do\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'.






To practise students listening skills.






To have students practise the key sentence pattern.








To check and correct mistakes.

To practise students oral skills as well as to practise their abilities of reading pictures.








To check if students can understand the meaning of these rules.







To check the answer and to get all the students involved in the class.



To review the rules in different places as well as to practise students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' oral skills.




To have students output the key sentence structure: we must..






To check the work and practice students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' listening skills.















Post-task activities

8 minutes




























Post-task activities

8 minutes

1. Further discussion: Can we live without signs?
















2. Present group work and make an assessment.

1. Have students have a further discussion of signs.

T: We have learned a lot about signs.Now think about one question. Can we live without signs?

Q: Why not?

T: You can have a little discussion within your group. I have some questions for you to discuss.


2. Show the conclusion.

T: Signs are very useful. They are easy to see and they tell us rules. If there is no rule, the world will be in a mess. Therefore, signs are very important to us.

Do you agree?


3. Have students access others\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' group work and give suggestions.

Q: So can you design a sign?

  How is a good sign like?

T: Usually, a good sign is very simple, so it is easy to understand. The most important is, it should be very clear, so that you can know its meaning clearly.

  Please take out your group work and see if you can design a sign.

Group leader, please show us your sign.

T: Can you guess what does it mean?

Q: Are they correct?  

T: Ok. Please introduce your sign to us. Meaning and how you design it and where you can find it.

T: Do you think it is a good sign?

  Let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s vote on this sign.

If you like it, choose \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'I like it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'. If you think there is something you can do to improve, choose \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'I have suggestions.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'

T: xxx, can you share your suggestions with us?

4. Do a summary.

T: Today we have known the meanings of signs and we have known that we can use signs to tell about rules. Meanwhile, we are able to use \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'we must \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' to express rules. Furthermore, we can put what we have learned into practice. We can assess other students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' signs according to what we have learned about signs. The most important is, we can give others our approvals and suggestions.

All of you have done a really nice job. I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m so proud of you!




To have students output what they have learned in this period.

To make students be aware of the importance of the signs.



To sum up the discussion.







To have students have a clearer understanding of signs by giving them chances to assess a sign.





To enable students to evaluate and give feedbacks.













To summarize the whole class.


Homework: 1. Workbook P42, 43.

          2. Improve your signs.



1.Look at the ________ and signs in the park.            

A.rulesB.rulersC.a ruleD.some rules

2.Look at the photo of my father and ________.            


3.I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d like to be a teacher because I can ________ children.            


4.________ be late again.            


5.My father can meet many people ________ his way to work·            


6.—Must I hand in my homework now?

—________. You can hand in tomorrow morning.

A.Yes, you mustB.No, you mustn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'tC.Yes, you canD.No, you needn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t

7.The old man enjoys walking ________ the square in the morning.            

A.crossB.acrossC.crossingD.to across

8.They are playing ________ in the playground.            

A.the basketballB.a basketballC.basketballD.basketballs

9.What\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the ________ of the sign?            


10.She doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t want ________ any food at the moment.            

A.to haveB.haveC.hasD.having



    Tim works in a small shop. It is near a factory. Every day many workers, old ladies and housewives come to the buy things. He lives not very far from the shop. He usually gets up at six, has breakfast and then goes to work by bike. He takes some food along in his lunch box. He gets to the shop at about ten to seven. At seven, customers begin to come in. They buy meat, eggs, oil, salt, biscuits and many other things. This shop doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t sell vegetables or fruit. There is another shop for those things. Tim has his meal at noon from his lunch box. The shop is closed at seven in the evening. Tim closes the door after some cleaning in the shop. He goes home for supper and has a good rest like watching TV or doing some reading. Some people may think Tim\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s work is not interesting. But he really enjoys it because he can meet different people though he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s really busy every day.

(1)From the passage, we know the Tim is a ________.            

A.teacherB.shop assistantC.driverD.cook

(2)Tim goes to work ________.            

A.on footB.by busC.by bicycleD.by taxi

(3)Customers begin to come to the shop at ________.            


(4)Every day, Tim works for about ________ hours.            


(5)Tim doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t ________ after he goes back home.            

A.have supperB.do some readingC.watch TVD.do some cleaning

(6)Why does Tim enjoy his job?            

A.Because he can eat lunch in the shop.B.Because he can get a lot of money.C.Because he can meet different people.D.Because he is busy every day.


12.Leave rubbish on the playground. (改为否定句)    

13.There are some rules in our school. (保持句子意思不变)

We ________ ________ ________ in our school.

14.I would like to be a teacher because I want to teach children. (对划线部分提问)

________ do you want to be a teacher?

15.We can find signs everywhere in the world. (对划线部分提问)    

16.We have rules in the library. (改为否定句)

We ________ ________ rules in the library.


17.I am ________/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'lʊkɪŋ/for a new job these days.    

18.The girl is helping the old man ________/krɒz/the road.    

19.Grandma is walking ________/ə\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'kɒs/the road quickly.    

20.________/dəʊnt/play football in the street. It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s dangerous.













