
沪教版小学六年级上册英语Unit 11 Let’s make a pizza

请关注+→ 班班通教学系统 2023-02-12




Unit 11  单词课文朗读:



funnyadj. 有趣的
ingredientn. 成分;(尤指烹饪)原料
hamn. 火腿
cherryn. 樱桃
green peppern. 青椒
slicen. 薄片
tinn. 听;罐头
firstlyadv. 第一, 首先
asprep. 作为
basen. 底部
secondlyadv. 第二
anotheradj. 另外的
belowprep. 在……下方
siden. 边
ovenn. 烤箱
pastryn. 面皮
onionn. 洋葱
beefn. 牛肉
mushroomn. 蘑菇


Teaching aims:

I. Language objectives

1. To use nouns to identify different kinds of foode.g., tomato sauce, saugages

2. To use noun phrases to refer to the unit amount of somethinge.g., a few slices of ham

3. To use adverbs of time sequence: e.g., Firstly, secondly

4. To use imperatives to give instructions: e.g., Put some tomato sauce on it

5. To use prepositions to indicate position: e.g. on, in the middle, above, below, on the left, on the right, on both sides of

II. Ability objectives:

1. To know how to talk about quantities

2. To read and new words correctly

3. To know how to Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression

4. To develop Ss’ abilities of creation and imagination

III. Emotion objectives

1. To inspire a love of their classmates

2. To taste the fun of making an illustrated recipe

Teaching aids:

Student’s Book 6A page 77-80; Cassette 6A; Multi-media systems

Teaching procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


I. warm-up

1. To show a short movie to the Ss and then ask ‘What does this movie talk about?’

To assume that sb. is having a birthday today

1. To watch a short movie and answer the question

1. To warm up and focus on the topic of pizza.

To elicit the title of the text: Let’s make a pizza

II. Pre-task preparations

3. To show a pizza picture and ask what kind of food do we need to make such a pizza.

4. To teach the new words: ham, green pepper, mushroom, cherry, tomato sauce, ingredients

5. To teach noun phrases to refer to the unit amount of something

6. To show some sentences in wrong order and ask the Ss to rearrange them according to the adverbs of time sequence

7. To teach the new word: base, pastry

3. To guess the food they need to make a pizza like the given picture.                         

4. To learn the new words: ham, green pepper, mushroom, cherry, tomato sauce, ingredients

5. To learn to  use noun phrases to refer to the unit amount of something

6. To rearrange them according to the adverbs of time sequence

7. To learn the new word: base, pastry

3. To introduce new words to the Ss

4.To make the Ss reading the new words

5.To teach the Ss how to refer to the unit amount of something [来源:Zxxk.Com]

6. To make the Ss practice using adverbs of time sequence

7.To let the Ss know the meaning  of the base

III. While-task procedures[来源:学科网]

8.To show the pictures of 6 steps of making a pizza and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks

9. To show the steps of making a pizza and tell the right answers to the Ss

To ask the Ss to read the text on P78 together

10. To hold a  small game and ask the Ss to use prepositions to indicate position

11. To give an example and ask the Ss to make dialogues with their desk mates

8. To fill in the blanks according to the given pictures

9. To watch the steps of making a pizza and check  their answers[来源:学#科#网]

To read the text on P78 together

10. To play a  small game and try to use  the prepositions to indicate position

11. To make dialogues with their desk mates


8. To make the Ss using adverbs of time sequence and prepositions to indicate position

9. To know about the steps of making  a pizza

10. To make the Ss using of prepositions to indicate position 11. To make the Ss practice using the noun phrases to refer to the unit amount of something and the sentence pattern ‘I would like…’

IV. Post-task activities

12. To ask the Ss to choose the ingredients and  to make their favorite pizza

13.To ask the student who is having a birthday to choose one of the pizzas which he likes best

To ask the Ss to sing a happy birthday song for him[来源:Zxxk.Com]

12. To choose the ingredients and to make their favorite pizza

13. The student who is having a birthday to choose one of the pizzas which he likes best

The others to sing a happy birthday song for him

12. To make the Ss taste the fun of making an illustrated recipe[来源:学&科&网]

To inspire a love of their classmates

V. Assignment

Oral work: read P7778

Written work: Please draw your pizza and write the ingredients and the recipe.



1.Kitty talked ________ in the classroom.            


2.________ woman in white is my aunt. She is ________ astronaut.            

A.A, aB.An, anC.The, anD.The, a

3.Have you got ________ money ________ buy the tickets?            

A.enough; toB.enough; forC.plenty; toD.much; for

4.Kitty often helps her mother ________ carrots.            


5.Ben and Eddie live ________ floor.            

A.on the ninethB.in the ninethC.on the ninthD.in the ninth

6.Mum made the cake ________ sugar, butter and flour.            


7.—What did Mum make salad ________?

—Sorry, I don\\\'t know.


8.Bake the cake _______ twenty minutes, please.            


9.All of the dresses, the pink one is the ________.            

A.smallB.smallestC.smallerD.much smaller

10.Look, the children are chasing each other in the playground. The underlined part means ________.            

A.catchingB.running afterC.looking afterD.finding



    An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old. It can\\\'t run fast and it can\\\'t catch mice. When the old cat sees a mouse, it tries to catch the mouse, but the mouse can run away. The woman is very angry about it. Then she has a good idea. She buys a new cat to catch mice. Now the old one can rest.

(1)The old cat can\\\'t ________ now.            

A.jump on the miceB.catch dogsC.walk or runD.run fast or catch mice

(2)When the cat tries to catch a mouse, ________.            

A.it eats the mouseB.it jumps on the mouseC.it follows the mouseD.the mouse runs away

(3)The old woman is ________ when she sees a mouse runs away.            

A.very goodB.very kindC.very angryD.very happy

(4)The old woman ________.            

A.likes the catB.doesn\\\'t want the catC.buys a new catD.teaches the cat

(5)The old woman doesn\\\'t like ________ in her house.            

A.catsB.miceC.dogsD.young people


12.It takes me about an hour to get to school every day. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ does it take you to get to school every day?

13.How much did you spend on the apples? (保持原意)    

14.She likes lemonade. (用orange juice改为选择疑问句)

________ she like lemonade ________ orange juice?

15.He has spent 45 yuan. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ has he spent?













half an hour/one more/over/want/any of the things needed when cooking something/don\\\'t have to/not any/to have/on a bike/at once/

(1)________Come to my office immediately.    

(2)________I usually go to school by bike.    

(3)________There is no water in the bottle. We still have some in the bridge.    

(4)________What else would you like to eat?    

(5)________It takes her more than two hours to get to the People\\\'s Square.    

(6)________We need some tuna, ham and corn.    

(7)________Would you like another cup of coffee?    



    There is a big supermarket behind our block. There are p________ of food there every day. You can buy anything you need f________ many countries. At the meat s________, you can buy sausages from Japan, and steak from America. And a________ the fruit section, there are many big bananas from Thailand, and red apples from C________. You can also buy pineapples from Australia. Near the fruit section, there is the v________ section. A lot of tomatoes, lettuces, carrots, and cabbages are o________ the shelves. They are all from d________ countries, too. At the frozen food section, you can buy ice-cream, meat balls and cheese from New Zealand. W________ a large supermarket!













