当上海外国语大学附属外国语学校东校初三女生文欣蕊看到“21世纪杯”初中组决赛主题The most beautiful verb in the world is…时她最先想到的也是love,不过最终却决定选择learn。这篇关于最美动词learn的演讲也让她赢得了第15届中国日报社“21世纪·新东方杯”全国中小学英语演讲比赛总决赛初中组的冠军。
The most beautiful verb in the world is learn
Learning—a process of challenging ourselves in a variety of situations.
Learning—a course of constantly making new breakthroughs.
Learning—a stage of making innovations every single day.
Mr. Xu yuan Chong—a 96-year-old translator who published English version of Chinese classics,such as 300 Tang poems. His endless passion for learning reminded me of an old proverb—We are never too old to learn.If an old man has kept such an enthusiastic attitude towards learning,what about us,the teenagers in the society?
Actually,learning doesn’t just simply mean to focus on your school assignments.It also contains other diversified fields.Can we feel the beauty of learning in our daily life?
Take me as an example.When I first started to learn Chinese painting,several phrases burst forth in my mind—the quintessence of Chinese culture,the unique symbol of China’s long history.But I found something entirely different during the learning process.Once a challenging idea flashed in my mind.What about combining the Chinese traditional ways of painting with the Western modern ones?What will the result be if I add vivid colors into a plain painting?During the process of learning and keeping on trying this new type of Chinese painting,I found that it varied from the verdant hills and clear rivers.Instead,it shows a new and a dynamic view of Chinese painting.
The verb learn is so beautiful that it uses its magical power to bring me into a brand new world.In this world, I can keep on learning every single day and try every new style of painting with no fear.Learn—the most beautiful verb in the world—will gradually lead you to find out the glamour and beauty of the whole world.
听完了冠军的想法,有没有兴趣来了解一下我们的评委老师们是怎么看这个主题的?澳洲圣保罗文法学院的Catherine Corry老师选择的最美动词是“be”,是不是很独出心裁?
I think the most beautiful verb is "be". Nothing can happen without it. For all of life to happen there, we have to use this verb. It can be used to describe so much. For example, I am smart or you are the best in the world. It is a plain little verb but it is the basis for the English language.
你心中的the most beautiful verb是什么呢?留言一起分享吧~