关于最美动词,人民大学附属中学初二女生李莲如的答案乍看似乎有些消极:slow down。
其实刚开始的时候,我想到的是chase, rush这样的词。后来在跟妈妈出去旅游时,刚好碰到一个雨天,当是我们在郊区,周围特别安静、特别美。我突然想到这个世界变化太快,人们太匆忙,忽略了生活中很多美的东西,于是就想到了slow down。
半决赛关于“最好的礼物”,我的答案是heart of an infant “赤子之心”。这个词是孟子最先提出的,我在演讲中举了曹雪芹的例子。我觉得中国传统文学非常美,希望可以向世界传播。中国古代文人有一种赤诚的精神,值得我们学习。我特别喜欢古代文学,包括诗词、小说都很喜欢。古代诗词对中国人影响很大,很多人现在都会去寒山寺、玉门关可能就因为那一两句古诗。
The most beautiful verb in the world is slowing down
Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever noticed that when the candles were lightened, moths from every direction would turn their way and fly desperately to the flame. Most of them would be swallowed by the fire. And others knowing how dangerous it could be, cannot stop themselves from being allured.
Who are the moths? We are. Everyday, moths chase after light and we chase after whatever we lack of. When I see myself, I know that in my past thirteen years, I spent most of my time chasing praises and awards, rushing from one goal to another,. And I can even imagine my future, which I would dash from one destiny to another and would get tempted by the external world. But the thing is, we would lose the most precious things in the world, when we do nothing but chasing and racing in such a high speed.
So, why not slow down and enjoy the beauty of life?
It takes ten years to grow a tree, and a hundred year to rear a person. As for me, I would slow down, so that I can enjoy every minute of my childhood. Even though I am not speeding up as most of my peers, I become more dedicated and delighted. That is the way life should be, isn’t it?
My dear judges and friends, how I hope we could slow down and have a chat just as old friends, instead of getting to know each other in such a hurry within only five minutes. People say that in the future it wouldn’t take us much time to know a person, scan his code and we will see everything. What do you want others to see? A long list of honors and awards? Fabulous wealth? To me, thanks to slowing down and concentrating on my life, I would like to present only but one word—happiness.