

田春荣 钟健 金联创订阅号 2022-05-19

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消息人士称,沙特阿拉伯支持每天增加30万桶,而俄罗斯寻求增产更多,因为该国石油公司呼吁取消限产。俄罗斯第三大生产商俄罗斯天然气工业石油公司(Gazprom Neft)总经理迪科夫在周五的一个简报会上表示,80-100万桶/日的回升“只会使市场更健康”。












TUE,  MAY 29, 2018

Russia, Saudi Arabia Discuss Output  Increase

Russia  and Saudi Arabia, the key participants in an oil supply cut deal involving  Opec and non-Opec countries, said Friday they are discussing a gradual easing  of restrictions that would put more oil on the market.

A  decision on increasing oil supplies could be made at Opec's Jun. 22 meeting,  a prospect that sent crude prices lower on Friday.

Saudi  Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih and his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak  held discussions Thursday night in St. Petersburg but refused to say by how  much oil production could increase. The group agreed to cut production by 1.8  million barrels per day starting on Jan. 1, 2017, and the deal is not due to  expire until the end of this year.

Having  recognized that "we are close to market rebalancing," al-Falih said  that adding more supply to the market "potentially, and may I say  likely, will happen in the second half of this year." He emphasized  "lifting supplies will be a gradual process" so as not to  "shock the market in a negative way."

Consultations  on the size of the production increase have just started, and it will be  difficult to agree on new quotas, experts note. Declining production in  Venezuela -- which "we are watching very carefully," according to  al-Falih -- and possible reductions in Iran because of US sanctions, have  helped drive benchmark Brent oil prices past $80 per barrel recently, prompting  fears of a price spike.

Sources claim that  Saudi Arabia supports an increase of only 300,000 barrels per day, while  Russia seeks more as its oil companies are calling for the lifting of  restrictions (IOD  May25'18). Alexander Dyukov, general director of  Russia's third-largest producer Gazprom Neft, said at a briefing Friday that  the return of 800,000 b/d-1 million b/d would "only make the market  healthier."

Novak,  however, said more analysis was needed before coming up with a figure.  "We really have to very carefully analyze all the numbers and look at  fundamentals."

Al-Falih  only said that "different numbers have been looked at. Some of these  numbers are being discussed. But at the end of the day, we have to be  sensitive to the interests and the views of 24 countries that we work  with," he added, referring to the participants of the production cut  pact. "We will be consulting with all of them in the next few weeks. We  will be considering different scenarios of easing the production constraints  that are in place," he noted.

Opec  Secretary-General Mohammed Barkindo pointed to the necessity of stability on  a sustainable basis. "Reducing inventories to the five-year average is  just one metric, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have restored the  stability" that everyone was targeting, he said in St. Petersburg.

Indeed,  the meeting in Vienna will discuss new metrics and "what balance  means," according to al-Falih. He is also cognizant of the recent price  surge's impact on consumers, noting that their "anxiety level that has  escalated over the last few weeks is a concern for us."

"In  addition to the volumes and the fundamentals, we have to address psychology,  we have to be conscious of consumers," he said.

Another  consideration for Opec and Russia in making the decision to add supply is  that global upstream investment, despite higher prices, has not responded in  kind as it traditionally has.

US concerns about  rising oil prices also appear to have been taken into consideration, at least  according to Barkindo, who confessed that the tweet of US President Donald  Trump on Apr. 20 saying that prices were too high did not go unnoticed (IOD Apr.23'18).

"We  in Opec always pride ourselves as friends of the United States, "  Barkindo said. He added that the "oil and gas industry basically is an  American industry, it remains the biggest market for our exports, it remains  the engine of growth in terms of technology, in terms of investment capital,  and in almost all our decisions we always take into account the interests of  not only producers, but also consumers."

India has also  publicly expressed fears about the impact of rising prices on its economy (IOD May21'18).

Whatever  the decision in Vienna is, al-Falih assured that "we will do the right  thing" to "make sure that markets are well supplied, that  consumers' anxiety is addressed and that the market is balanced."

NelliSharushkina  with NadezhdaSladkova, Moscow, and Amena Bakr, Dubai



