校长之声| 第019期:面向未来的技能 Skills for Future
这是校长陪伴你的第19天 | 第019期
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周轶: 微软资深教育解决方案专家
因为现在科技工业变化非常的快,社会对于学生的技能要求跟以前我们应试教育下的东西就很不一样,因为变化特别快,所以很难预知很难去预测,所以这也是最近这几年我们提出这个对于学生的要面向未来的技能,而面向未来技能的核心其实是21世纪核心素养技能培养。它主要提了三大块面向未来的技能,主要包括第1个是创造创新能力,第2个就是这个IT技术能力,第3个就是沟通交流和运用媒体的能力。在这样的一个框架结构里面,还有很多的细分,比如说解决问题的能力,协作的能力。微软做了很多培养学生面向未来能力的工作, 都是按照美国的计算机教师协会的标准去制定它的课程和内容。比如激发学生做一些计算机启蒙和创意的图形化编程工具和课程,还有用积木的拖拽式编程方式,他就可以开始学习编程。还有一些基于项目式的,比如STEAM跨学科的教材,比如制作一个人手控制的机械手、地震仪。在这个课程中,基于项目的学习让学生从手工机械编程开始,将所有东西融合在一起去进行一种新形式的教学方式。还有包括人工智能、混合现实、物联网、云计算、区块链等方面的课程,这些课程都是孩子们可以学习的。这些技术是全球科技发展的方向。
非常感谢周轶,提出了做实验对于孩子们很重要的观点。我想说,在实验中的坚持,也尤为重要。居里夫人说:“告诉你使我达到目标的秘密吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。” 我在青年时代,特别喜欢看艾芙 居里著、贾文浩等译的《居里夫人传》,其中有些情节至今令人记忆犹新。从1898年到1902年,整整4年,居里夫妇为了证明镭的存在进行了无数次实验。他们把一个遗弃了的旧仓库当作实验室。夏天里面热得像温室,冬天漏雨结冰。连睡觉的地方都没有。化学药品产生的大量有害气体,致使他们的眼睛,咽喉等经常发炎。在这么恶劣的环境中,他们的实验一做就是4年。丈夫感到绝望,对她说:“等条件具备时再继续实验吧!” 居里夫人说:“我们谁的生活都不容易,可这又有什么关系呢?我们必须坚定不移,最重要的是要对自己有信心,我们必须相信,自己在某种领域有天赋,不论实现多大的代价,都必须实现自己的目标。” 最后他们终于从八吨的矿石中,提炼出了只有半颗糖那么大的0.1克高纯度的镭。这就是坚持的力量。很多时候,非智力因素在我们的能力培养中,起到了关键的作用。 诚如爱因斯坦说的那样:“在像居里夫人这样一位崇高人物结束她一生的时候,我们不要仅仅满足于回忆她的工作成果对人类已经做出的贡献。第一流人物对于时代和历史进程的意义,在其道德方面,也许比单纯的才智成就方面还要多。”
微软提供一个大的办公系统,它囊括了很多我们日常工作中所需要的公共性的平台。比如几乎每个学校、每个企业都会使用Office、Email、文档协作,作业、课堂笔记,所有的这些模块就是Office 365。我们最大的一个优势就是用一个账号把这些功能全部接入了。相当于一套Office 365等于市面上的n种产品的一个综合。平台中还有些应用能帮助学生了解人工智能,提升他们的计算思维能力。我相信微软这套工具会伴随他很久,而不像有些学习软件,今天我用这个,我毕业了可能就不用了。微软首先是让学生现在就储备未来进入世界500强企业的这种IT的技术能力,让他首先学会或者了解世界上的大公司是怎么在全球进行协作的,怎么和全球的用户进行网络交互。而且当他把这套工具用好的时候,对他/她将来就业或者出国学习,都是一个很好的铺垫。
与牛顿、居里夫人时代主要靠个人的研究不同,现代科技的主要特点是运用工具来做研究,所以,同学们,要学会掌握使用工具来帮助自己思考。再等到大学学习计算机、学习电脑运用,就太迟了。同学们, 我们要善于站在巨人的肩膀上去思考。很高兴看到你们现在就能通过在线网络协同和数据智能的方式,完成线上的交流讨论和提交任务。感兴趣的同学可以进一步去研究Teams背后的工作原理。
感谢各位专家参与我们这期校长之声。亲爱的同学们,21世纪的教育已经发生了巨大的变化,随着互联网和数字电视等新媒体和新技术的发展,世界越来越成为一个地球村,培养你们的创造力、沟通能力、合作能力和媒体素养这些面向未来的能力显得尤为重要。你们从小了解国际化的数字协作方式、人工智能和计算思维能力有助于你们在更广阔的平台上,展翅翱翔。同时,也期待通过进一步的家校合作,点燃你们的科技思维火花,不断汲取好养分。在困难中,坚持、坚持、再坚持! 诚如马克思所说的那样,“在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才能希望达到光辉的顶点。” 著名物理学家杨振宁说:“爱因斯坦逝世五十年来,他的追求已经渗透了理论物理学基础研究的灵魂,这是他的勇敢、独立、倔强和深邃眼光的永久证明。” 科学探索犹如仰望星空,最后我想以《仰望星空》这首诗来寄语大家,愿大家在科学探索道路上,勇敢、独立、深邃,找到你心灵的栖息和依偎。
温总理 仲文夫(ZZIA)(翻译)
Delinda Wu
Assistant Principal of BIBA’s Elementary School
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Dear students,
The fourth industrial revolution, marked by cloud computing and artificial intelligence, quietly step into us. This epidemic is particularly prominent. How can students prepare now to face future opportunities and challenges?
Today we are fortunate to have Tan Hai, IT Director of BIBA, and guests from Microsoft Greater China to join Principal's Voice to discuss this issue. Guests from Microsoft: Wang Rick: Director of Microsoft Education Market Development, Zhou Yi: Microsoft Senior Education Solution Expert and Li Mike: Microsoft Senior Education Cloud Solution Expert.
With the rapid development of science and technology, what preparations do students need to make in order to cope with the future development of society?
Delinda Wu:
The fourth industrial revolution has restructured people's lives, learning and thinking styles. Most simple tasks in the future will be replaced by artificial intelligence. How can we help current students so that they all adapt to the society of the future?
Wang Rick:
Because the technology industry is changing very fast, society's skills requirements for students are very different from what we had in the exam-oriented education. Because the changes are so fast, it is difficult to predict and difficult to predict, so these are also proposed this future-oriented skills for students, and the core of future-oriented skills is actually the cultivation of core literacy skills in the 21st century. It mainly mentions three pieces of future-oriented skills, including the first is the ability to create innovation, the second is this IT technology ability, and the third is the ability to communicate and use the media. In such a framework structure, there are many subdivisions, such as the ability to solve problems and the ability to collaborate. Microsoft has done a lot of work to cultivate students' ability to face the future, and it has developed its courses and content in accordance with the standards of the American Computer Teachers Association. For example, to motivate students to do some computer programming and creative graphical programming tools and courses, as well as the drag-and-drop programming method using building blocks, he can start to learn programming. There are also some project-based, such as STEAM interdisciplinary textbooks, such as making a hand-controlled manipulator, seismograph. In this course, project-based learning allows students to start with manual mechanical programming and fuse everything together for a new form of teaching. There are also courses on artificial intelligence, mixed reality, Internet of Things, cloud computing, blockchain, etc. These courses are all kids can learn. These technologies are the direction of global science and technology development.
Delinda Wu:
Thank you, President Wang for his wonderful speech. Cultivating students' core skills facing the 21st century is an important trend in the development of international education today. Thank you for your ability to innovate. People often say to cultivate children's creativity, but how to cultivate creativity? Dear students, creativity is actually a different thinking, that is, under the same problem and theme, you can come up with different points of view, and you can prove it. This is the different thinking, which is an innovative thinking. As a teenager, Newton was also an ordinary child and had no IQ obviously different from ordinary people. But he likes to experiment. He often makes his own weird gadgets, such as sundial, waterwheel, wooden clock, folding lantern and so on. Everyone has heard of Newton's story of making a small windmill. A windmill is being built near the pharmacist's house. Little Newton goes to observe the windmill every day, and then he actually builds a small windmill himself. Unlike the windmill near the pharmacist's house, it is not the wind that drives the windmill, but animals. Newton tied the mice to a wheeled treadmill and put a grain of corn in front of the wheels, just as the place was out of the reach of the mice. The rat wanted to eat corn and kept running, so the wheel kept spinning. In this story, Little Newton did not make a windmill that uses the same wind power as the windmill near the pharmacist's house, but uses the movement of animals to generate power. This is a kind of different thinking. Newton is to observe the essence of things in the small things in daily life and make important discoveries in the history of science. Dear classmates, experimenting is not complicated. It actually starts from a small and thoughtful play project in daily life. Dear studnets, can you play different tricks like Newton when you play cars, Lego, and dolls? When writing, can the same thing be expressed in different words? Well, congratulations, you have become Little Newton, and you have the creativity of the core literacy of the 21st century!
Zhou Yi:
With the rise of STEAM (ie science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) science and technology innovation education, I personally think that students can start from three aspects.
First, it should start with stimulating students' interest in technology, and the wider the better. In fact, almost 10 years ago, Microsoft cooperated with the Ministry of Education to carry out the "inquiry interactive learning project" cooperation in primary and middle schools across the country.
Second, practice or entertain. Learn science while playing, and mobilize children's visual, auditory, and hands-on abilities in multiple ways through course explanations and live production. In the relaxed and lively classroom atmosphere, experience the fun of technology. For example, you can involve students in some exploratory learning / research activities, such as 3D classrooms, making wind power installations. For example, did our students experiment with Newton's Law of Gravity and Galileo's Law of Free Fall? In fact, it is very simple. Use a stopwatch to measure the time required for objects of different masses to fall from a 20-meter upstairs to the ground.
Third, parents must participate with their children. To nurture children's interest in science and maintain their interest, parents should encourage and guide their children so that they experience the joy of success. For the simplest example, parents lead their children to do small experiments, such as rubbing a wooden comb on their head and rubbing it, then sucking up a piece of paper. Then let the child do it alone and try again. When the child successfully makes the wooden comb suck the paper, he will be very happy and feel amazing, so he has a desire to understand why, and his interest in science has exploded gave birth.
Delinda Wu:
Thank you very much, Zhou Yi, for putting forward the idea that doing experiments is very important for children. I want to say that persistence in the experiment is especially important. Madam Curie said, "Tell you the secret that made me reach my goal. My only strength is my persistence." In my youth, I especially liked to see "Mrs Curie" translated by Jia Wenhao. Biography, some of which are still fresh in memory. For four years, from 1898 to 1902, the Curies conducted countless experiments to prove the existence of radium. They used an abandoned old warehouse as a laboratory. It is hot like a greenhouse in summer, and it leaks and freezes in winter. There is no place to sleep. The large amount of harmful gases produced by chemicals causes their eyes, throats, etc. to become often inflamed. In such a harsh environment, their experiments were done for 4 years. The husband felt desperate and said to her, "Let's continue the experiment when the conditions are met!" Madam Curie said, "It's not easy for any of us, but what's the matter? We must be firm and the most important thing is To have confidence in ourselves, we must believe that we have talent in a certain field, and no matter how much it costs, we must achieve our goals. "Finally, they finally extracted only half a sugar from eight tons of ore. That big 0.1 g of high-purity radium. This is the power of persistence. Many times, non-intellectual factors play a key role in our ability development. As Einstein said: "When a noble figure like Mrs. Curie ends her life, we should not just be satisfied with remembering what her work has done to human beings. Perhaps the significance of historical processes is more moral in nature than in intellectual achievement alone. "
Li Mike:
Microsoft provides a large office system, which includes many public platforms that we need in our daily work. For example, almost every school and enterprise will use Office, Email, document collaboration, homework, and class notes. All these modules are Office 365. One of our biggest advantages is to use a single account to access all these functions. Equivalent to a set of Office 365 is a synthesis of n products on the market. There are also applications in the platform that can help students understand artificial intelligence and improve their computational thinking skills. I believe that this set of tools from Microsoft will accompany him for a long time, unlike some learning software. Today I use this, and I may not use it after graduation. First of all, Microsoft allows students to reserve this kind of IT technical ability to enter the Fortune 500 companies in the future, let him first learn or understand how the world's largest companies collaborate globally and how to interact with users worldwide. And when he uses this set of tools well, it is a good preparation for his / her future employment or studying abroad.
Tan Hui:
Nowadays, science and technology are changing with each passing day, so we must maintain a continuous state of learning. If we want to stay ahead, we must start with our students, so that they have the ability to innovate, and let them contact the leading technology from an early age. Keep the vitality of development for a long time. Through the use of Teams this time, although the platform still has some problems, many students have learned to set up teams, send information electronically, upload assignments, download files and other electronic writing abilities. These abilities are very valuable IT technology application capabilities in consistent with 500 companies applications.
Delinda Wu:
Unlike Newton's and Madame Curie's era, which mainly depended on personal research, the main feature of modern technology is the use of tools for research. Therefore, students must learn to use tools to help themselves think. It is too late to wait until the university to study computers and computer applications. Students, we must be good at standing on the shoulders of giants to think. I'm glad to see that you can now complete online discussions and submission tasks through online network collaboration and data intelligence.Interested students can further study the working principle behind Teams.
Thank you experts for participating in the voice of Principal. Dear classmates, education in the 21st century has undergone tremendous changes. With the development of new media and new technologies such as the Internet and digital television, the world is becoming a global village. Cultivate your creativity, communication, and cooperation Future-oriented capabilities and media literacy are particularly important. From an early age, your understanding of international digital collaboration, artificial intelligence and computational thinking ability will help you to spread your wings on a wider platform. At the same time, I also look forward to igniting your scientific and technological thinking sparks through continuous home-school cooperation to continuously draw good nutrients. In difficulties, persist, persist, and persist! As Marx said, "There is no flat road in science, and only those who do not fear the pain of climbing along a steep mountain road can hope to reach the peak of glory." The famous physicist Yang Zhenning said: “Einstein died five For ten years, his pursuit has penetrated into the soul of basic research in theoretical physics, which is a permanent proof of his bravery, independence, stubbornness, and profound vision.”I would like to use this poetry to end this Voice of Principal, I hope everyone on the road of scientific exploration, brave, independent and deep, to find the habitat and snuggle of your soul.
I look up at the starry sky
温总理 仲文夫(ZZIA)(翻译)
I look up at the starry sky
Which is so deep and vast.
The never-ending truth
Makes me struggle to follow and quest it.
I look up at the starry sky
Which is so solemn, holy and pure.
The severe and awe-inspiring justice
Makes me filled with deep love and in awe of it.
I look up at the starry sky
Which is so free and serene.
The broad bosom
Provides the place where where my soul rests and nestles to.
I look up at the starry sky
Which is so marvelous and glorious.
The eternal blaze
Kindles the flame of hope in my heart, which resounds with spring thunder.