
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE | 第6期预告2018.01.26及上期现场

搜我空间 SOWERART搜我艺术 2019-11-12

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名称:水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第6期 

Name:The 6th show of the Cement Park LIVE HOUSE

时间/Time:2018.01.26  19:30-21:30

艺术家/Artists:Shu+ A L、Jared Mimm、AlexAndra

海报设计/Poster Design:王存璐|Wang Cunlu


Address:165 buld, Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000, Pan'an Road, Jiading, Shanghai, SOWERART SPACE(Jiading)


Ticket Price: PRESALE. ¥30RMB; AT DOOR. ¥50RMB. You can buy it by scanning the code or clicking “阅读原文”(Read Me) at the bottom.                              


About the artists

Shu 是一个纹身师、行为表演者,每次表演都是一个树洞,得以让自己以上帝视角审视树干内已死去的木质层。新的木质层一直在生长,只有死掉的部分才能形成树心,这是树教会她的。

Shu is a tattoo artist, a performer, and each performance is a tree hole that allows him to look at the dead wood layer in the trunk from a God's perspective. The new layer has been growing. Only the dead part can form the heart , which the tree taught her.

Shu 以往作品

《成形》、Shu、 2017

《破镜重圆》、Shu 、2017

A L 与安装和音乐一起工作, 主要是对产生的片断提出新的选择对话和反射在礼物上感兴趣。他的作品主要是视觉组合和声音纹理, 以反映技术和信息的使用。他的作品已在墨西哥、中国、泰国、匈牙利、法国和西班牙等国家展出。A L 也是一个空间的创建者致力于当代艺术。一个专门从事艺术和实验音乐的平台, 参加当地的项目和艺术家与边缘化, 混乱和实验。

A L works with installation and music, is mainly interested in generating pieces that propose new alternatives to dialogue and reflect on the present. His work is mainly visual compositions and sound textures that invite to a reflection on the use of technology and information. His work has been exhibited in countries such as Mexico, China, Thailand, Hungary, France and Spain. A L is also the founder of a space dedicated to contemporary art. A platform dedicated to art and experimental music, that attends the local projects and artists related to marginalization, disorder and experimentation.

A L 以往作品

《此地美丽》A L

Shu 和A L 将于26号晚上在水泥公园LIVE HOUSE共同合作,偶然相遇促成了这场表演,两位自内而外的探索的艺术家将会在现场用行为与音乐缓慢流动、交融、将时空包裹在温暖、柔软的的介质里,到达未知之境,当模糊了界限感官会无比清晰的告诉你答案。

Shu and A L will together to do performace at Cement Park LIVE HOUS ,The occasional encounter led to this performance, in which two artists exploring from the inside out will flow slowly and blend with music on the spot, wrapping time and space in a warm, soft medium to reach the unknown. When the boundaries are blurred, the senses will tell you the answer.

Jared Mimm,在上海生活工作的美国艺术家,从不同视角开拓影像、现场表演、及装置的艺术创作,并通过有关身体的持续性,仪式性及新密性的创作,重新发现创作主题。

Jared Mimm is an American conceptual artist living in Shanghai. He works primarily with video, performance and installation to explore his ideas from a variety of different angles. Reoccurring themes in his work deal with the body,duration, ritual and intimacy.

Jared Mimm  以往作品

《Antemortem Comparison》,Jared Mimm、Rin,2016

《SHAPES》,Jared Mimm、AlexAndra Deng,2017

AlexAndra Deng|爱丽诗,独立舞者,生活家。用美学提问质疑,解决提问,创建链接,作品不受局限,可以是任何形式,利用各自特点,对社会关系及社会产物进行对话,解构,重塑。例如,互动装置表演,公共干预,即兴肢体表演与对探讨空间有关物理性与社会性的作品等。
By function of aesthetics,art is questioned by different angle and solve in a artistic way to build up the connection of gradient from life to art. To create an open dialogue between themselves and the public through constant inquiry, deconstructing and reconstructing possibilities of how to view the world and exist in it. Their work manifests itself in a variety of different forms such as improvisational dance performance, interactive exhibition, public intervention, and the exploration of space both physical and social.


AlexAndra 以往作品

《ROOM 间》、AlexAndra、2017

《AI ( Artificial Improvisation )》、AlexAndra、2017


水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第5期现场回顾

The 5th show of the Cement Park LIVE HOUSE


水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第5期视频,搜我艺术剪辑


About Cement Park LIVE HOUSE

水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 由搜我空间发起,一般于每周五晚在搜我空间实施,也会不定期以流动的形式在其它空间或户外开展。它是现场艺术的发生地,主要关注行为、表演、剧场、声音等,以多元形式呈现场域的公共营造,探索自由、即兴、实验的艺术表达。  

The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is initiated by SOWERART SPACE, which is usually carried out on Friday night in SOWERART SPACE, and will also be carried out in other spaces or outdoors on an irregular basis. As the scene of Live Art, it focuses on behavior, performance, theater and sound. The Live House presents the public construction in multiple forms to explore the artistic expression of freedom, improvisation and experiment.


Continuous Recruiting

水泥公园LIVE HOUSE是一个长期持续的艺术项目。

The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is a long-term project. 


If you are interested, want to join our art project,and show your artworks, please contact with us. 

艺术家联系 / Artist Contact

联系人/Contact with:吕德生/Lyu Desheng




If you are interested ,want to join us, or be our media partner /sponsor or other support agencies, please contact with us

商务联系 / Business Contact

联系人/Contact with:胡家亮/Leon Hu




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关于搜我艺术 / About SOWERART



SOWERART aims to create a contemporary art sharing service platform through sharing economy, social collaboration and O2O model. Promote art to be the public’s basic needs and service as electricity, promote contemporary art and artists, encourage multiple art ecosystem, more art integrate into public life, promote a society that the public will concern, join and collect contemporary art.

