

Storyland线上寒假工作坊已经进行三期啦!在我们第一期的工作坊里,6-10岁的孩子们分不同的小组,进行了为期5天的主题工作坊:有专注练习故事写作的Story Writing工作坊,有练习精读技巧的《Coraline》阅读工作坊,以及学习论文写作的Academic Writing工作坊


Story Writing 初阶故事创作


孩子们每天在老师引导下学习故事创作的元素,例如故事角色Character,故事背景Setting,人物冲突Conflict等,并且学习如何用Story Mountain的方式(Beginning-Middle-End)来梳理故事情节的发展。工作坊结束时,每个孩子都完成了属于自己的原创故事,并用presentation的方式和老师、同学们分享了这个作品以及在创作中最喜欢的部分。

Itzel Ma   8岁 ●


故事1:Cat And Snake Are Friends !


故事2:Gold Fish


George Zhou   8岁 ●



▲ George画的Johnathan老师

Alicia Yin   7岁半 ●


Story Writing 高阶故事创作


“什么样的故事才是一个好故事(Good Story)呢?”老师通过多元的教学方式引导孩子们找到答案。独立思考,分析,总结“Good Story”的组成元素构成了工作坊每一天的主题。从角色塑造,故事设定,情节展开,细节填充,老师通过举例来引导孩子们进行不同故事之间的对比,将阅读经验和生活经历都调动起来。与此同时每天的家庭课题也要分享和互相点评,对同伴提一个问题,说出他们故事的一处优点。通过思维的不断碰撞交融,孩子们都在一周之内创作完成了属于自己的“Good Story”。

July Wu   7岁 ●



Yaoyao   8

Best friends at the pool

On a Monday afternoon, three little friends, Lucy, Millie, and Rosey were at Millie’s house swimming in her fancy swimming pool. Her house is in a peaceful neighborhood beside a clean and unspotted beach. Beside the swimming pool were many shells. 

Millie’s mom wants their pool to be pretty, so she picked some shells from the beach to decorate. It was a sunny day. The swimming pool is shining like a crystal blue colored diamond and it’s the best day to swim. 

The girls were enjoying their “weekly Monday afternoon swimming” in Millie’s pool. The girls were drinking their sweet, sour, ice-cold lemonades and eating their juicy hotdogs. They are ready to put their toes in the gorgeous water and to swim happily.


They put on their swimming suits and dived into the water together. Even though the pool they jumped into is about 190 centimeters deep, and their height is only 120 centimeters, they are not scared at all. Their families all love to swim and their families are all experts at swimming, especially Rosey’s because everyone in her family has won an Olympic Medal before.


They played water tag at first and Lucy was the tagger, and she caught Millie five times and Rosey seven times. Every week Lucy’s goal is to tag Rosey ten times in water tag. 

After the y played water tag, they were tired and Rosey said she will go get hamburgers. It’s the girls favorite cheese burger. Rosey got one for each of them and they sat there and ate. Rosey said, “I want to be a famous swimmer in 10 years.”


Then everyone was really thirsty so Rosey went to the lemonade bar and got three bottles of lemonade. On the way to the pool, Rosey can’t see very well because the bottles in front of her were really big, so she accidentally stepped on a really sharp shell and fell down. 

She shrieked in pain, “It hurts!!!” Lucy fistly noticed it and she asked Millie for an emergency box and Lucy realized that the shell she stepped on is still alive, so the shell attacked Rosey. When Millie got the emergency box, Lucy got some bandage and put it on Rosey’s leg and told her to rest. 

The next morning Rosey’s mom took her to the hospital and the doctor said she can’t do sports for three weeks. Rosey was sad but she still did as she was told. However, she still trained everyday by swimming on her bed and lifting weights.


Everyday her two best friends would come to her house and play with her and train with her. After three weeks, Rosey’s legs recovered and still every Monday the kids would play in the fancy swimming pool. They then lived happily ever after. After ten years Rosey won a junior Olympic medal.


Miumiu Huang   9

The Favorite Ring

There is a shark named Carina. She is three years old. She lives in the deep ocean.

Carina is an untidy shark. She likes to put things everywhere. Her room is very big, but it is full of garbage, toys and the pictures she drew. Everyday she sleeps among a bunch of garbage, but she still feels happy.

She loves drawing pictures. She can draw very well. Carina wants to be an artist in the future. Her grandfather awarded her a ring after she won a drawing contest.

Every morning, her mom makes her room tidy. Carina is scared of her mom because when she is angry she is very scary like a great white shark.

One day, Carina’s mom decides to go on a vacation. Carina thinks, “Yeah! I don’t have to tidy my room.” So the things in her room grew bigger and bigger…

Few days later… “Where’s my ring, my favorite gift from my grandpa, Dad?” asks Carina. “I don’t know.” says Dad. Ding-ling-ling, ding-ling-ling. Oh, it’s a call from Ted, the octopus.

“Hi, Carina!”

“Hi, Ted!”

“Do you want to go out to play with me?”

“I want to, but I can’t.”


“Because… because I can’t find my ring.”

“Um… tidy your room, maybe you can find it in some other place.”

“Ok! Thank you !”Carina hangs up the phone and looks for the ring in her parent’s room, the kitchen, the sitting room… She looks around everywhere, but she still can not find it. “Maybe I really should clean up my room.” says Carina to herself.

Last, Carina cleans her room and finds something that she has never seen before, like her camera, her Barbie doll… She finally finds her favorite toy. Carina feels happy.


Academic Writing 学术写作


通过5天的线上讲解互动和主题练习,老师帮助孩子们独立掌握并能运用五段式论文写作:从Form an interesting topic 到Make a complete outline,最后改写为一篇完整的论文。除此之外,孩子们们还学会了如何判断自己的论点是否合理、打磨前后文的逻辑关联,以及选择合适的文字去做到更精准有力的表达。

Henry Liu   10岁 ●


Hockey is the most fun 

sport for kids

1) Introduction paragraph:

There are many different sports in the world. I think that Ice Hockey is the most fun sport for kids. It is a fast sport. It is a team sport, not a solo sport. It requires quick thinking and predicting what you have to do. I think that Ice Hockey is the most fun sport in the whole WORLD!!!

2) body paragraph 1

Supporting Detail #1: Out of a lot of sports in the world, hockey is the fastest.

Evidence: In hockey, I can skate around the rink with full speed and I take 17-19 seconds. When the fastest NHL all-star skater skate around a rink, it only takes him 13 seconds. If you like speed, hockey is going to be fun for you.

Evidence: My coach told me that his team had lost 3 goals in only 20 seconds. It is a fun game since you will not know what could happen until last moment.

C: When you watch a hockey game it will be lighting quick and very exciting.

3) Body paragragh 2

SD# 2: Some sports are solo, like swimming and diving. Hockey is a team sport which makes it fun for kids.

Evidence: You can make more friends easily on a team. The first few years when I started hockey, had no friends. But after a lot of practices together and games together we made a strong team bonding and we became great friends. It is always fun to play a game with all your friends.

Evidence: Everybody can find a team to play on no matter what level of skills they have, so you can have fun no matter what level you are.

C: Team sports always outshine solo sports.

4) body paragraph 3

DS#3: In this game you need quick thinking and prediction ahead,  just like playing chess.

E: Quick thinking can help your brain development.

E: You need to predict steps to make good passes to your teammate. We always get a lot cheers when team work together to make the goal.

C: Hockey is going to be a super fun game for smart kids who enjoyed thinking and strategy.

5) Conclusion Paragraph

Thesis: I think that Hockey is the most fun sport for kids.

(SD1,SD2,SD3): It is fast. It is not a solo sport. It is a team sport, and it makes you smarter.

Conclusion: That is why I think hockey is the most fun sport for kid in the WORLD!!!!


Phoebe Lv   10

Students should have 

longer break times

1) Introduction paragraph

Every school has different longer break times. At my school, we should have longer break times. If we have longer break times, we will have more time for getting ready for class. Even if the teacher last the class for too long, we also would have enough time for going to the restroom or getting a drink of water. Students would need longer break times in order to learn better. Longer break times would convince students to focus more in class.

2) Body paragraph #1

After class, we will need to get ready for the next class, so this gives us for the opportunity to get ready. When class time, students are still running around to get class materials, while if we have longer break times, we will have more time, so the teacher won’t be interrupted. Even if a student can’t find a book, they would have enough time to borrow a book from the teacher or a friend. If students have a problem, they can have time to fix before class.

3) Body paragraph #2

If its break time, and the teacher have something to say and delayed the class, we will still have time to prepare for class. For example: if we only have 5-10 minutes in break time, and the teacher lasts the class for 3 minutes, we won’t have enough time to let our brain have a break and get ready for class, while if we have 15-20 minutes break time, we will have time to go to rest room and get a drink of water.

4) Body paragraph #3

We will have a rest to our very tired brain and let it learn better in next class. If the teacher teaches us a very difficult lesson, we are able to digest these information quicker.

5) Conclusion

Long break times would convince students to focus more in class. Having longer break times help students learn better in class. We should have longer break times!


 一 个 小 彩 蛋 

7岁的Emily在Story Writing工作坊里,现场创造了一个城市。在她这个充满魔法的城市里,人们住在水瓶中,背包搭载着乘客,孩子们用电话作跷跷板玩耍...



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目前Storyland故事星球在上海有三个故事体验空间,配套三座英文图书馆,原创开发了Story Forest故事公园、SILC融合项目、StoryTeen等教育项目,同时也向社区及学校提供专业的阅读创意教育体系支持及培训。



