[E013]And the biggest secret is… two people already know all ……
摘自:【Yahoo News Digest】
And the biggest secret is… two people already know all the Oscars winners
For two days, from Friday until tonight’s Oscars are broadcast, Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz will be the only people who know the winners of the coveted[垂涎的;梦寐以求的] golden Oscar statuettes[小雕像], cinema’s most prestigious[有名望的;享有声望的] prizes. The two PriceWaterhouseCoopers[普华永道(全球四大会计事务所之一)] accountants have tallied up[总结;加一;结算] the votes of the 6,100-odd members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS)[电影艺术与科学学院], who choose the Oscar winners. The pair have a team of five or six people to help, but they make absolutely sure that no single person counts all the votes in a category, to ensure nobody but them knows any of the winners.
We print everything.
Brian Cullinan, Oscar vote counter, on how to avoid hackers
From the moment that the results are finalised[ 终结], and a set of envelopes is placed in each of two briefcases[公文包], both of them are escorted[护送] by armed guards until the start of the ceremony this evening. As a double fail-safe[自动防故障装置的], each of them memorises the category winners by heart, just in case. Nobody apart from the two of them knows the results.