
[E221]Emissions scandal: VW could start mass recall in January

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Emissions scandal: VW could start mass recall in January

Volkswagen[大众汽车]’s new boss says the company could start recalling[召回] the 11 million cars affected by the emissions scandal[排放丑闻] in January and they will all be fixed by the end of next year. Speaking to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper[法兰克福汇报], CEO Matthias Mueller also said only a few employees were involved in rigging[幕后操纵] emission levels on diesel engines[柴油发动机] at the German carmaker. Mr Mueller refuted[反驳,驳斥;驳倒] suggestions his predecessor[前任,前辈] Martin Winterkorn must have known about the practice. Mueller warned on Tuesday that VW faced “massive cutbacks[大规模的裁员]” as a result of the fall-out from the scandal.

This crisis gives us an opportunity to overhaul[彻底检修,详细检查] Volkswagen’s structures.

CEO Matthias Mueller

Mr Mueller told the newspaper VW will need to become smaller and less centralised[更松散;去中心化;分权], adding that every model and brand will be scrutinised[作仔细检查;细致观察] for its contribution to the company. He said he expects the company can “shine again” within two or three years. VW has said it will set aside[留出;驳回,撤销;不顾] €6.5bn (£4.9bn) to cover costs associated with the scandal. That sum is expected to grow considerably in the coming months as VW faces the prospect of legal action[法律诉讼] from regulators[监管部门] and drivers. The bill is also likely to be exacerbated[加重(病情,痛苦等);使…恶化] by falling sales. The company currently employs almost 600,000 people worldwide.

We want to make the company slimmer, more decentralised[分散;分权] and give the brands more responsibility.

CEO Matthias Mueller

