
[E229]VW scandal: Nine out of ten UK drivers want compensation,…

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

VW scandal: Nine out of ten UK drivers want compensation, survey finds

Nine out of 10[十分之九] Volkswagen[大众汽车] drivers in the UK whose vehicles could be affected by the diesel emissions scandal[柴油车排放的丑闻] think they should get compensation[得到补偿], according to a survey. Consumer group Which? found that out of more than 2,000 motorists[汽车司机] who own a VW diesel manufactured[制造;生产] between 2008 and 2015, 90% believe they should get compensation. Most (96%) said fuel efficiency[燃料效率;燃油效率] was an important factor when they bought the vehicle. And 90% said the environmental impact[环境影响] was an important consideration.

We have to make sure we regain the trust of our customers.

Volkswagen’s UK boss Paul Willis

Volkswagen’s UK boss Paul Willis - appear before the Commons environmental audit committee[众议院环境监察委员会] today - said earlier this week it was “premature[早产的;不成熟的;比预期早的]” to talk about compensation. He told the House of Commons[下议院] transport committee[运输委员会]: “We have to get our trust back. I think it’s premature to talk about loss of value. This is a very important issue, but it’s not a safety-related issue." But of those questioned, more than half said they would not buy a VW diesel in the future. Which? executive director[执行理事;常务董事] Richard Lloyd said: "Many VW owners tell us they decided to buy their car based on its efficiency and low environmental impact, so it’soutrageous[粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的] that VW aren’t being clear with their customers about how and when they will be compensated.”

Volkswagen UK must set out[出发;开始;陈述;陈列] an urgent timetable for redress[救济;赔偿;矫正] to the owners of the affected vehicles.

Which? executive director Richard Lloyd


Which? is a brand name used by the Consumers' Association. It exists to promote informed consumer choice in the purchase of goods and services, by testing products, highlighting inferior products or services, raising awareness of consumer rights and offering independent advice.

延伸阅读【Day 242】

[E221]Emissions scandal: VW could start mass recall in January


