

2016-08-15 LearnAndRecord

Chinese diver He Zi wins Olympic silver -- then gets a proposal on the podium



China's He Zi was caught off guard[1] by her boyfriend's dramatic proposal Sunday.

(CNN)Love is in the air at Rio 2016 -- and the world's top athletes are getting in on the act[2].

Just moments after receiving her silver medal in Sunday's 3-meter springboard event[(跳水)三米板项目/比赛], China's He Zi was asked to take a very different kind of plunge[3].

    The 25-year-old was met by boyfriend Qin Kai, a fellow Olympic diver, who bent low on one knee[单膝跪地] by the podium before offering up a box containing an engagement ring.

    She appeared shocked, and covered her mouth before Qin placed the ring on her finger and gave a "thumbs up" to the spectators[观众;旁观者].

    "We've been dating for over six years," He Zi told reporters.

    "I didn't know that he would propose today, and I didn't expect that I would marry myself out so early.

    "He (Qin) said a lot of things there at the podium. He made a lot of promises, but the thing that has touched me the most is that I think this is the guy I can trust for the rest of my life."

    Qin, a bronze medalist[铜牌获得者] in the men's synchronized 3-meter springboard[男子双人三米板], also gave his wife-to-be a red rose encased in glass.

    It's the second engagement[第二场求婚] to take place at a Rio Games venue, following that of Brazilian rugby player[巴西橄榄球运动员] Isadora Cerullo and girlfriend Marjorie Enya last Monday.

    But there was no ring on that occasion, as Enya used a gold ribbon[金缎带] to tie around Cerullo's finger.

    "The Olympic Games can look like closure but, for me, it's starting a new life with someone," Enya told the BBC. "I wanted to show people that love wins."



    [1]catch off guard 措手不及;吓到某人;使措手不及

    [2]get in on the act:If people want to get in on the act, they want to participate in something that is currently profitable or popular. 参与,插一手

    [3]take the plunge:to make a decision to do something, especially after thinking about it for a long time (尤指经过长时间考虑后)决心行动,打定主意

    They're finally taking the plunge and getting married.














