Humans cultivate wild bananas in Papua New Guinea.
[注]Papua New Guinea:巴布亚新几内亚,是南太平洋西部的一个岛国,是大洋洲第二大国。
Alexander the Great brings the first bananas to Europe.
[注]Alexander the Great一般指亚历山大大帝(马其顿国王、亚历山大帝国皇帝)
Middle Eastern soldiers name the fruit "banan."
Arabic for "finger"
Spanish missionaries bring bananas to the Caribbean.
Spanish settlers attempt to grow bananas in Florida.
Winter frosts make it impossible.
Americans first meet bananas at the World's Fair in Philadelphia.
[注]World's Fair in Philadelphia 费城世界博览会
The Boston Fruit Company rises to meet American demand.
It eventually becomes United Fruit.
And then Chiquita.
[注]Chiquita 金吉达创立自1899年总部设于美国辛辛那提市的金吉达Chiquita品牌国际有限公司,100多年来致力于将优质新鲜的果蔬美味体验带到世界各地。至今已为60多个国家的消费者提供新鲜、健康、美味的果蔬产品。并且将他们优质的香蕉带到了世界各地。
United Fruit takes over some government functions in Guatemala, leading to the term "banana republic."
[注]Guatemala 危地马拉(拉丁美洲国家)
Panama disease first arrives in Central America from somewhere in the South Pacific, threatening banana crops.
[注]Panama disease 巴拿马病;香蕉黄叶病
United Fruit expands to own ONE MILLION ACRES.
Jacobo Árbenz runs for president of Guatemala on a platform that includes banana workers' rights.
He wins.
[注]Jacobo Árbenz 哈科沃·阿本斯·古斯曼(1913年9月14日-1971年1月27日),前危地马拉总统。
Three years later, a CIA-led coup deposes him.
[注]depose:to remove someone important from a powerful position 罢免,使免职,使下台
Margaret Thatcher was deposed as leader of the British Conservative Party in 1991.
The BAY OF PIGS invasion,
funded in part by United Fruit,
FAILS to depose Fidel Castro in Cuba.
[注]Bay of Pigs 猪湾(古巴西南海岸的湾)
Fidel Castro 菲德尔·卡斯特罗,古巴政治家、军事家、革命家,古巴共产党、古巴共和国和古巴革命武装力量的主要创立者和领导人。
The Cavendish replaces the waning Gros Michel.
Supply floods the market.
Prices drop.
[注]Cavendish 香芽蕉香芽蕉(又称华蕉),是最常见的香蕉栽培品种。
Gros Michel 大米七香蕉又作大麦克香蕉(美国内常称为Big Mike),由于其没有果籽、外皮厚、外型诱人的特性,使它为美国的香蕉公司所欢迎,是1950年代前入口美国的主要香蕉栽培品种。
wane:to become weaker in strength or influence 衰减;减弱
By the late seventies the band's popularity was beginning to wane.
Panama disease begins to infect Cavendish crops in Asia.
The USDA calls bananas America's favorite fresh fruit.
Americans eat 10 pounds per person per year.
[注]USDA:美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture)
Researchers keep looking for a banana that's immune to disease and can meet global demand.