
鲍勃·迪伦玩起了失踪?诺贝尔奖官方至今联系不上他 [E515]

2016-10-18 LearnAndRecord

Nobel panel gives up knockin’ on Dylan’s door


The Guardian


The Swedish Academy says it has given up trying to reach Bob Dylan, days after it awarded him the Nobel prize in literature.

在鲍勃· 迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖的几天以后,瑞典皇家科学院表示他们已经放弃联系迪伦了。

“Right now we are doing nothing. I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator[最亲密的伙伴] and received very friendly replies. For now, that is certainly enough,” the academy’s permanent secretary[常务秘书]Sara Danius, told state radio SR on Monday.

“现在我们什么都做不了。我给他最亲密的合作人打了电话,也发了电子邮件,并且收到了非常友好的回复。就目前而言,这已经足够了,”瑞典皇家科学院的常任秘书沙拉· 丹尼斯,本周一告诉国家电台。

So far the American troubadour[游吟诗人(因11–13世纪法国的巡回表演者而得名);抒情诗人] has responded with silence since he won the prize on Thursday.


He gave a concert in Las Vegas[拉斯维加斯] that very night, but made no mention of the accolade[荣誉,嘉奖].


In what may have been a veiled[1] allusion[2] to his long-term reputation for what some have called perversity[3], and others an admirably dogged[4] persistence in forging his own path, Dylan’s set[5] ended with a cover of Frank Sinatra’s Why Try to Change Me Now.


So – as a famous Dylan song may have put it to the Nobel committee – how does it feel?


I am not at all worried,” said Danius. “I think he will show up.”


Every 10 December, Nobel prize winners are invited to Stockholm to receive their awards from King Carl XVI Gustaf[瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫] and to give a speech during a banquet.


If he doesn’t want to come, he won’t come. It will be a big party in any case and the honour belongs to him,” said Danius.


Dylan, 75, whose lyrics have influenced generations of fans, is the first songwriter to win the literature prize. Other contenders included Salman Rushdie, Syrian poet Adonis and Kenyan writer Ngugi wa Thiong’o.


The award caused some controversy, particularly among writers arguing that the literary merits of Dylan’s work are not equal to those of some of his peers.


Referring to the American snack firm, Lebanese[黎巴嫩] novelist Rabih Alameddine tweeted: “Bob Dylan winning a Nobel in Literature is like Mrs Fields[(曲奇饼干)] being awarded 3 Michelin stars[6].”

谈到美国小吃公司,黎巴嫩小说家Rabih Alameddine在推特上提到:“鲍勃·迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖,就像菲尔兹夫人(世界知名曲奇饼干品牌)被授予米其林三星。

The French Moroccan[摩洛哥] writer Pierre Assouline was even more irate[愤怒的], describing the decision “contemptuous of[对…蔑视] writers”.

法国摩洛哥作家Pierre Assouline更加愤怒,称这个决定是“蔑视作家”。

Other authors were more ambivalent[(心情)矛盾的;模棱两可的,含糊不定的]. On Monday, Karl Ove Knausgaard[挪威作家卡尔•克瑙斯嘉德] told the Guardian: “I’m very divided. I love that the novel committee opens up for other kinds of literature – lyrics and so on. I think that’s brilliant. But knowing that Dylan is the same generation as Pynchon[品钦], Philip Roth[菲利普·罗斯], Cormac McCarthy[科马克·麦卡锡], makes it very difficult for me to accept it. I think one of those three should have had it, really. But if they get it next year, it will be fine.”

其他作者更矛盾。周一,卡尔Ove Knausgaard告诉《卫报》:“我很矛盾。我喜欢小说委员会开辟了其他类型的文学——歌词以及其他。我认为这很棒。但是知道迪伦和代品钦、菲利普·罗斯、科马克•麦卡锡是同一时代的人,这使我很难接受。我认为那三个人更应该拥有诺贝尔奖,说真的。但是如果他们三人明年得奖,那就没事了。”

Dylan’s songwriting peer and friend Leonard Cohen suggested on Thursday that no prizes were necessary to recognise the greatness of the man who transformed pop music with records like Highway 61 Revisited. “To me,” he said, “[the Nobel] is like pinning a medal on Mount Everest for being the highest mountain.”


Dylan has toured consistently since 1988, and concludes his current leg on 23 November – so at least the musician will be free on the date of the Nobel’s big bash[盛大的聚会;盛典].


As to whether he will attend, however, the answer is blowing in the wind.




[1]veiled:Veiled words or ways of behaving are not direct or expressed clearly. 不明言的;含蓄的;掩饰的

a veiled reference/threat/warning


a thinly veiled attack on his abilities as a leader


[2]allusion:something that is said or written that is intended to make you think of a particular thing or person 影射,暗指;典故

The film is full of allusions to Hitchcock.


Her novels are packed with literary allusions.


[3]perversity:a determination to behave in an unreasonable way, especially by doing the opposite of what is expected or wanted 倔强;任性,刚愎

[4]dogged:very determined to do something, even if it is very difficult 下定决心的,坚决的

Her ambition and dogged determination ensured that she rose to the top of her profession.



[6]Michelin stars

米其林是历史悠久的专门评点餐饮行业的法国权威鉴定机构,1900年米其林轮胎的创办人出版了一本供旅客在旅途中选择餐厅的指南,即《米其林红色宝典》 此后每年翻新推出的《米其林红色宝典》被“美食家”奉为至宝,被誉为欧洲的美食圣经,后来,它开始每年为法国的餐馆评定星级。











