
特朗普揭晓“百日新政”: 退出TPP?

2016-11-22 LearnAndRecord


In a new Transition Team video released on Monday, President-elect Donald J. Trump updated the American people on his “putting America First” plans from day one of his presidency to the 100th day, including executive actions and policy matters.


Today, I would like to provide the American people with an update on the White House transition and our policy plans for the first 100 days.

Our transition team is working very smoothly, efficiently, and effectively.  Truly great and talented men and women, patriots indeed are being brought in and many will soon be a part of our government, helping us to Make America Great Again.

My agenda will be based on a simple core principle[核心原则]: putting America First.


Whether it’s producing steel, building cars, or curing disease, I want the next generation of production and innovation to happen right here, in our great homeland: America – creating wealth and jobs for American workers.


As part of this plan, I’ve asked my transition team to develop a list of executive actions we can take on day one to restore our laws and bring back our jobs.  It’s about time.

These include the following:

On trade, I am going to issue our notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potential disaster for our country.  Instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back onto American shores.




TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement),即为跨太平洋伙伴关系协定,是目前重要的国际多边经济谈判组织。前身是跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement,P4)。是由亚太经济合作组织成员国中的新西兰、新加坡、智利和文莱四国发起,从2002年开始酝酿的一组多边关系的自由贸易协定,原名亚太自由贸易区,旨在促进亚太地区的贸易自由化。




On energy, I will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy – including shale energy[页岩能源] and clean coal – creating many millions of high-paying jobs.  That’s what we want, that’s what we’ve been waiting for.


On regulation, I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated, it’s so important.


On national security, I will ask the Department of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff[美国参谋长联席会议主席] to develop a comprehensive plan to protect America’s vital infrastructure from cyber-attacks, and all other form of attacks.


On immigration, I will direct the Department of Labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American worker.


On ethics reform, as part of our plan to Drain the Swamp, we will impose a five-year ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists[说客] after they leave the Administration – and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.



Drain the swamp

"Drain the swamp" originally means to get rid of the malaria-carrying mosquitoes by draining the swamp. Figuratively, "drain the swamp" means "to exterminate something that is harmful" or anything that most of the people hate such as corruption or government waste. This term is especially attractive for politicians during campaign.


These are just a few of the steps we will take to reform Washington and rebuild our middle class.

I will provide more updates in the coming days, as we work together to Make America Great Again for everyone and I mean everyone.








