Cyber Security Summit 2017 wraps up in Beijing
前两天,以“安全新秩序 连接新机遇”为主题的第三届中国互联网安全领袖峰会(Cyber Security Summit 2017,简称“CSS2017”)在京召开。来自全球的顶尖安全专家就金融安全、大数据与云安全、人工智能与安全伦理、安全法治治理、智能硬件与物联网安全等多个议题探讨全新环境和形势下网络安全的新秩序构建、安全连接数字经济的新发展机遇。
The two-day China Cyber Security Summit 2017 has wrapped up[1] in Beijing. The participants discussed how to respond to cyber security threats and establish effective mechanisms to tackle emergencies.
[1]wrap up:If you wrap up something such as a job or an agreement, you complete it in a satisfactory way. 圆满完成,圆满结束(工作、协议等)
NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today...
More than 5,000 representatives from over 500 companies attended the summit, including Kevin D. Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker, Vladimir Dashchenko, cyber security expert with the Kaspersky lab and Ellen Richey, vice president of Visa.
CSS2017吸引到了包括“世界头号传奇黑客”Kevin Mitnick、IBM全球首席资讯安全架构师Chenta Lee、中国电子科技集团公司总工程师吴曼青院士、国际支付巨头Visa副董事长兼首席风险官Ellen Richey(艾睿琪)、卡巴斯基实验室安全专家Vladimir Dashchenko等全球顶尖安全专家和精英到场共议全球最前沿的安全议题。
The theme of the summit was "Establishing New Order and Connecting New Opportunities".
Some top industry insiders spoke at the event.
Ren Yuxin, chief operating officer of Tencent, a major Internet company in China, noted that cyber attacks have become globalized and normalized, and a bigger threat to the digital economy.
"Cyber security has become the nervous system of the digital economy. Last year, 1,800 incidents of data leakage happened in China with 1.4 billion records. And Chinese web users' economic losses caused by spam[2] messages, data leakage and fraud messages reached nearly 91.5 billion yuan (about 13.7 billion US dollars)," said Ren.
[2]spam: unwanted email, usually advertisements 垃圾邮件(通常指广告)
...a small group of people fighting the spam plague.
Spam is also a verb.
向…群发垃圾邮件 In computing, to spam people or organizations means to send unwanted e-mails to a large number of them, usually as advertising.
...programs that let you spam the newspapers.
In the digital economy era, instead of hardware, digital assets, clients' privacy, and core client data have become major targets of cyber attacks.
China implemented its first Cyber Security Law in June. Gao Lin, deputy director of Cyber Security Coordination Bureau at China's Cyberspace Administration, urged all parties to follow the rules, while addressing the event.
"Protecting cyber security is an important responsibility of the entire society. Important industries, Internet operating companies, experts, and web users should all work to facilitate the implementation of the law," said Gao.
But one industry insider[3] said smooth implementation still takes some time.
[3]insider: An insider is someone who is involved in a situation and who knows more about it than other people. 知情人;了解内幕者;消息灵通人士
According to insiders, the committee is having difficulty making up its mind.
"As the new law is now still in its initial period of implementation, it sometimes doesn't work with some other related laws and regulations, and it confuses us sometimes. So, we hope the government will publish some forward-looking policies to solve problems fundamentally," said Ding Ke, vice president of Tencent.
The organizers also invited top global industry insiders to discuss cyber security in the finance sector, big data and cloud, and artificial intelligence.