

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Seat selection available for bullet train passengers

Starting Thursday, passengers will be able to select seats when buying bullet train tickets online, China Railway Corp said.

When entering the ticket purchase page on 12306.cn or the mobile phone application, passengers can choose seats before submitting payment. If the available seats do not meet customers' preferences, the system will automatically choose a seat instead.


The railway department launched a pilot trial service to allow passengers to choose their seats on the bullet train in the round-island high-speed rail in South China's Hainan province in December of 2016.


According to a statement released by China Railway Corp, passengers can log on to 12306.cn, the national railway official website, for further information.

You Can Now Choose Seats on China's High-Speed Trains

Woo hoo! China Railway's official high-speed train booking services are finally offering passengers the option to choose specific seats, which is sure to be welcome news for all you travelers out there who strictly identify as either a window or an aisle* seat kind of person. (Or middle seat too, if you're some sort of masochist*).

*aisle seat 靠走道座位

aisle:a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, cinema, or church (客机、电影院或教堂座席间的)走廊,过道

Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?


*masochist ['mæsəkɪst] a person who gets pleasure from being hurt by another person 受虐狂者;被虐待狂

The option, currently available on the official railway ticketing website (12306.cn) and mobile app, will be especially useful for groups who want to travel and sit together. 

The seat selection option will be available for bullet train services starting with the letters C, D and G.






