

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

俄罗斯卫星网11月17日报道称,经营日本筑波快线(Tsukuba Express)的首都圈新都市铁道公司向乘客表达了歉意,原因竟然是列车提前20秒离站。



Japanese Train Leaves 20 Seconds Early. Cue the Abject Apologies.

The New York Times

TOKYO — It may have been the most profusely[十分慷慨的;毫不吝惜的] regretted 20 seconds in history.


Living up to Japan's reputation for being precise as well as contrite[1], a train company in Tokyo delivered a formal apology on Tuesday because one of its trains left a station just 20 seconds early.


[1]contrite:feeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done 悔罪的,悔悟的,痛悔的

a contrite apology 深感悔悟的道歉

In a country where conductors will beg forgiveness when a train is even a minute late, the Metropolitan Intercity Railway Company posted an apology on its website Tuesday for "the severe inconvenience imposed upon our customers" when the No. 5255 Tsukuba Express train left Minami-Nagareyama station in Chiba, a suburban prefecture east of Tokyo, at 9:44:20 a.m., instead of as scheduled at 9:44:40 a.m.

在这个国家,即使列车晚点一分钟,列车长也会恳求原谅。本该在早上9:44:40发车的5255次筑波快线于9:44:20时从位于东京东郊千叶县南流山车站(Minami-Nagareyama station)发车,首都圏新都市铁道株式会社(Metropolitan Intercity Railway Company)周二在公司网站上为“给乘客带来巨大不便”而道歉。

According to the statement, the train arrived at Minami-Nagareyama on time, at precisely 9:43:40 a.m. But when it came time to leave, the overeager[2] crew closed the doors prematurely and pulled out of the station ahead of schedule. According to Metropolitan Intercity, no passengers missed the train or complained about the jump-start.


[2]overeager: too eager 过于热切的;过于渴望的 

Banks, he said, had been overeager to give out loans. 


The effusive apology was in keeping with a culture where an ice cream company ran a television advertisement to express regret for raising the price of an ice cream bar by 10 yen last spring.


As the foreign news media began to cover[3] the news Thursday, observers abroad expressed envy on Twitter at the trainspotting exactitude.


[3]cover: to report the details of an event for a newspaper or a television or radio programme 报道

I'd just returned from covering the Cambodian war. 


The Japanese were bemused by the foreign fascination.


"People overseas are half amazed and praised Japan but even Japanese would laugh at this," a user with the handle @gaishi_black wrote on Twitter.


According to one article this month on the Gendai Business website, Tsukuba Express, which carries 130 million passengers a year, markets its "safety and high speed." The article listed what it described as "concerning" incidents from earlier in the year, including two cases of trains stopping in the wrong position and an episode where customers were stuck in elevators at a station for 30 minutes.

本月“现代商业”(Gendai Business)网站上有一篇关于筑波快线的文章,这个年载客1.3亿人的铁路公司宣传自己“安全、高速”。文章列出了今年早些时候以来一些所谓“令人担忧”的事件,包括两起列车停站位置错误以及一起乘客被困车站电梯30分钟的事件。

Thursday's microscopically[微小的;细小的] early train passed with no apparent impact other than a few laughs on social media, unlike a deadly crash in 2005 that killed more than 100 passengers when the train driver began speeding to make up for a lost 90 seconds in the schedule.







