

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Large oil field discovered in Xinjiang

URUMQI -- An oil company announced Thursday that it had found a conglomerate[砾岩;企业集团] oil field with an estimated one-billion-tonne reserve in the Junggar Basin[准噶尔盆地]in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The oil field in the Mahu Area[玛湖地区], with a proven reserve[探明储量] of 520 million tonnes, may store up to 1.24 billion tonnes, according to the PetroChina Xinjiang branch.

Tang Yong, a geologist with PetroChina that is a leading oil producer in the country, said the area had the natural conditions for another one-billion-tonne reserve discovery.

New oil production capacity of 1.38 million tonnes has been built in the area over the past two years. Over six million tonnes of new capacity has been planned for 2016 to 2020.

中新网新疆哈密12月1日电 1日,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所与新疆哈密市人民政府在哈密市召开新闻发布会,对十余年野外科考工作进行成果发布:大量3D翼龙蛋和胚胎化石在哈密发现,这也是全球首次发现3D翼龙胚胎。

Over 200 pterosaur[翼龙]eggs found in Xinjiang

215 fossilized pterosaur eggs that lived more than 100 million years ago have been unearthed in Hami, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, with 16 of them first found with three-dimension preserved embryos[3D胚胎] inside, the paper.cn reported.

According to the new discovery published Friday on US journal Science, the fossilized pterosaur eggs were found in a three-meter-long sandstone block in the newly described "trove[1] of pterosaur eggs" in Hami, by a team formed by Chinese and Brazil researchers during a long field survey lasting from 2006 to 2017. Before this, three pterosaur eggs that held well-developed embryos had been unearthed separately in China and Argentina.

[1]trove: treasure-trove,a group of valuable or interesting things or pieces of information, or the place where they are  有价值的物品[信息];藏宝地,宝库

Our Science Shop is a treasure trove of curiosities and gadgets. 


"The place's been found rich in fossilized pterosaur and pterosaur eggs since the first 3D preserved pterosaur egg was discovered," said Wang Xiaolin, a paleontologist[古生物学家] at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology[2] affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, who leads the team.

[2]the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (abbreviated to IVPP; Chinese: 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所)is a prominent research institution and collections repository for fossils, including many dinosaur and pterosaur specimens (many from the Yixian Formation). As its name suggests, research is focused on both paleontological topics and those relating to human prehistory.

In 2014, Wang and his team had uncovered the fossil remains of male and female pterosaurs known as Hamipterus tianshanensis[天山哈密翼龙] in Hami, which now is the world's largest pterosaur egg collection ever found. According to Wang, at least one fossilized pterosaur could be found per square meter in the region.

中科院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所汪筱林研究员率领的国际合作团队详细研究了哈密地区发现的约40个同一属种的雌雄翼龙个体和它们的5枚蛋化石,并把它们命名为:天山哈密翼龙(Hamipterus tianshanensis)。


To look into the embryos, the scientists used a computed tomography (CT) scanner [计算机断层扫描仪], a machine that takes hundreds of X-rays and then arranges them in a virtual 3D image.

It showed that none of the 16 embryos had a full set of pterosaur bones, likely because pieces were lost over the years due to storms and floods.

But it also revealed that the little pterosaurs had well-developed thigh bone[股骨], suggesting that the reptiles[爬行动物] could walk shortly after hatching and probably needed their parents to take care of them.








