

2017-12-22 LearnAndRecord


Apple admits slowing older iPhones, says it's to prevent battery issues


If you think your older iPhone seems to run slower, you're not crazy.

Apple on Wednesday said a software feature released last year makes your phone operate more slowly to offset[1] problems with its aging lithium ion battery. As batteries get older, they don't hold their charges as well as newer batteries, and can have worse problems when the charge is low or the temperature is cold.



1)if the cost or amount of something offsets another cost or amount, the two things have an opposite effect so that the situation remains the same  补偿,抵销

Cuts in food prices will be offset by direct payments to farmers. 


offset sth against sth

He was able to offset his travel expenses against tax. 


2)to make something look better by being close to it and different


His blonde hair offset a deep tan. 


The aging battery means your phone could have trouble operating or might unexpectedly shut down, like happened to the iPhone 6 and 6S last year. The processors in those devices wanted to hit faster speeds, but their batteries couldn't handle the demand, prompting some phones to simply switch themselves off.

如果供电量不能满足手机处理器所需电量或者天气很冷,苹果手机会自动关机,这会对手机产生严重影响。去年iPhone 6和iPhone 6S等机型经常自动关机。

To address that, Apple's iOS software, starting with last year's iOS 10.2.1, included better power management capabilities, the company says. The operating system slows down your device to prevent it from shutting down, Apple says, but only in cases of cold temperature, a low battery charge or very old batteries.

因此,苹果公司去年发布的iOS 10.2.1系统对电池的供电模式进行了调整,通过减缓手机的反应速度来防止手机突然关机。

Last year's software applied to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, 6S and 6S Plus and SE. This year's iOS 11.2 extended the feature to the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. It will be applied to other Apple devices in the future.

iOS 10.2.1系统适用于iPhone 6、6 Plus、6S、6S Plus和SE机型。iOS 11.2系统将这一模式扩展到了iPhone 7和7 Plus等机型。

Apple said in a statement:

"Our goal is to deliver the best experience for customers, which includes overall performance and prolonging the life of their devices. Lithium-ion batteries become less capable of supplying peak current demands when in cold conditions, have a low battery charge or as they age over time, which can result in the device unexpectedly shutting down to protect its electronic components. 

Last year we released a feature for iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone SE to smooth out[2] the instantaneous peaks only when needed to prevent the device from unexpectedly shutting down during these conditions. We've now extended that feature to iPhone 7 with iOS 11.2, and plan to add support for other products in the future."


[2]smooth out: to reduce the difficulties or changes in a process or situation 消除,缓和 

By investing small amounts regularly, you can smooth out the effects of sudden rises and falls in the stock market. 


The statement from Apple came in response to a report from earlier this week from Primate Labs, the company behind the Geekbench processor benchmarking software. John Poole, founder of the organization, said in a blog post that processors in iPhones slow down and decrease in performance as batteries age and lose capacity. Poole explained that users expect their phones to perform the same regardless of how old the battery is, but his tests indicated that wasn't the case.

苹果公司发布声明之前,美国软件速度检测公司“灵长实验室”(Primate Labs)发布报告称,随着苹果手机电池的老化,其处理器速度也在变慢,不过这不合常理,因为电池的老化可能会造成其供电能力的不足,但不应造成处理器速度变慢。

iPhone users have long complained their devices seem to slow down when new models are released. Some have said they believe it to be effort by Apple (and other tech companies) to purposely hamper the performance in order to get users to buy new models. Apple has long denied this assertion.

For some people, the solution to a slower, older iPhone may be updating its battery instead of purchasing a brand new device. Apple charges $79 to replace the battery of an iPhone that's no longer covered by a warranty.


英文来源:CNET http://t.cn/RTB3NEv







